

单词 urine
释义 u·rine 英ˈjʊərɪn美ˈjʊrɪnAHDy‹rʹĭn ★★☆☆☆高ST四八COCA¹⁰³⁷⁸BNC⁷⁴¹¹iWeb⁵²⁰⁹Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

U 尿

waste liquid which collects in the bladder and discharged from the body

liquid excretory product;

there was blood in his urine

the child had to make water

来自 PIE*uers,下雨,流水,流乳,词源同 Uranus,udder.委婉语指小便,比较 whore.
用作名词 n.
动词+~pass one's urine解小便
ur-ine化学物质⇒n.尿⁹⁶;小便近义词 pee小便water水piss撒尿…weewee尿piddle做无聊事
用作名词n.These wastes are finally eliminated from the body in theurine.这些废物最后从尿中排出。Purine-mucoid尿粘液样物

用作名词The bladder collectsurine.膀胱能储存尿液。
Someone believes that a baby'surineis a kind of medicine.有人相信婴儿的尿是一种药。
The kidneys secreteurine.肾脏是分泌尿液的器官。
The little boy couldn't contain hisurineany longer.小男孩的小便急得憋不住了。as in.excrement
同义词 droppings,dung,feces,manurechips,discharge,evacuation,excreta,excretion,ordure,perspiration,secretion,stool,sweatbody waste,egesta,fecal matter,poo,waste matter
excrementnoun waste from the body
body waste,chips,discharge,droppings,dung,egesta,evacuation,excreta,excretion,fecal matter,feces,manure,ordure,perspiration,poo,secretion,stool,sweat,waste matter He passed blood in his urine again yesterday.

IT IS Alan Bennett, and his“The Madness of King George”, who is to blame for the image of George III as a cartoon of inherited malady, all purple urine and verbal spasm.
应该责怪的是艾伦•贝内特以及他的《乔治国王的疯狂》,因为他而有了乔治三世遗传腐败作风的卡通形象,紫红色尿精神失常以及言辞混乱。 ecocn

Over the next several days, he drank his own urine to stay hydrated and experimented with the idea of amputating his arm with a pocketknife, but he had no way of sawing through two bones in his arm.
此后几天,他只好喝自己的尿,以免脱水,同时也在脑子里反复盘算一个念头:用刀子切断胳膊!可是没有锯子,他想不出用什么办法才能弄断手臂里面的那两根骨头。 yeeyan

They wither when they are not filtering blood and producing urine.
不能持续过滤血液和产生尿液,肾脏就会衰退。 ecocn

Allergens come from dander, saliva, and urine, not from hair.
过敏原来自皮屑、唾液、尿液,而非毛发。 yeeyan

Because blood and urine are packed with these compounds, it should be possible to detect and analyse them.
由于血液和尿液中充满了这些化合物,所以对他们检测和分析是可行的。 ecocn

Because caffeine acts as a diuretic, increasing the amount of calcium excreted in urine.
因为咖啡因有利尿的作用,这使得通过尿排出的钙质更多。 yeeyan

Because coffee is a diuretic, the urine removes calcium from the body that must be replaced.
因为咖啡是一种利尿剂,尿从身体里排出了钙,而钙必须要补回去。 yeeyan

Could it have been urine after all?
那有没有可能就是尿液呢? yeeyan

Even if one could filter out most of the unwanted products in urine, the cycle would not be sustainable for long.
即使有办法过滤掉尿液中大部分的有害物,这种循环也不可能维持太长时间。 yeeyan

Half of all people cannot smell it, about 15 percent find it woody or floral, and the rest think it smells like stale urine.
一半的人讨厌这种味道,15%的人认为它的味道类似于木头或花,其余的人觉得它闻起来像放久的尿。 blog.sina.com.cn

He says there are biological bacteria that could turn waste into compost; he talks about the possibility of toilets actually turning urine into drinking water.
他还谈论了有的生物细菌可以把粪便转化成肥料,以及建设可以将尿液转化为饮用水的厕所的可能性。 yeeyan

If significant exposure is believed to have occurred, you should discuss with your family doctor whether urine mercury tests should be conducted for the people who use the area the most.
如果认为接触了大量的水银,你应当与你的家庭医生讨论是否需要给使用该区域最多的人测试尿汞。 yeeyan

In an effort to recreate early experiments, the author collects his urine and roasts the residue for phosphorus, again without any luck.
在努力重建早期实验中,作者收集了自己的尿液,烘烤其残留物以便得到磷,再次失之交臂。 ecocn

Is there any blood in your stool urine, sputum?
你的大便里尿里,痰里有血吗? ebigear

IT IS Alan Bennett, and his“The Madness of King George” , who is to blame for the image of George III as a cartoon of inherited malady, all purple urine and verbal spasm.
正是由于编剧艾伦•班尼特和他的电影《疯狂的乔治王》,使得乔治三世被塑造成为荧幕上那个尿液泛紫,口出秽语、行事疯狂而不能自制的形象。 ecocn

Later this year the urine and blood samples from the Danish puberty study will be tested for this chemical.
今年底,丹麦青春期研究中的尿以及血液样本将会接受这种化学物质的测试。 yeeyan

Most of the secrets, by the way, are not nearly as torturous as running marathons or drinking urine.
大多数的秘密,顺便说一下,并不是如同跑马拉松或者是喝尿那般折磨人的。 yeeyan

My urine and excrement are recycled by a system of ducts, pipes, wires, plants, and marsh- microbes, and redeemed into water and food which I can eat.
由众多的导管、管线、植物和沼泽微生物构成的系统回收了我的尿液和粪便,并将其还原成水和食物供我食用。 yeeyan

Next he plans to test the urine of people who have endured horrible pain—such as traffic- accident victims— to see if their bodies spiked morphine levels.
下一步他计划测试那些忍受可怕疼痛人们的尿液--如交通意外受害人--看他们体内到底能产生多大量吗啡。 yeeyan

Recycled meth wasn't as pure a dose, but a batch of good urine still got him five hours once.
循环使用的甲安菲他明不如纯的剂量,但是曾经一泡好尿仍然使他兴奋了五个小时。 yeeyan

Schistosomiasis is diagnosed through the detection of parasite eggs in stool or urine specimens.
血吸虫病的诊断方法是,检测粪便或尿液标本中寄生虫卵。 who

Since adult males are sexually mature, they excrete higher concentrations of the male sex hormone testosterone in their urine.
由于成年雄猴性发育成熟,所以它们排出的尿液中所含雄性激素睾丸素的浓度更高。 yeeyan

Watch the color of your urine when you go to the bathroom.
可以在去洗手间的时候注意下自己尿液的颜色。 yeeyan

Urine is discarded out into space.
尿液则丢弃到太空之中。 yeeyan

Urine was used for tanning leather and in the making of saltpetre, an important component of gunpowder.
小便被用来硝制皮革及制作硝酸铵,同时也是火药的一种重要成分。 yeeyan




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