释义 |
up close ʌpkləuz 短语¹²⁴⁶³ 基本例句 adj.近距离的adv.近距离地 You've confronted your fear up close, and you see it for what it truly is: merely a fear, not a reality. 当近距离面对你的恐惧,你才看出它真正是个什么东西:不过是个杯弓蛇影的恐惧,而不是现实。 yeeyan I had the chance to view that organization up close this month when I canvassed for him. 在为他拉票的这个月中,我有机会近距离地观察他的竞选机构。 yeeyan Then she scooted the table up close to him, and leaned his cane against the table where he could reach it. 接着,她把桌子挪到他的近前,把他的拐杖靠在桌子旁,位于他能够够得着的地方。 yeeyan This reviewer, who saw both disasters up close, was struck by the sheer determination of the displaced to return. 本书评作者曾近距离目睹了这两次灾难,曾被失去家园者返乡的决心所感动。 ecocn Up close the paintings look incredibly abstract but when you step back they merge to form, amazingly, incredibly life-like face portraits. 近看似乎相当抽象,但退后一步就会神奇地发现,这些明暗形状形成了一幅栩栩如生的脸部肖像。 bamaol Up close, you can see that it's a steel sculpture of an eclectic bunch of subjects. 靠近了观察,你会发现它其实是一座不拘一格的钢制雕塑。 yeeyan Up close she was even more radiant and captivating than when I had seen her from a distance. 当我靠近她时,我发觉她比从远处看更加得光彩照人、富有魅力。 yeeyan Up close you can reveal telling details, like a sprinkle of freckles or an arched eyebrow. 更接近时,您可以展示一些明显的细节,如雀斑或弓形眉毛。 blog.sina.com.cn |