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词汇 uproar
释义 up·roar 英ˈʌpˌrɔː, -ˌrəʊr美ˈʌpˌrɔr, -ˌrorAHDŭpʹrôr', -rōr' ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝八COCA²⁰²³⁰BNC¹⁹⁶⁴⁵iWeb¹⁹⁷²⁰Economist¹³⁹¹⁴

S U 吵闹,喧嚣,骚乱

outburst of noise and excitement

a state of commotion and noise and confusionloud confused noise from many sources来自荷兰语uproer, 骚乱,up,向上,-roer, 摇动,搅拌,词源同rare, 翻炒,半熟。引申词义骚乱。而吵闹义可能是受roar影响的拼写讹误。钱博士up向上,加强语气+roar咆哮,引申为喧闹⇒吵闹,喧嚣,骚动up向上,加强语气+roar咆哮,引申为喧闹⇒吵闹,喧嚣,骚动。GRE红宝书up上, roarn /v 吼叫-喧闹词根记忆up + roar吼叫⇒骚动近义词 row排ado麻烦din喧嚣noise噪声chaos混乱tumult骚乱hubbub嘈杂racket球拍clamor喧嚷fracas喧噪rumpus吵闹to-do骚动…bedlam混乱turmoil混乱rampage暴怒garboil混乱fuss大惊小怪circus马戏团brouhaha吵闹commotion骚动sensation感觉outcry大声喊叫turbulence骚乱disturbance扰乱pandemonium喧嚣katzenjammer头痛upheaval向上的运动hue and cry大声抗议tumultuousnesstumultuous的名…hullabaloo尤指人的持续的吵闹声…
用作名词n.With the whole meeting in anuproar,the chairman abandoned the attempt to take a vote.因为整个会议一片喧嚣,主持会议的人放弃了投票表决的尝试。Puproariousa.喧嚣的热闹的骚动的

用作名词The exorbitant fees caused anuproaracross the land.高昂的收费在整个地区引起了一场骚动。
We remained under cover for about two months until theuproarsubsided.骚动平息之前,我们躲了将近两个月。
His motion threw the meeting into anuproar.他的建议在会上引起了一片吵嚷。
The subsequentuproarended the class.接下来的喧嚣结束了那堂课。noun.commotion, pandemonium
同义词 bickering,brawl,chaos,clamor,confusion,flap,fracas,free-for-all,furor,fuss,mayhem,melee,outcry,riot,strife,turbulence,turmoilado,babble,babel,bedlam,broil,bustle,clangor,clatter,din,disorder,hassle,jangle,noise,racket,row,ruction,shivaree,stink,stir,to-do,violencebig scene,roughhouse
反义词 calm,harmony,order,organization,peace,quiet,silence,system,agreement
bedlamnoun chaotic situation
brawlnoun nasty fight
affray,altercation,argument,battle,battle royal,bickering,broil,clash,disorder,dispute,donnybrook,duke out,feud,fight,fracas,fray,free-for-all,fuss,hassle,melee,quarrel,rhubarb,riot,row,ruckus,rumble,rumpus,scrap,scuffle,squabble,tumult,uproar,wrangle
bustlenoun quick and busy activity
cause celebrenoun celebrated case
affair,controversial case,controversial issue,controversy,debate,fuss,grist for the gossip mill,hot potato,matter of the moment,political football,rumor,scandal,talk of the town,topic of the day,uproar,war of words
clamornoun loud cry;commotion
confusionnoun disoriented state
abashment,ado,anarchy,astonishment,bustle,chaos,clutter,commotion,complexity,complication,consternation,daze,difficulty,disarray,discomposure,dislocation,disorganization,distraction,emotional upset,ferment,fog,fracas,haze,hodge-podge,imbroglio,intricacy,jumble,labyrinth,mess,mistake,muddle,mystification,pandemonium,perturbation,racket,riot,row,shambles,stir,stupefaction,surprise,tangle,trouble,tumult,turmoil,untidiness,upheaval,uproar,wilderness Eric Schmidt, the boss of Google, caused uproar a few months ago when he seemed to suggest that the“ perfect economic solution” to click fraud was to “ let it happen”.
谷歌的老板埃里克•施密特几个月前似乎暗示对付点击欺诈的理想的经济办法就是听之任之,这在当时引起了骚动。 ecocn

Fowler, an associate professor at the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, created an international uproar in2007 when they published a study on obesity.
加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院的一名助理教授,在2007年发表了一篇关于肥胖的研究报告,并且在国际上引起了一阵骚动。 yeeyan

The cell- phone giant later said the listing, which produced a media uproar, had been a mistake.
手机巨头最近谈到引起媒体喧嚣的清单,认为那是一个错误。 yeeyan

When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar.
午餐时间逐渐临近,喧嚣之中出现了片刻安静。 putclub

Arroyo may face greater pressure to pursue justice in this case because of the uproar it has created.
阿罗约会面临更大的压力来寻求公正,因为这起事件引起的轩然大波。 yeeyan

But the uproar that has accompanied the Islamists' gains is unhelpful; a calm and well- informed debate about the rise of political Islam is long overdue.
但这些伴随着伊斯兰教团体胜利的喧嚣是毫无裨益的。早就该有人理智、冷静地讨论一下政治伊斯兰世界的崛起问题了。 yeeyan

Even H1N1, or swine flu, for all the uproar, almost always resolves in a few days with no treatment.
即便是喧嚣一时的甲型H1N1流感几乎也能在几天内自行退去,而无需任何治疗。 iciba

He suggested the meeting into an uproar.
他的建议让会议陷入骚动。 ebigear

His nomination triggered an uproar, but the majlis signalled its defiance as deputies chanted“death to Israel” when Vahidi addressed the chamber.
他的提名引起骚动,但是,当瓦海德在议会发言时,议会代表高呼“打倒以色列”以表示对骚动的轻视。 yeeyan

I don't understand how such an innocuous children's book could cause such an uproar.
我不明白为何这本对儿童无害的书竟会引起如此的骚动。 hxen

Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton have hewed to the same line over the current uproar in Iran— expressing worries about the violence but avoiding raising the spectre of“ American interference”.
奥巴马先生和克林顿夫人对目前伊朗的骚动一致表示忧虑,但都竭力避免提及那个刺耳的词儿“美国干涉”。 ecocn

No one put Gray or Bush before a grand jury, and the press uproar was nowhere near as great.
没人让格雷或老布什面对大陪审团,新闻媒体也没有为此大肆喧嚣。 yeeyan

Not only that, but a company that's known for rolling out changes without so much as a warning to its users then having to react to the ensuing uproar.
不仅如此,这家公司在推出新功能时从不向用户发出警告,然后不得不应对随之而来的骚动。 yeeyan

So with much of the Middle East in an uproar today, let's tackle a politically incorrect question head-on: Are Arabs too politically immature to handle democracy?
那么在中东喧嚣不已的今天,让我们来解决一下这个政治上不正确的问题:阿拉伯人在政治上真有那么幼稚,以至于不能实行民主吗? yeeyan

That provoked uproar among secular university rectors, who called it an assault on Ataturk's republic.
此举激起了各世俗大学校长的喧嚣,他们称它是对土耳其共和国的攻击。 ecocn

The news caused uproar in Nepal.
这条新闻在尼泊尔引起轩然大波。 ecocn

The uproar this provoked only grew when a state- appointed actuary concluded that the firm’s justification for the hike was bogus.
在一位国家任命的精算师得出该公司涨价的理由是虚假的结论后,该举动引起的骚动升级了。 ecocn

This has provoked uproar in a country that prides itself on being immigrant- friendly.
这在国内引起了极大的骚动,因为该国向来以移民友好为傲。 ecocn

Unfortunately the uproar awoke Mr Jones, who sprang out of bed, making sure that there was a fox in the yard.
不幸的是,喧嚣吵醒了琼斯先生,他从床上起来,还以为是一只狐狸进了院子。 yeeyan

Why create uproar?
为什么骚动? yeeyan




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