

单词 upper classes
释义 upper classes短语⁴⁸⁹⁰⁴
上层阶级,上等阶层;上流社会原型upperclass的复数 The upper classes, too, were always expected to leech off their ancestors’ capital.
上层社会,也是大家心目中的喜欢榨取先辈资本的一个群体。 yeeyan

As the middle classes turned to claret, so the upper classes abandoned this increasingly common tipple in favour of hock and champagne.
当中产阶级的口味转向波尔多红酒之后,上流社会就抛弃了这种日渐寻常的饮料,转而青睐白葡萄酒和香槟酒了。 ecocn

During the first quarter of the century, among society's upper classes, wine was central to the male dinner party.
在十九世纪的前二十五年,上层社会阶层绅士的晚宴上最重要的就是葡萄酒。 www.thnu.edu.cn

He has strong support among working- class and rural voters. However, many in Thailand's upper classes accused of him being corrupt and dictatorial.
他在劳工阶层和农村选民中拥有强大支持,但是泰国很多上层人士指控他腐败、独裁。 ebigear

Queen of the Victorian era, most brides can wear the traditional national costume, and only representative of the upper classes can wear a white dress of power and identity.
在多利亚女皇时期,大部分新娘只能穿传统的民族服装,只有上层社会的人才能穿代表权力和身份的白色礼服。 yeeyan

The students from the upper classes gave Fang a warm welcome and helped her to carry her luggage.
高年级的学长们热情地迎接她的到来,并帮她拿行李。 i21st




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