

单词 up all night
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He invented many of their tricks himself, up all night sometimes in his Clapham flat, keeping himself going with spoonfuls of “Pongolian hotpot”, based on tinned stewing steak and baked beans.
他们的很多魔术戏法是阿里自创的,有时在他位于克拉潘的公寓里整夜研究,每天只靠几匙“庞古利亚火锅”果腹,这种火锅是用罐头炖肉和烤豆做的。 ecocn

He stayed up all night last night.
昨晚他一夜没睡。 ebigear

If your teenagers have ever kept you up all night, these findings may ring true.
如果你十几岁的孩子曾经让你彻夜难眠,这些发现可能就是正确的了。 hjenglish

Last year over550 tweets came from students, teachers, and parents who stayed up all night to share their gratitude from Tanzania.
去年有超过550条推特信息来自学生、教师和父母,他们整夜守候在线上,分享他们在坦桑尼亚的感恩之情。 yeeyan

Many Republicans might support such a plan in private if they did not feel that the Democrats were keeping them up all night to score points at the President's expense.
如果不是因为觉得民主党人拖着他们一起熬夜,借着打击总统来为自己造势的话,也许许多共和党人私下里会支持这一提案。 yeeyan

Space enthusiasts who stayed up all night to watch the spectacle did not see the promised debris plume in the initial images.
太空爱好者熬夜等待观看奇景,却没有在最初的影像中看到科学家许诺的碎片云尘。 iciba

They told me they stayed up all night to see who was stealing their paper but the thief never came.
他们告诉我他们曾整夜不睡觉等着抓偷报纸的人,但是那小偷就是没有出现。 edu.sina.com.cn

You don't have to stay up all night waiting for a breakthrough or a breakdown to know your project goals.
你不必为获悉计划目标而熬一整夜,以求得一个突破性进展或者一个统计分析。 yeeyan




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