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词汇 upheaval
释义 up·heav·al 英ʌpˈhiːvəl美ʌpˈhivəlAHDŭp-hēʹvəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA¹³⁵⁰²BNC¹³⁴⁸⁴iWeb¹⁴⁸⁸⁸Economist⁶⁴⁸⁰

a state of violent disturbance and disorder as in politics or social conditions generally;

the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence

a violent disturbance;

the convulsions of the stock market

geology a rise of land to a higher elevation as in the process of mountain buildingdisturbance usually in protestup, 向上,heave,举起。引申词义剧变,动乱。secular upheaval长期缓升frost upheaval冻胀,冰冻隆起…campus upheaval大学学潮economic upheaval经济震荡currency upheaval货币动荡
GRE红宝书upheav = upheavev 举起, 鼓起, al: 举起
heave up 用力举起;up heavy 举起重物;up to heaven 升到天堂→地壳隆起,举起,剧变
来自upheave举起, 鼓起,up+heave举起,胀起
词根记忆up向上+heaval举起→矛盾上升→动乱来自upheavev.举起;鼓起;(使发生动乱)词根记忆up+heaval举起=举起来=动乱近义词 uplift鼓舞faction内讧turmoil混乱disorder混乱eruption爆发explosion爆炸confusion惶惑commotion骚动agitation激动earthquake地震disruption分裂convulsion抽搐excitement激动turbulence骚乱disturbance扰乱cataclysm大洪水upthrust向上一推upthrow向上的投掷mayhem有意的破坏或暴行…hullabaloo尤指人的持续的吵闹声…Sturm und Drang十八世纪德国文学上的…

用作名词The French Revolution was a volcanicupheavalin European history.法国大革命是欧洲历史上的一次剧变。
It was a terribleupheavalwhen his father died.他父亲去世时家里一团糟。
I can't face theupheavalof moving house again.我无法忍受再次搬家的折腾。
Many years ago, Johnson faced a majorupheavalin his life.许多年前,约翰逊遭遇生命中的剧变。
A drastic interest-rate cut this week coincided with stockmarketupheaval.伴随着本周利率的大幅降低而来的是证券市场有力的反弹。
Mass unemployment may lead to socialupheaval.大批失业会导致社会动乱。
It was a violent politicalupheaval.这是一场激烈的政治动乱。
The country has been thrown into anupheaval.这个国家已经陷入动乱之中。noun.major change
同义词 cataclysm,catastrophe,disaster,disorder,disruption,disturbance,eruption,explosion,ferment,outbreak,revolution,shakeout,temblor,tremor,tumult,turmoilabout-face,alteration,clamor,commotion,convulsion,flip-flop,outburst,outcry,overthrow,stirring,switch,turnaround,upturnnew ball-game,new deal
反义词 blessing,calm,good fortune,good luck,happiness,miracle,order,peace,success,wonder,harmony,quiet,silencestagnation
Sturm und Drangnoun storm and stress
agitationnoun shaking, mixing
cataclysmnoun disaster
bad thing,calamity,cataract,catastrophe,collapse,convulsion,crunch,curtains,debacle,deluge,disturbance,double trouble,flood,flooding,holy mess,inundation,misadventure,ruin,torrent,tragedy,unholy mess,upheaval,waterloo,woe
clamornoun loud cry;commotion
commotionnoun clamor, uproar
ado,agitation,annoyance,backwash,ballyhoo,bedlam,big scene,big stink,brouhaha,bustle,clatter,combustion,confusion,convulsion,discomposure,disquiet,dither,excitement,ferment,fermentation,flap,flurry,furor,fuss,hell broke loose,hubbub,hurly-burly,insurgence,insurrection,lather,mutiny,outcry,pandemonium,perturbation,pother,racket,rebellion,revolt,riot,rumpus,stew,stir,to-do,tumult,turbulence,upheaval,uprising,upset,upturn,vexation,welter,whirl
confusionnoun disoriented state
abashment,ado,anarchy,astonishment,bustle,chaos,clutter,commotion,complexity,complication,consternation,daze,difficulty,disarray,discomposure,dislocation,disorganization,distraction,emotional upset,ferment,fog,fracas,haze,hodge-podge,imbroglio,intricacy,jumble,labyrinth,mess,mistake,muddle,mystification,pandemonium,perturbation,racket,riot,row,shambles,stir,stupefaction,surprise,tangle,trouble,tumult,turmoil,untidiness,upheaval,uproar,wilderness As print and broadcast give way to the Digital Age, the media are in upheaval.
随着出版和广播在数字时代退居二位,媒体发生了剧变。 yeeyan

But even that upheaval only interrupted Indonesia’s progress without halting it.
但是,即使是动乱也只是打断了印尼的进程,而没有让它停止。 yeeyan

But this upheaval is a puzzle.
但此次动乱却是一大谜团。 ecocn

Even if it survives without a political or social upheaval, Pakistan is going to worry its neighbours and the outside world for another generation.
即使能幸免于政治或社会动荡,巴基斯坦也会在另一代人的时间里提防他的邻居们和外部世界。 ecocn

FOUR years of upheaval have set a high bar for street protests in Bangkok.
四年来的动乱已经为曼谷的街头抗议设立了一个高门坎。 ecocn

I shall also ask whether Marxism still has any explanatory power today, in a new age of revolutionary upheaval, or whether we have, in Hegel's and Fukuyama's terms, reached The End of History.
我也将继续追问马克思主义在今天这个革命性剧变的新时代是否依然有解释力,或者我们是否已经如黑格尔和福山所言,抵达了历史的终结。 yeeyan

It's thousands of individual decisions, not rows of statistics, that add up to political upheaval.
这是数以千计的个人决定,而非统计信息,这些合而形成政治剧变。 yeeyan

One feature that has survived all the upheaval is the traditional emphasis on rote memorization.
所有动乱中留存下来的一个传统就是对死记硬背的反复强调。 yeeyan

Or it is possible, in light of the recent upheaval, that both points of view are represented within the regime and that neither has yet prevailed.
近期的动荡或许表明还存在着第三种可能,即前两种观点都在该政权内有一定市场,尚没有哪一派已占得上风。 ecocn

Reform, yes. Upheaval, no.
要改革,不要剧变。 who

That is one reason why, from Paris in1789 to Cairo in2011, they are sources of political upheaval as well as economic advance.
也正是因此,城市造就发达经济的同时,也孕育了政治动乱,正如1789年的巴黎和2011年的开罗。 ecocn

That’s disappointing for democracy activists like him, but reassuring to those who fear upheaval.
这使像他这样的民主主义者感到失望,但却抚慰了那些害怕动乱的人。 yeeyan

The age of upheaval starts now.
动荡的年代从今天开始。 yeeyan

The answer just might change the landscape of the auto industry, which is currently going through an upheaval that is both dramatic and, for the most part, painful.
答案可能将改变汽车工业现在的面貌,这是目前正经历一个动荡,这个改变不仅很巨大而且在大多数情况下很痛苦的。 yeeyan

The house was a mistake, a miscalculation, but I love it, it's in the right place and moving again now would involve more expense and upheaval.
那房子是一个错误,是一个误判,但我喜欢它,它在合适的地段,再说,现在再次搬家会耗费更多开支,会更加动荡。 yeeyan

The move is in response to the influx of thousands of migrants fleeing the upheaval in Libya and Tunisia.
此举是为了应对数成千上万逃离利比亚和突尼斯的动荡的移民涌入境内。 hxen

The figures highlighted that the upheaval generated by the debt crisis in Europe and by the feebleness of the U.
这些数据表明,欧洲的债务危机及虚弱的美国经济所引起的剧变伤害到了全球的贸易活动。 yeeyan

They were sustained by their belief that all this upheaval was part of an attempt to create a better society.
支持他们的信念就是所有这些动乱都是努力建立更加美好社会的一部分。 yeeyan

This means a lot of upheaval for families and individuals, and for Arizona’s economy.
无论是对家庭、个人抑或亚利桑那的经济来说,这都是一个剧变。 ecocn

Together, we must help them recover from the disruptions of their democratic upheaval, and support the governments that will be elected later this year.
同时,我们必须帮助他们从民主动荡受到的破坏中恢复过来,并支持今年稍后将选出的政府。 hxen

Where is the next upheaval?
下一次动乱在哪里? ecocn

You can apply your own weightings to each variable to see which country may be the next to experience political upheaval.
读者可以为每个变量赋予自己的权重,看一下哪个国家可能会是下一个发生政治剧变的国家。 ecocn




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