

单词 updrs
释义 updrsCOCA¹⁶⁹⁹⁰⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
abbr.统一的帕金森病评定量表unified Parkinson diease rating scale
Conclusion Dingzhen Decoction can slow the ascending trend of UPDRS score in PD patients and delay the development of Parkinson's disease.

The primary outcome was the change from baseline to six months in the off- phase motor score of the Unified PD Rating Scale UPDRS.
主要结果是看在后期帕金森病统一评定量表 UPDRS,从基线到六个月的离线阶段动量分数的变化。24drs

During the study, the device collected and quantified data from subjects as they completed a subset of the UPDRS upper- extremity motor exam.
在该研究中,该设备从病人身上收集数据并进行量化,同时,这些病人也完成了 UPDRS的上肢动作测试。 dxy

Patients treated with STN stimulation also fared better in terms of on- phase motor UPDRS, dyskinesias UPDRS, median duration of dyskinesia, and reduction in antiparkinsonian drugs.
用 STN刺激作用对待的病人也按照在连线阶段的动量UPDRS,运动困难的 UPDRS,中位数的持续时间的 UPDRS,和抗巴金森氏症药物的减少使用。24drs

Secondary endpoints included changes from baseline in total daily“off” time; total scores of UPDRS Parts I, II, and IV; and Modified Hoehn and Yahr Scale score.
相对于试验初期次要终末点的改变包括每日“药物无作用”时间, UPDRS I, II, IV部分的总评分以及修正的 Hoehn和 Yahr的量表评分。 dxy

Study end points included a change from baseline to the end of the trial in Actiities of Daily Liing and the Motor Examination sections of the UPDRS scores.
实验终点包括实验前与实验结束时日常生活行为变化和帕金森病评定量表运动评分的考查。 cadjy

The primary endpoint was change from baseline in the total score of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale UPDRS Part III at the final assessment point.
最后评估总根据统一帕金森疾病评定量表 UPDRS第三部分的总评分中试验主要终末点相对于试验初期有所改变。 dxy




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