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词汇 Ur
释义 Ur.

an ancient city of Sumer located on a former channel of the Euphrates Riverur-uro-的异体字…Ur.=Uruguay
Put it inUrpantry withUrcupcakes.把它连同蛋糕一起放进橱柜。
Till the flesh drops fromUrbones.直到肉体从你的骨头上剥落。
I haveUrarms around me ooooh like fire.我原来是躺在你如火炉般温暖的怀抱里的。
Trying moves in the back ofUrcar.努力的跟在汽车后迈着步子。 A user may, for example, create one package with a bind option of ISOLATION CS and another with a bind option of ISOLATION UR.
例如,用户可以创建一个具有绑定选项 ISOLATION CS的包以及另一个具有绑定选项 ISOLATION UR的包。 ibm

And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.
耶和华又对他说,我是耶和华,曾领你出了迦勒底的吾珥,为要将这地赐你为业。 ebigear

Despite security concerns, Ur is also drawing foreign groups, with Hamdani's project organised by the Global Heritage Fund GHF, an NGO based in California.
随着由世界遗产基金会 GHF,一个总部在加利福尼亚的非政府组织组织的 Hamdani的计划的展开,即便存在安全问题,吾珥城也还是在吸引着外国团队。 yeeyan

He also said to him, “ I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take possession of it.”
耶和华又对他说:“我是耶和华,曾领你出了迦勒底的吾珥,为要将这地赐你为业。” ebigear

Kenya, Mozambique and UR Tanzania spent at least two-thirds of their funds in 2005, as compared with less than half in 2004.
莫桑比克和坦桑尼亚联合共和国2005年至少花费其资金的三分之二,而2004年为不足半数。 who

The initial model, now known as the Ur- Leica, went into mass production in1925, and the Leica legend seems to have rolled off the assembly line along with it.
最初的型号在1925年开始量产,这就是现在所说的原型徕卡 Ur- Leica,并且徕卡的传奇就伴随着它一起走下装配线。 yeeyan

They did so, first, in the Fertile Crescent, the sweep of productive land that ran through Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Palestine, from which Jericho, Ur, Nineveh and Babylon pictured above would emerge.
最早期出现的是在新月沃地的城邦,肥沃的连绵大地贯穿了伊拉克、叙利亚、约旦、巴基斯坦腹地;杰里科、乌尔、尼尼微、古巴比伦王朝见上图曾在这里闪现。 ecocn

Also, use isolation level UR for other applications to minimize lock impact on them.
同时还为其他应用程序使用隔离级别 UR,以减少锁对它们的影响。 ibm

Conversely, UR ensures the highest level of performance at the cost of some data inconsistency.
相反, UR保证了最高的性能,但以一部分数据并发性为代价。 ibm

First evidence of the item was in diagrams on ancient clay tablets: there were pictures of a potter's wheel that was used in Ur in Mesopotamia, c. 3,500 BCE.
这种东西最早见于刻在古代粘土书写板上的图画中:有些图画描述了公元前3500年左右,古美索不达米亚的乌尔城曾经使用了陶轮。 yeeyan

For example, a banking transaction could not use the UR isolation level or accounts could quickly become overdrawn.
例如,银行事务不能使用 UR隔离级别,否则帐户可能很快就会透支。 ibm

For example, you may use collections to separate programs bound with ISOLATION UR from ISOLATION CS.
例如,可以使用集合将具有 ISOLATION UR 的程序与具有 ISOLATION CS 的程序隔离开。 ibm

Haran seems a little excited but I think I will miss living in Ur.
哈兰听到后显得很兴奋,但我想我会怀念住在吾珥的日子的。 yeeyan

He doesn’t hesitate to enter the ur anymore.
他不再对乌尔地区踌躇不前。 yeeyan

He doesn’t hesitate to enter the ur anymore.
他不再对乌尔地区踌躇不前。 yeeyan

He is Zaki- ur- Rehman Lakhvi, accused by America of leading LET operations in Chechnya, Bosnia and elsewhere.
此人名为 Zaki- ur- Rehman Lakhvi,美国政府指证他领导了在车臣,波斯尼亚以及其他地区的军事行动。 ecocn

If simulations of interactions between these10 acids indeed produce molecules that can copy themselves, said Pudritz, then it's possible that they formed a similar ur- genetic code.

If we have both, we could run with UR during read-only windows when all of the rows are committed and run with CS when maintenance is being performed and we need to be protected from “ dirty” data.
如果我们两个都有,当对所有行都要操作时,我们可以在只读窗口中运行 UR,而在需要进行维护并且避免受到“脏”数据影响时,运行 CS。 ibm

If you have a read- heavy workload, you might want to set isolation to uncommitted read UR at the connection level so that you don't have to specify it in each statement.
如果有一个包含大量读取操作的工作负载,那么您可能想将隔离级别设置为未提交读取 UR,从而不需要在每个语句中设置隔离级别。 ibm

It is thought to have reached its apogee under King Ur-Nammu, who is believed to have ruled between2112 and2095 BC, and his successors.
人们认为,在吾珥纳米王和他的继任者执政的时期,文明达到了高峰。 吾珥纳米王在公元前2112年到公元前2095年间统治这里。 yeeyan

Leica’s executives often invoke the company’s long history, portraying the latest products as the heirs to over a century of research and development, starting with the monumentally titled Ur- Leica.
徕卡的总裁经常援引公司的长久历史,把最新产品看成徕卡百年研发积淀的子孙后代,极具纪念意义的原型徕卡就是这一切的发端。 yeeyan

Listing1 shows an example in JDBC to set UR.
清单1展示了 JDBC中设置 UR的一个示例。 ibm

My vote for most important city in the world in the period leading up to2000 B.C. would be Ur, Iraq. In 1500 B.C., perhaps Thebes, Egypt.
在我看来,公元前2000年之前世界上最重要城市是伊拉克的乌尔,公元前1500年之前,也许是埃及的底比斯。 yeeyan

Only then will restoration begin at Ur, which is currently on UNESCO's Tentative List of world heritage sites.
随后将对吾珥古城开展复原工作。 吾珥古城在最近被收入了联合国教科文组织UNESCO的世界遗产名录。 yeeyan

Only then will restoration begin at Ur, which is currently on UNESCO's Tentative List of world heritage sites.
随后将对吾珥古城开展复原工作。 吾珥古城在最近被收入了联合国教科文组织UNESCO的世界遗产名录。 yeeyan

Pakistan has charged seven men in relation to the Mumbai attacks, including Lashkar's operational commander, Zaki- ur Rehman Lakhvi.
巴基斯坦起诉了7名与孟买袭击案有关的嫌疑人,包括虔诚军作战指挥员 Zaki- ur Rehman Lakhvi。 yeeyan

Perfect strangers who are, in essence, my extremely distant relatives, through that unknown Scandinavian ur- mother.
那会是完美的陌生人,事实上是我的极其远的远房亲戚,因为那个不为人知的斯坎迪亚母亲。 yeeyan

They have mostly avoided Ur and other sites in the rest of the country as safety remains a key issue, even though violence levels are lower than their peak in2006 and2007.
因为安全问题一直是主要问题,所以他们错过了吾珥古城和这个国家中的其它遗迹,尽管现在的暴力等级比2006年到2007年间的高峰时期要低。 yeeyan

Trying moves in the back of Ur car.
努力的跟在汽车后迈着步子。 iciba

Use isolation level UR for those other applications.
对于其他的应用程序,使用隔离级别 UR。 ibm




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