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词汇 uproot
释义 up·root 英ʌpˈruːt, -ˈrʊt美ʌpˈrut, -ˈrʊtAHDŭp-r›tʹ, -r‹tʹ ★☆☆☆☆高ST四八GCOCA³¹⁷⁹⁷BNC³⁸⁷⁰⁶iWeb²⁴⁸¹²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

move people forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment;

The war uprooted many people

destroy completely, as if down to the roots;

the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted

root out corruption

pull up by or as if by the roots;

uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden

比喻用法。故事记忆穿上防水 Boot长筒靴浇灌树的 Root根飞车党来 Loot抢劫折了树的 Shoot新枝,嫩芽然后把树 Uproot连根拔起蒋争熟词记忆up-向上root根→“把根拔上来”⇒根除;拔根up-向上root根→“把根拔上来”⇒根除;拔根词根记忆up+root根=根向上=根除近义词 out出pull拉remove消除dig up挖出rip up撕碎extract摘录withdraw撤回displace取代evacuate疏散pull out拔出root out根除extirpate根除eradicate根除deracinate根除pull up使停下move on继续前进exterminate消灭relocate重新装置反义词 establish建立

用作及物动词Whthin seconds a tornado canuproottrees.几秒钟内,龙卷风就能连根拔起大树。
The trunk of an elephant is powerful enough touproottrees.大象的长鼻强壮得足以将树木连根拔起。
The family decided touprootthemselves and emigrate to Australia.他们全家决定离开故土,移居澳大利亚。
To take the new job he had touproothis whole family and settled abroad.他为接受新的工作不得不举家迁居,在国外重新安家。
A bad habit once contracted takes a very long time touproot.坏习惯一旦养成,需要很长的时间才能根除。
A bad habit once contracted takes a very long time touproot.坏习惯一旦养成,需要很长的时间才能根除。verb.destroy;rip out of a place
同义词 annihilate,demolish,displace,eradicate,exterminate,overthrow,overturn,wipe outabate,abolish,deracinate,eliminate,excavate,exile,extirpate,extract,move,remove,weedblot out,dig up,do away with,pull up,root out,tear up,weed out
反义词 bear,build,create,fix,help,ratify,remain,stay,welcomeplant,settle,sow
dislodgeverb knock loose
dig out,disentangle,dislocate,displace,disturb,eject,evict,extricate,force out,oust,remove
displaceverb move, remove from normal place
change,crowd out,derange,disarrange,disestablish,dislocate,dislodge,displant,dispossess,disturb,eject,evict,expel,expulse,force out,lose,mislay,misplace,relegate,shift,transpose,unsettle,uproot
eradicateverb destroy;remove
abate,abolish,annihilate,blot out,demolish,deracinate,do away with,efface,eliminate,erase,expunge,exterminate,extinguish,extirpate,liquidate,mow down,obliterate,off,purge,raze,root out,rub out,scratch,scrub,shoot down,squash,stamp out,take out,torpedo,total,trash,unroot,uproot,wash out,waste,weed out,wipe out
eradicatingverb destroy;remove
abating,abolishing,annihilating,blot out,demolishing,deracinating,doing away with,effacing,eliminating,erasing,expunging,exterminating,extinguishing,extirpating,liquidating,mowing down,obliterating,offing,purging,razing,rooting out,rubbing out,scratching,scrubbing,shooting down,squashing,stamping out,taking out,torpedoing,totaling,trashing,unrooting,uprooting,washing out,wasting,weed out,wiping out
extractverb physically remove, draw out
avulse,bring out,catheterize,cull,derive,distill,eke out,elicit,eradicate,evoke,evulse,exact,express,extirpate,extort,extricate,garner,gather,get,glean,obtain,pick up,pluck,press out,pry,pull,reap,secure,select,separate,siphon,squeeze,take,tear,uproot,weed out,withdraw,wrest,wring,yank
extractingverb physically remove, draw out
abridging,abstracting,bringing forth,choosing,citing,condensing,copying,culling,cutting out,deducing,deriving,educing,eliciting,evolving,excerpting,gleaning,quoting,shortening The love of liberty is so firmly embedded in men's hearts that no tyrant can hope to uproot it.

The Smiths now have to decide whether to apply for a waiver from the decision on grounds of“ extreme hardship, ” or abandon the business and uproot Shayna from her life in Michigan.
史密斯夫妇现在不得不在“极端艰难”做出决定的处境下,决定是否申请赦免。或者放弃生意,谢娜从她生活的密歇根迁离。 yeeyan

A2007 UN study spoke of an“ environmental crisis of global proportions” that could uproot50 million people from their homes by2010, mostly in Africa.
一份2007年的联合国研究有提到一场“全球范围的环境危机”,说它将会在2010年前迫使5000万人口流离失所,这些人大部分将来自非洲。 yeeyan

Article351 Whoever illegally cultivates mother plants of narcotic drugs, such as opium poppy and marijuana, shall be forced to uproot them.
第三百五十一条非法种植罂粟、大麻等毒品原植物的,一律强制铲除。 hjenglish

AS THE planet warms, floods, storms, rising seas and drought will uproot millions of people, and with dire wider consequences.
随着地球不断变暖,洪涝灾害、暴风雨、海平面不断上升及干旱等将迫使数以百万计的人们背井离乡,产生可怕、波及面更为广泛的后果。 ecocn

But it still escapes many politicians, who blindly uproot flowers, ignorant of the celestial commotion that may ensue.
但仍未引起许多政治家的重视,他们盲目地轻视已有的成熟的理论,不去考虑可能产生的严重的后果。 ecocn

But now, as the Web and DVRs uproot the way people consume television, and thus rip apart the industry’s business model, the unit is adding advertiser research as a fresh focus of intense inquiry.
但现在,随着网络和数字视频录像机从根本上替代电视消费方式,传媒业的商业模式被撕得粉碎。 迪斯尼媒体网络公司增加了广告商研究,并将广告商研究作为密集调查中的新关注点。 yeeyan

But others condemn the deals as neocolonial land grabs that destroy villages, uproot tens of thousands of farmers and create a volatile mass of landless poor.
但是其他人谴责这个交易,因为新殖民主义的土地掠夺毁坏了村庄,赶走了成千上万的农民,带来了一大堆混乱的没有土地的穷人。 yeeyan

He will uproot Israel from this good land that he gave to their forefathers and scatter them beyond the River, because they provoked the Lord to anger by making Asherah poles.
又将他们从耶和华赐给他们列祖的美地上拔出来,分散在大河那边。因为他们作木偶,惹耶和华发怒。 ebigear

If this is what we are up against, it won't do much good to try to uproot whatever war- like inclinations may dwell within our minds.
如果我们所面临的境况确实是这样,那么,对于可能在我们思想中扎根的那些好战倾向,不管是什么,我们都设法将它连根拔起,我想没有比这更有好处的事情了。 yeeyan

In 1913, twenty years after this incident, Henry decided to use dynamite to uproot a tree in his garden.
1913年——该事件20年后,亨利决定用炸药将花园中的一棵树拔掉。 hxen

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni indicated Sunday Israel may uproot some of its West Bank settlements as part of a peace accord with the Palestinians.
以色列外长利夫尼星期天表示,作为以色列与巴勒斯坦人达成和平协议的一部分,以色列可能会拆除它在约旦河西岸的一些定居点。 ebigear

Only by analyzing the emerging cause of terrorism and setting up a legal frame of anti-terrorism in the international society can we curb and uproot the activities of terrorism really and effectively.
只有从根本上分析恐怖主义产生的原因,并在国际社会上构筑统一的反恐怖主义的法律框架,才能真正有效地控制和根除恐怖主义活动。 cnki

Our task was to uproot weeds.
我们劳动的任务是铲除杂草。 hjenglish

Sexual violence by marauding armies or militias can— as is often intended— wreck or uproot communities, with shame turning victims into outcasts.
劫掠武装或民兵组织进行的性侵犯——常常是蓄意为之——能够摧毁社区,认为受辱而将受害者驱逐。 ecocn

Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin: He will snatch you up and tear you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living.
神也要毁灭你,直到永远。他要把你拿去,从你的帐棚中抽出,从活人之地将你拔出。 ebigear

The Clinton solution would require Israel to give up the bulk of its settlements in the West Bank, uproot a great many more settlers than it did in Gaza and share sovereignty over Jerusalem.

They could display their anger before him, which was terrible enough to uproot whole forests.




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