

单词 upper right
释义 upper right短语¹⁶⁵²⁰
About the size of a football, it's located mainly in the upper right portion of your abdomen, beneath the diaphragm and above your stomach, but a small portion extends into the upper left quadrant.
大概有橄榄球那么大,主要部分位于右上腹部,在横隔膜下方,胃上方,还有一小部分肝脏延伸到腹部的左上象限。 yeeyan

After a job has completed successfully or otherwise a close icon displays in the upper right corner that you can click to remove the job from the list of monitored jobs.
在某一作业完成后无论成功与否,界面的右上角都会显示一个关闭图标,您可以通过单击该图标将相应的作业从监控作业列表中删除。 ibm

Ever noticed that little transparent star in the upper right hand corner of tweets that turns yellow when you click it?
你可曾注意过在每条推的右上角都有的一个透明小星星,点击后会变成黄色? yeeyan

Figure1. Both upper right and lower left diagrams represent a similar complex entity, but the architecture illustrated in the lower- left diagram shows how encapsulation reduces complexity.
图1.右上角和左下角的图表都表现了一个相似的复杂的实体,但是左下角图表中所描绘的体系结构显示了封装是如何减少复杂性的。 ibm

Figure8 shows the Edit Page with Show Portlet Rule Manager enabled see upper right side, which indicates the opposite toggle option available, Hide Portlet Rule Manager.
图8显示了启用 Portlet Rule Manager的编辑页请看右上角,该处指示了可用的相反切换选项 Hide Portlet Rule Manager。 ibm

Green and yellow airglow appears in thin layers above the limb of the Earth, extending from image left to the upper right.
可以看到绿色和黄色的大气光出现在地球弧形边缘的顶端,从图片左边一直延伸到右上角。 yeeyan

In the upper right there is no encapsulation and high cohesion.
在右上方的图表中,没有封装性,具有高度的内聚性。 ibm

Part of a space station solar panel is visible at image upper right; behind the panel, a bright region indicates the Sun low on the horizon.
右上角还能看到一小块空间站的太阳能电池板;在电池板后面,绿色的部分表明太阳光就在地平线下面。 yeeyan

Place the cursor in the second cell of the first row upper right.
将光标放在第一行第二个单元格中右上。 ibm

Tahiti, the most populous of the islands, is under the outer edge of the storm in the upper right.
处于风暴的外缘的塔希提岛是人口最稠密的岛屿,位于图片中的右上方。 yeeyan

The clouds exhibit thin, wispy light blue forms that contrast with the darkness of space image upper right.
云层稀薄而纤细,并泛着蓝光,和无尽的黑暗太空形成对比右上部分。 yeeyan

To display all of the children, go to the upper right corner of the diagram and select Show all children when expanding.
为了显示所有的子构件,切换至图表右上角并选择在展开时显示所有的子构件。 ibm

You can also search profiles by keyword in the upper right to find all users who tagged themselves with a certain term.
也可以在右上方使用关键字搜索概要信息,查找所有使用某一个词标记自身的用户。 ibm

You can also search all groups by selecting Public Groups in the search area in the upper right and entering a search term.
通过选择位于右上方的搜索区域中的公共群组并输入一个搜索关键字,您可以搜索所有组。 ibm




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