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词汇 URLs
释义 URLsCOCA⁷⁹¹⁵⁹
abbr.资源定位符Uniform Resource Locators原型url的复数 A difference is that they work on URLs instead of tables, stored procedures and other database objects.
不同之处在于它们处理的是 URL,而不是表、存储过程和其他数据库对象。 ibm

A later section describes how to associate these URLs with buttons on the form.
后面的章节中将讲述如何将这些 URL与表单中按钮关联。 ibm

If you log in, you can browse around the API at your leisure; all URLs in the examples below will work in your browser.
成功登录后,您可以在空闲时浏览这个 API,以下示例中的所有 URL都能在您的浏览器中工作。 ibm

The solution is to tell the search engines to group both URLs together using a301 redirect from one to the other.
解决方法是利用一个301重定向告诉搜索引擎将这两个 URL地址捆绑起来,使它们互相指向。 yeeyan

Another option is to use different testing software that can handle dynamic URLs.
另一个选项是使用可以处理动态 URL的不同测试软件。 ibm

But I’m excited. I’ve watched URLs change over the years.
但我也很激动,这些年来我有观察到 URL的改变。 yeeyan

Enter your list of trusted domains or URLs, delimited by commas.
输入受信任域或 URL列表,使用逗号进行分隔。 ibm

For example, using embedded file: URLs to return UNIX password files or other privileged data to the attacker.
例如,使用嵌入的文件:向攻击者返回 UNIX密码文件或其他特权数据的 URL。 ibm

If these debug URLs work, try displaying the store that you have published using the proxy server's host name.
如果这些调试 URL能够正常工作,请尝试使用代理服务器的主机名来显示您发布的存储。 ibm

In order to display them, you must define new portal URLs and associate them with the new virtual portals.
为了显示这些新页面,您必须定义新的门户 URL,并把它们与新的虚拟门户关联。 ibm

Instead of converting your entire site to static URLs, pick the pages you want to index by a crawler.
代替将整个站点转换为静态 URL,您可以挑选一些希望爬行器建立索引的页面。 ibm

Resource URLs with the default PAGE cacheability contain a lot of specific information about other components in the portal, which in many cases is not needed within the resource request.
具有缺省 PAGE缓存能力的资源 URL包含大量有关门户中的其他组件的特定信息,在许多情况下,资源请求中不需要这些信息。 ibm

So far, you have now created both the virtual portals and mapped new URLs to them.
到此为止,您已创建了两个虚拟门户并把新的 URL映射到它们上。 ibm

So, if you paste any of those URLs into your browser, you might wonder why you got an error.
所以,如果您将这些 URL粘贴到浏览器中,肯定会纳闷自己怎么得到了错误呢。 ibm

The example will deal with security, which means you'll apply security rules to the REST resources by securing URLs.
这个示例处理安全性问题,这意味着您将通过保护 URL把安全规则应用到 REST资源。 ibm

The product should allow compression of files delivered from specific directories and URLs.
该产品应该允许压缩来自特定目录和 URL的文件。 ibm

These elements specify the URLs to the list feed of the worksheet, cell feed, visualization endpoint, and edit endpoint.
这些元素为工作表的列表提要、单元格提要、可视化端点和编辑端点指定 URL。 ibm

This includes URLs, information about method names, argument types, and so on.
这包括 URL,以及有关方法名称、变量类型等信息。 ibm

Topic prefix name is a map, defining a set of prefixes and the URLs associated with these prefixes.
主题前缀名是一个映射,将定义一组前缀及与这些前缀关联的 URL。 ibm

Using URLs is not bad in itself, but it can create confusion if the URLs lead to nowhere.
使用 URL本身并没有坏处,但是如果 URL什么地方也不指向,就可能造成混乱。 ibm

Well the above methods do exactly this and they work with both server relative and absolute URLs.
那么上面的方法做的正是这一点,他们既相对和绝对 URL服务器的工作。 cnblogs

What you need to do, in short, is to generate a list of page references URLs for a crawler to fetch.
简而言之,我们需要做的就是生成一个页面引用列表 URL,爬虫程序通过这个列表获取信息。 ibm

While both of these URLs may resolve to the same website, they are actually different website addresses in the eyes of the search engines.
这两个 URL地址都可以被解析到相同的站点,但它们在搜索引擎眼中是两个完全不同的网站地址。 yeeyan

While this query simply returns a list of titles, names, and URLs, a more complex query could extract all of the data present in the matched items.
虽然这个查询只是返回标题、名称和 URL的列表,但是更复杂的查询可以从匹配项目提取出所有数据。 ibm

You can use this functionality to do other things, such as turn URLs found in titles into hyperlinks.
利用这个功能还可以做一些其他的事情,比如将标题中的 URL转为超链接。 ibm

You can then create user friendly URLs, which can be mapped to any specific page in any of the content roots.
于是您可以创建用户友好 URL,该 URL可以被映射到位于任意上下文根的任何特定页面。 ibm

You can easily adapt these examples to your own project by replacing the project, server, and user names in the commands and URLs that are shown.
您可以很容易地对这些示例进行改编,通过使用提供的命令和 URL来替换项目、服务器和用户名,来应用于您的项目。 ibm

You may well not be able to take your content and data with you and even if you can, all your URLs are broken.
你将不能把你网上的内容和数据带走。而且即使你可以这样做,你的链接地址也将被破坏。 yeeyan

You need to own your URLs.
你需要拥有你的链接地址。 yeeyan




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