

单词 uplifting
释义 uplifting 英ˌʌp'lɪftɪŋ美ˌʌp'lɪftɪŋ ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²³⁰³⁰BNC²⁷⁰²⁰iWeb¹²²³⁴Economist¹³⁹¹³

the rise of something;

the uplifting of the clouds revealed the blue of a summer sky

uplift鼓舞uplifting pressure上顶压力
近义词 improving改良moving 移动的stirring活跃的inspiring令人振奋的heartening振奋人心的inspirational带有灵感的enriching动词enrich的现在进…elevating起提升作用的, 令人振奋…
用作形容词It exudes a fresh,upliftingfragrance.它散发出新的,令人振奋的香味。
As you may recall, we had a long yetupliftingdedication service last week.大家可能还记得,我们上周有一个令人振奋的建堂奉献礼。adj.inspirational
同义词 inspiritinginspirative,instigative
反义词 sad
culturaladjective educational, enlightening
edificationnoun improvement, education
edifyingadjective enlightening
enlighteningadjective educational
exaltationnoun promotion, praise
acclaim,acclamation,advancement,aggrandizement,apotheosis,applause,blessing,dignity,elevation,eminence,ennoblement,extolment,glorification,glory,grandeur,high rank,homage,honor,idolization,laudation,lionization,loftiness,magnification,panegyric,plaudits,prestige,reverence,rise,tribute,upgrading,uplifting,worship
exaltedadjective praised;held in high esteem
astral,august,dignified,elevated,eminent,exaggerated,excessive,first,grand,high,high-minded,high-ranking,highest,highest-ranking,honorable,honored,ideal,illustrious,immodest,imposing,inflated,intellectual,leading,lofty,magnificent,noble,number one,outstanding,overblown,pompous,prestigious,pretentious,proud,self-important,sublime,superb,superior,top-drawer,top-ranking,uplifting A scene in which workers whose factory is shut by Bank of America just before Christmas successfully protest against the failure to pay them the wages they were owed is genuinely uplifting.
影片中美国银行在圣诞节前夕关闭工厂并且拖欠工人工资,最后工人抗议成功振奋人心。 ecocn

IT takes a certain audacity to write an uplifting book about the abduction and murder of a young girl.
撰写一个女孩被绑架并被谋杀但又乐观向上的小说真得需要一定的勇气。 yeeyan

The energy it gave to the room was inspiring and uplifting.
它带给这个空间的是一股充满激励的和振奋人心的活力。 yeeyan

THE rhetoric of the announcements this week about the future of local government was uplifting.
本周,有关地方政府前景的宣告,言辞华丽,振奋人心。 ecocn

The Senate candidate in Illinois was not only young but he had a remarkable, uplifting story to tell.
而这位伊利诺伊州参议员候选人不但年轻而且出众,还有令人振奋的故事可以讲。 yeeyan

Write down and keep a list of inspiring and uplifting quotes, and read them several times a day.
将鼓舞人心、令人振奋的话语抄在纸上,随身携带,每天念几次。 yeeyan

Besides the physiological benefits of exercise and vitamin D, being around trees or absorbing natural daylight will have an uplifting effect on your mood.
除了做运动和维他命 D对身体有益外,多在树底下坐坐或吸收大自然的阳光对你的情绪也有振奋作用。 yeeyan

Brigitte Bardot once wanted to buy the rights to “A Perfect Day for Bananafish, ” and he said that it was uplifting news.
碧姬·巴铎曾经想购买《香蕉鱼的好日子》的改编权,他说这是令人振奋的消息。 yeeyan

But by including it in his budget plans, he sends a more tangible signal of his determination to take on global warming than he could with a score of uplifting speeches.
但把这个方案写入计划,至少可以说明奥巴马给了一个更明确的信号——他决心治理全球变暖问题,而不仅仅停留在一堆振奋人心的演说词上。 ecocn

Chris, the heroine, educated but shackled to the land, goes from girl to wife to widow in a soaring narrative that is as uplifting as it is heartbreaking.
女主人公克里斯受过教育却被土地束缚,飞快的从女孩变成妻子又变成遗孀,让人振奋又心碎。 yeeyan

Exercise prompts your brain to release uplifting endorphins that will settle your stomach.
锻炼可以提醒大脑释放出令人振奋的内啡肽,从而帮助改善肠胃问题。 yeeyan

Fiction is ideal especially anything funny or uplifting.Reading fiction takes you out of the here-and- now and into a different world.
虚构的小说特别是一些搞笑和令人振奋的,能带你暂离现在,进入到不同的世界。 yeeyan

For me, seeing creative, cutting-edge science applied to a disease that mainly affects the poor is almost as uplifting as the decision to aim for eradication.
对于我个人来说,看到创造性的、尖端的科学被应用到这种主要影响贫穷人口的疾病,几乎与做出决定争取根除疟疾一样令我感到振奋。 who

He talks in uplifting terms about the promise of American life.
他对提高美国生活水平所做的承诺振奋人心。 ecocn

He also wants a visit to a Starbucks shop to be a“ uniquely uplifting experience”.
他还希望顾客访问星巴克是一个“独特的振奋的体验” 。 ecocn.org

I wandered down in time to catch the very end of the African- American gospel choir filling the basement with their uplifting song.
我流连忘返,直到这个美国黑人唱诗班的令人振奋的歌声落幕。 yeeyan

I've come to appreciate once again that communal reflection about life's deeper matters is sustaining and uplifting and provides a consistent nudge in worthy directions.
我再一次意识到公众对生命更深意义的反思是持续的,令人振奋的,并将一如既往地推动社会向正确的方向发展。 yeeyan

It is above all Mr zu Guttenberg's rhetoric, which feels uplifting and bracingly candid, that has endeared him to German voters.
这些就是古滕贝格令人振奋和鼓舞的言论,这让他在德国赢得了选民的青睐。 ecocn

The lesson from the Arab awakening is an uplifting one.
阿拉伯苏醒的教训是最令人振奋的一个。 ecocn

The pictures were all bright, positive and uplifting.
所有的图案都是那么明亮,乐观和向上。 hxen

This shift also means thinking outside of the box, being open to new ideas and uplifting and partnering with the folks who are actually doing this kind of transformative work.
这一转变意味着我们不再墨守成规,包容新的思想,和一群正从事艾滋病转化工作的人一起合作,这是令人振奋的事情。 yeeyan

To some people this sounds uplifting, with promises of free access to knowledge and help in managing our daily lives.
谷歌承诺为我们的日常生活提供免费获得知识和帮助的渠道,对一些人来说,这听起来振奋人心。 ecocn




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