

单词 urbane
释义 ur·bane 英ɜːˈbeɪn美ɝˈbenAHDûr-bānʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高STGCOCA³⁶⁶²⁴BNC²⁹⁴⁹⁷iWeb³²⁸⁶⁹Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience;

his polished manner

maintained an urbane tone in his letters

方振宇词汇奥秘urb城市+ane=an 形容词后缀,表示有…性质的→原义来自“城市的人比乡村的人文雅”→文雅的,有礼貌的urb城市+ane=an形容词后缀,表示有…性质的→原义来自“城市的人比乡村的人文雅”⇒文雅的,有礼貌的词根记忆有城市人的风度近义词 smooth光滑的svelte苗条的amiable和蔼的refined精炼的stylish时髦的genteel文雅的elegant优雅的amicable友好的graceful优雅的polished擦亮的epicurean好享乐的courteous有礼貌的aristocratic贵族的accomplished完成的suave自信而世故的…cultured人工培养的sophisticated老练的cosmopolitan世界性的

用作形容词We expect educated people to beurbanepeople.我们都以为受过教育的人都是温文尔雅的。
Despite the crisis, the chairman's voice wasurbaneas usual.尽管处于危机之中,董事长的声音还象通常一样温文尔雅。
He wasurbane, courtly and honorable.他文质彬彬、谦恭有礼、正直体面。
David was the mosturbaneof the correspondents.大卫是记者中最有礼貌的一位。adj.civilized
同义词 affable,cosmopolitan,cultured,elegant,polished,refined,sophisticated,suave,well-bredbalanced,bland,civil,courteous,cultivated,debonair,genteel,gracious,mannerly,metropolitan,obliging,poised,polite,smooth,well-mannered
反义词 uncultured,unpolished,unrefined,unsophisticateduncivilized,uncouth
affableadjective friendly
blandadjective friendly, gracious
civiladjective obliging, kind
civilizedadjective polished
cosmopolitanadjective worldly-wise
courteousadjective gentle, mannerly
affable,attentive,ceremonious,civil,civilized,complaisant,considerate,courtly,cultivated,debonair,elegant,gallant,genteel,gracious,polished,polite,refined,respectful,soft-spoken,suave,thoughtful,urbane,well-behaved,well-bred,well-mannered,well-spoken As a result of the language policy of the Soviet Union, Russian is also commonly spoken as a second language among the urbane.
由于受到苏维埃政府的语言政策,俄罗斯语通常被有涵养的人作为第二语言。 ebigear

It's almost as if the entire point of a pastoral is that it is set in a world that neither the urbane poet nor the urbane reader has actually any real experience with.

A gentle elephant; an exporter not of unfairly underpriced goods but articulate and urbane CEOs as at home in New York City as in Mumbai.
一只温顺的大象;不是一个不公平地压低价格商品的出口商,而是明确而文雅,在孟买如同在纽约家中一样的 CEO们。 yeeyan

At noon every weekday, thousands of urbane customers around the country momentarily put aside their lunch plans to browse the site's newly available wares.
在每个工作日的中午,美国都会有成千上万的城市消费者暂时把午餐计划放在一边,去看看今天可以在吉尔特集团的网站上拍到什么新货。 fortunechina

He was charming and urbane, full of witty conversation.
他文雅俊逸,谈吐风趣。 wgyxy.hutc.zj.cn

He would doubtless have relished the paradox that such an urbane, cosmopolitan figure is now the front for a regime that in essence owes its power to a feudal monarchy.
而他本人也肯定品尝到了一种自相矛盾的事实,即这样一位彬彬有礼而无狭隘偏见的人物现在却领导着一个权力实质上来源于封建君主制的政权。 ecocn

I recognized that kind of remove among other urbane Chinese students.
其他城市头的中国学生一样,我在他身上也看到了那种与世隔绝的感觉。 yeeyan

It begins with what Mr Regan calls an “ ice- breaking” dinner, where participants trade urbane conversation about trips taken, business ventures and their favourite aircraft.
课程以里根所谓的“破冰”晚宴开始,由参与者围绕旅行、商业投资和他们钟爱的飞机来进行彬彬有礼地交谈。 neworiental

Like tiny- footed women, these urbane ornaments produced little and survived only with constant human upkeep.
就像缠足的妇女,这些城市的装饰品不事生产,它们能存活全赖于人类恒久的看护。 yeeyan

Mahmoud, the urbane patriarch, straddles two worlds, embodied in his two wives.
马哈茂德是个温文而雅的族长,游走于以他的两个妻子为代表的两个世界上。 ecocn

Mary's stunning designer dresses and witty, urbane conversation made her a popular guest at all the high- society parties.
玛莉出色的名牌服饰以及她机智、优雅的谈吐,使她成为上流社会派对受欢迎的宾客。 formosamba

Mr Aso, a former Olympic shot and a fan of manga comics, has an urbane assurance that once had widespread appeal.
他过去因其彬彬有礼和责任感强的形象而广受欢迎,曾作为射击选手参加过1976年蒙特利尔奥运会,也十分喜欢漫画。 ecocn

ONE sure sign that yoga has entered the mainstream of Western society, or at least the urbane bits of it, is that its practitioners have splintered into separate and sometimes competitive tribes.
瑜伽已经融入西方社会主流、或至少进入西方部份城市的明显证据之一,就是许多瑜伽业者已经开始分门别派,而且有时还会互别苗头。 yeeyan

The Chinese are gentle, urbane, seeking only justice and freedom.
中国人和善、文明,只追求正义和自由。 listening.gdufs.edu.cn

Turning the fan quietly urbane style, it is a gentleman of the blend into a fever of enthusiasm for Wei Xun.
温文尔雅的风扇静静转动着风情,很绅士的把微热的热情揉合成微醺。 enwaimao.cn

Whether we accept Ms Mantel's reading of history or not, her characters have a lifeblood of their own, particularly the urbane Cardinal Wolsey.
无论我们是否接受曼特尔女士对历史的解读,她笔下的人物总是有着他们自己的有血有肉的生活,特别是温文尔雅的沃尔西主教。 ecocn

Young people should learn to be urbane in department and speech.
年轻人应该在举止及言谈上学习彬彬有礼。 hicoo

Urbane if with an earthy humour, Mr Aso is another prime minister's grandson and leads a small party faction.
素以“大嘴”闻名的麻生是另一个首相的外孙,而且领导着一个小派阀。 ecocn

Urbane speech is educated speech, as distinguished from the speech of the ignorant.
温文的言语是受过教育的言辞,和无知者的言论有所区别。 wwenglish




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