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urge·s 英ɜːdʒ美ɜːrdʒ COCA¹⁵⁸¹⁶BNC¹⁶⁶⁰³Economist⁷²⁵² 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 vt.驱策⁹;鼓励¹⁴;催促¹⁸;力陈²vi.极力主张⁸n.冲动⁴⁷;强烈愿望²原型urge的三单过去分词urged现在分词urging三单urges v.动词 vt. 力劝; 敦促request earnestly; try to persuade; strongly recommend vt. 鼓励; 极力主张encourage or stimulate sb to do sth vt. 驱策,促使drive or force forward Noun: an instinctive motive;profound religious impulses a strong restless desire;why this urge to travel? Verb: force or impel in an indicated direction;I urged him to finish his studies push for something;The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts;The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers induce,persuade,urge,convince,counsel,coax这些动词均有“劝说、劝导、劝诱”之意。 induce指用讲道理来使某人做某事。 persuade普通用词,指通过劝说、感情交流等而使对方做劝说者所希望的事。 urge语气强,指不断地、热情地规劝诱导。 convince指凭行动、事实或言语使他人从思想感情上信服。 counsel较正式用词,指对一些较重大事情所提出的劝告。有时也用于非正式场合,但仍强调严肃的一面。 coax指用好话善意或耐心劝诱、哄骗某人做某事。 1560年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的urgere,意为用力按,推,驱赶。 用作动词 v. ~+副词urge blandly温和地力劝urge insidiously不知不觉地推进urge powerfully强烈地敦促urge the horse along策马前进~+介词urge upon the necessity强调重要性 用作动词v. urge against v.+prep.
反对 oppose urge against sthThe senator urged against the adoption of the measure.那参议员极力反对采取这项措施。 urge along v.+adv.
激励encourage to great effort urge sb ⇔ alongWe did have to urge the students along in the last few weeks before their examination.在临考前的几个星期,我们必须激励学生用功。 urge on¹ v.+adv.
催促…向前,驱赶…向前 encourage sb or an animal to move ahead urge sb/sth ⇔ onYou must urge the children on or we'll never get home.你必须催促孩子们赶路,不然我们永远也到不了家。 He urged the horse on with a whip.他挥鞭策马前行。 urge on² v.+prep.
以鼓励的办法向某人灌输某种思想等( try to force sth such as an idea on sb by encouragement) urge sth on sbThe teacher urged on her students the examination.那位老师向她的学生强调这次考试的重要性。 urge to v.+prep.
鼓励某人朝着某方向努力( encourage sb in the direction of action) urge sb to sthWhat can we do to urge these lazy workers to greater production?我们怎样才能鼓励这些懒惰的工人去努力增产呢?近义词 pushforceadvisepersuade 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.He urges his sister's study.他敦促妹妹用功。 He urged the necessity for immediate action.他强烈要求立即采取行动。S+~+ v -ingHe urged leaving.他极力主张离去。 She urged my going to see him immediately.她劝我立即去看他。S+~+that-clauseWe urged that the bill should be passed.我们强烈要求通过那项议案。引出直接引语“Face facts!”he urged.“面对现实!”他力劝道。 用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to- vWe all urged him to go ahead with his plan.我们都鼓励他实施他的计划。 Your progress will urge us to work hard.你的进步会促进我们努力学习。 v.动词
urge的基本意思是“力劝”“敦促”,指外部或内部的影响或压力激励某人达到明确的目的。引申可表示“强烈要求”等。 urge可以接名词、动名词或that从句作宾语,从句中的谓语动词多用虚拟式。有时也可接由动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 urge作动词时后面接指人的词和不定式,意为“催促……”,并隐指被催促者有相悖的回应。He urged her to go, but she refused. 在美国,urge作名词时,指“冲动”或“强烈的欲望”; 动词urge后面有时接that从句,从句里用虚拟现在式。I urge that he do NOT does his best. 动词92%,名词8% 用作及物动词Heurgedthe horses on with a whip.他用鞭子策马前行。 Many physiciansurgeaerobic exercise.很多医生鼓励有氧运动。 We willurgethem to adhere to the Paris Agreement.我们将敦促他们遵守巴黎协议。 Theyurgedon us the need for cooperation.他们向我们强调合作的必要性。 I stronglyurgeyou to give up smoking.我力劝你戒烟。用作不及物动词Heurgedagainst the adoption of the measure.他极力反对采取这项措施。用作名词I feel theurgeto be outside when spring comes again.当春天再次来临,我就有了到户外活动的冲动。 Anurgeto improve society led me into politics.推动社会进步的强烈愿望使我投身于政治。 When theurgeto create a cellar happens it's usually at the beginning of your wine appreciation career.当你有强烈愿望要建一个酒窖时,通常是你的葡萄酒鉴赏生涯的开始。noun.very strong desire 同义词 appetite,compulsion,craving,impulse,itch,longing,lust,passion,weakness,yearningdrive,druthers,fancy,goad,impetus,incentive,motive,pressure,stimulant,stimulus,wish,yenappetition,fire in belly,sweet tooth 反义词 disgust,dislike,distaste,hate,hatred,indifference,block,deterrent,discouragement,hindranceverb.beg, push for, encourage 同义词 recommend,force,favor,press,propose,support,advocate,request,push,commend,implore,compel,exhort,endorse,ask,prompt,advise,promoteinspire,propel,move,influence,sanction,further,attract,conjure,entreat,incite,goad,charge,solicit,instigate,maneuver,wheedle,champion,beseech,induce,countenance,tempt,spur,adjure,advance,counsel,rationalize,drive,impel,hasten,plead,stimulateegg onappeal tofire up,insist on,put up to,speak for 反义词 turn off,repulse,halt,check,stop,answer,criticize,oppose,pull,hurt,let go,discourage,repress,retreat,delay,prevent,censure,reply,protest,reject,refuse,deny,condemn,hinder,dissuade,disapprove Be aware of your urges to quit, and overcome them. 了解自己想放弃的冲动,并克服它们。 yeeyan It's best to start out by monitoring your urges, so you become more aware of them. 最好是从监视控制自己的冲动开始,慢慢的你就可以对自己冲动感了如指掌。 yeeyan What does all this mean for those of us trying to decide whether to do our own humble bit to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, as the 10:10 campaign urges, for instance? 对于正努力决定是否应该为减少二氧化碳排放做出微薄贡献比如10:10运动所呼吁的的人来说,这一切意味着什么? yeeyan “ BIO urges the U.S. government and the European Commission to object to this unnecessary and unscientific policy at the highest levels, ” it said in a statement. “ BIO敦促美国政府和欧洲联盟委员会在最高水平上反对这一不必要的、不科学的政策,” BIO在一份声明中说。 yeeyan He urges decision-makers to ask questions and arm themselves with as much information as possible. 他敦促决策人士提出问题,并用尽可能多的信息武装自己。 ebigear He urges potential informants not to underestimate the importance of any piece of information they can gather. 他敦促可能提供情报的人不要低估他们所能收集的任何一条情报的重要性。 voanews He urges Socrates to allow him to help him escape. 他力劝苏格拉底接受他的帮忙逃脱。163 Hence, even in the face of strong sexual attraction, most people have been socialized sufficiently to think, fantasize and imagine, but not to act on the vast majority of their sexual urges. 因此,即使面对很强烈的性吸引,大多数人都会充分做出适应社会的思考、幻想和想象,而不是按他们绝大多数的性冲动而行动。 yeeyan If she prints some flyers, calls some meetings and urges her neighbours to write to their state representative demanding change, she has to register as a“ grassroots lobbyist”. 按照此法,如果她要印发传单,召集会议,敦促邻居写信给他们州议员要求改革,她必须先注册成为一个“群众游说人”。 ecocn In his recently published book, Kurek urges vehicle manufacturers to take a completely new approach. 在他最近出版的书中,库雷克敦促汽车制造商采取全新的方法。 yeeyan Instead, McCain recalls his experience as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War and urges voters to fight for their beliefs. 麦凯恩转而回顾他在越南战争中曾经当过战俘的经历,并敦促选民应该为他们的信仰而奋斗。 ebigear It also urges Member States to formulate disaster preparedness plans and pay more attention to gender-based violence as an increasing concern during crises. 它还敦促会员国制定备灾计划和更多关注基于性别的暴力,这是危机期间一个更加令人担忧的问题。 who It was like a constant battle between my sexual urges and my self- control. 这就像我的性冲动和我的自我控制能力之间一场不断地战斗。 yeeyan It urges you, instead, to live. 它促使你真真正正地生活。 putclub Mike Novick urges Palmer to enjoy the spoils of his victory, but Palmer can not let go of his problems with Keith and Sherry. 麦克.诺维克力劝帕默好好享受他获胜的战利品,但帕默对他与基思与雪莉之间的问题不能释怀。 yeeyan Monitor your urges. 监控你的冲动。 yeeyan She urges businesses to defend capitalism as energetically as they promote their own products. 她敦促各企业要像拼命宣传他们的产品那样誓死捍卫资本主义。 ecocn She urges businesses to defend capitalism as energetically as they promote their own products. She thinks companies should provide incentives for market- oriented journalism, films and even novels. 她呼吁公司要像推销产品那样积极地为资本主义辩护,并认为公司应该为出版支持市场主导的新闻、电影甚至小说提供支援。 yeeyan Track them for a couple days, putting a tally mark in a small notebook every time you get an urge. Write out a plan, before you get the urges, with strategies to beat them. 追踪自己的冲动感一些时日,并在一个小记事本上记下来每次的冲动,写出来一个计划,在你冲动来临之前,就有战略的去击败他们。 yeeyan Urge control is used a lot in the alcohol field when clients with alcohol issues are not drinking but get a lot of urges and cravings. 冲动控制通常用在戒酒的领域,因为有酒精问题的患者在不喝酒的时候会有很多的冲动和欲望。 yeeyan We all have urges to stop, but they are mostly unconscious. 我们都有想停止的冲动,但它们都几乎是无意识的。 yeeyan Yet some of the most radical ideas about our primal urges have been harnessed by those who want everyone to drink the same brand of beer. 但那些只想人人都喝同一牌子啤酒的守旧派们已经将关于人类原始冲动的最激进的观点束之高阁。 ecocn |