

单词 uplifts
释义 up·lift·s 英'ʌplɪft美'ʌplɪft COCA⁹⁰⁵⁷³BNC⁵⁰³⁹²
geology a rise of land to a higher elevation as in the process of mountain buildinga brassiere that lifts and supports the breasts
fill with high spirits; fill with optimism;

Music can uplift your spirits

lift up from the earth, as by geologic forces;

the earth's movement uplifted this part of town

lift up or elevateuplift force上举力,上升力…uplift pile抗拔桩wind uplift风浮力,风吸力…uplift pressure浮托力,浮力…uplift stress反应力,反向应力…uplift ratio出入境客运比…epeirogenic uplift造陆上升central uplift中央隆起hydrostatic uplift静水浮托力regional uplift区域抬升
近义词 lift举起move移动stir激起raise上升hoist升起elevate举起improve改善erect使竖立inspire鼓舞hearten鼓励elate使兴奋pick up捡起lift up升起enrich使富足intoxicate 下毒upthrust向上一推upthrow向上的投掷upheaval向上的运动

用作动词It willupliftme in moments of despair yet it will calm me in time of exultation.绝望时,使我振作;狂喜时,让我平静。
Reading good books canupliftone's soul.阅读好书可提高人的心灵修养。
Education and work are the levers touplifta people.教育与工作是提高民族素质的杠杆。
The fundamental goal of economic development is toupliftthe living standards and quality of life of the people.发展经济的根本目的是提高全国人民的生活水平和质量。用作名词The hero's speech is a greatupliftfor us.英雄的演讲是对我们的极大鼓舞。
Her encouragement gave me a great sense ofuplift.她鼓励我激发了我的上进心。
Intermontane basins in relatively stable regions subjected to regionaluplift.较稳定区域内的山间盆地,曾有过区域隆起。 The occurrence of strong earthquakes is related to the local uplifts and depression of the high conductivity layers in the crust and upper mantle.
强烈地震与壳内高导层和上地幔高导层的局部隆起和拗陷有关。 cnki

The distribution of direct cap rocks of dolostone is very complex due to the multi-period uplifts.
受构造抬升影响白云岩直接盖层分布复杂,其中以下白垩统泥岩最优。 cnki

Two uplifts in the Taihang Mountains area, Fuping and Zanhuang, are the typical metamorphic core complexes resulted from extensional tectonics during the Meso Cenozoic era.
阜平、赞皇隆起是太行山地区中新生代伸展体制控制的变质核杂岩。 dictall

According to the magnetic field, the statistical method was used to divide Precambrian structure into some uplifts and fault depressions which controlled the gold mineralization.
根据磁场特征.用统计方法可将前寒武纪构造分为若干隆起和断陷,它们对金矿成矿起到了一定控制作用。 cnki

During an impact event that creates a crater, central uplifts or mounds form on the floor of the crater in craters larger than 7km in diameter.
在造山活动中,火山口中心地带提升,产生了一个直径约7公里的小型火山口。 yeeyan

In Tazhong area, the Silurian bituminous sandstone are mainly distributed in five sub- structural zones, and in Tabei area, all distributed in regional uplifts of late Caledonian.
在塔中地区志留系沥青砂岩主要分布在五个次级构造带上,塔北地区的均分布在晚加里东期的区域隆起部位。 cnki

It consists mainly of a series of modern uplifts alternating with subsidence zones.
该体系的主体构造是由一系列呈NNW向相间展布的现代隆起带和沉降带组成。 cnki

Precipitation uplifts ground water level and weakens shearing strength of soil, thus results in large displacement in side direction.
大气降水抬升了地下水位,并削弱了土体的抗剪强度,从而使得土体的侧向位移迅速增大。 cnki

Simple craters are relatively small and bowl shaped while complex craters are relatively large with central uplifts and slumped rims.
单一型陨石坑相对较小,呈碗状,而复合型陨石坑则较大,中央隆起边缘突降。 yeeyan

Sing or hum any song that uplifts or inspires you.
唱出或哼出任何能够让你振奋或鼓舞的歌曲。 yeeyan

Supports digestion, respiration, muscles and joints; uplifts and invigorates a tired mind. Can be sniffed directly from the bottle to relieve nausea and fatigue.
有助于消化、呼吸、肌肉及关节;能振奋疲惫的身心。可直接嗅闻,舒缓作呕和疲劳问题。 lapislazulilight

The Southern HuanghaiYellow Sea is a part of the North China platform and Yangtze platform, and is a large Mesozoic and Cenozoic composite basin consisting of uplifts and depressions.
南黄海属于华北地台及扬子准地台的一部分,是一个由隆起、拗陷组成的中、新生代大型复式盆地。 cnki

The distributive characteristics of hydrocarbon reservoirs are controlled by the reservoir- cap assemblages, the effective source rocks, the paleo- uplifts, and the faults and unconformable surfaces.
这些油气藏类型的分布特征受储盖组合、有效烃源岩、不整合面、古隆起以及断裂断裂带控制。 cnki

The uplifts formed in Caledonian period are complicated in distribution;
加里东期的古隆起因受后期多期改造,分布复杂; cnki

There is one Object of Praise, the beauty which uplifts the heart of its worshipper through all aspects from the seen to the unseen.
八只有一种美妙的崇拜仪式,即通过可见至不可见的所有层面提升心的臣服程度。 meherbaba




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