

单词 Uruk
释义 Uruk AHDˈu̇rək COCA⁸¹²⁶⁶BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
n.乌鲁克在伊拉克;东经 45º39' 北纬 31º19'
All damage dealt to players by this attack heals the Uruk.
玩家所受到的伤害会治愈强兽人。 www.57yx.com

The scene with the Uruk-hai before the Battle for Helms Deep starts, where they stomp their spears into the ground, was inspired by the same act the stunt men would do between takes to pass time.
圣盔谷之战开始之前,强兽人踩着他们的茅前进的镜头,是受到特级替身演员们的启发,他们在拍摄之余为了消磨时间经常做这个动作。 moviepub

Gilgamesh was apparently a historical character, an actual king of Uruk but the story of course has fantastic and legendary qualities to it.
吉尔伽美什在历史上,是乌鲁克的国王,但是这系列故事,具有史诗般的传奇色彩。 v.163.com

He was the king of Uruk, a city in southern Mesopotamia, who sought immortality by searching for the “ Stairway to Heaven and the abode of the Gods.”
他是乌鲁克的国王,乌鲁克是南美索不达米亚的一个城市,他通过寻找“通往天国的阶梯和神的住所”来寻求不朽。 blog.sina.com.cn

Stage3 begins when the Uruk reaches10% health.
当强兽人只剩下10%的血液的时候,第三阶段开始。 www.57yx.com

The theory that the modern name of Iraq could be possibly derived from the name Uruk is not proven.
有理论表明,今天“伊拉克”这个名字很可能是源自于“乌鲁克”,但未被证实。 cnufo.com

Will drop one Uruk Lieutenant uniform when slain.
死后会掉落一件强兽人中尉制服。 bbs.178.com

Uruk represents one of the world's first cities, with a dense population.
乌鲁克代表了世界上最早的城市之一,人口稠密。 cnufo.com




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