

单词 unwrapping
释义 unwrapping 英ʌn'ræpɪŋ美ʌn'ræpɪŋ COCA⁵⁴⁵⁷⁶BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
v.打开¹⁰⁰原型unwrap的现在分词 A simulated temperature field experiment proved that the projection data extraction method based on the phase unwrapping succeeded in facilitating computation of tomography.
模拟温度场实验证明基于相位展开的投影数据提取方法能够更好地完成层析计算。 cnki

It is difficult to retrieve the complex object shape by using traditional two- dimensional phase unwrapping algorithm, so the levels of automatization and accuracy of measuring are confined.
在三维面形测量中,对复杂面形的处理位相展开仍然是十分困难的,所以极大地限制着测量精度和测量系统的自动化程度。 dictall

The excitement and thrill of unwrapping and discovering something inside keeps toddlers busy and happy.
拆开包装去发现里面事物的那种激动会使孩子感到有事情做并快乐。 yeeyan

Therefore a new method of Kalman Filters used in phase unwrapping and noise restraining is proposed.
并提出了卡尔曼滤波在相位解缠与噪声抑制中的一种新算法。 cnki

Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress.
点燃香烟是你在压力下的条件反射,打开一块口香糖甚至就可以替代你的习惯性动作了。 yeeyan

A new phase unwrapping algorithm based on reliability ordering was proposed.
提出一种基于可靠性排序的相位展开算法。 dictall

A new phase unwrapping method based on structured light binary code is discussed.
探讨了一种新的基于结构光编码相展开技术。 cnki

Also the new algorithm improves the automatization of phase unwrapping by avoiding complex pole joint.
而且新算法避免了复杂的极点连接,提高了位相展开的自动化程度。 cnki

But ADB isn't the only data- binding framework for Axis2 supporting unwrapping.
但 ADB并不是让 Axis2支持取消包装的唯一数据绑定框架。 ibm

Due to the demerit of the algorithm, we present a new multi- frequency Maximum likelihood estimation MLE method based on traditional phase unwrapping method.
这其中,针对的算法的缺点论文提出了一种基于相位展开的多频率最大似然估计 MLE算法。 cnki

In order to solve the problem of phase wrapping and extend the estimation range, a new phase unwrapping algorithm is proposed.
为了解决相位区间跳变问题,从而扩大估计范围,提出了一种新的相位展开方法。 cnki

In this paper, we proposed a different method for height coordinatescalibration based on temporal phase unwrapping.
本文提出了一种基于时间相位展开的高度坐标校准方法。 cnki

It is a simple principle and higher measurement precision without complicated phase unwrapping and calibration procession, and can be used to measure the discontinuous and spatial isolation shape.
且原理简单,测量精度高,不需要复杂的相位展开和校准过程,特别适用于测量突变面形和空间离散面形。 cnki

Nevertheless, time is one of life's most precious gifts. And unwrapping it is half the fun.
然而,时间是生命中最宝贵的礼物之一,而拆开这项难以掌握和预料的礼物本身就已经是一种乐趣了。 tingvoa

Older people often still prefer giving tangible gifts, convinced that the recipients will enjoy unwrapping the surprise.
老年人通常仍更倾向于赠送实实在在的礼物,因为他们相信,这能让新人在拆开礼物时享受到那份惊喜。 ebigear

On unwrapping a bar of raw chocolate, the first thing that hits me is the powerful aroma, which is far more intense than a regular bar.
当我打开一条未加工的巧克力,我的第一感觉就是它的强烈的气味,比普通巧克力浓烈得多。 yeeyan

One in five British adults have torn the wrapping paper enough to be able to identify a gift and one in 20 admitted to unwrapping presents completely, the survey revealed.
调查显示,五分之一的英国成年人会撕开部分包装纸,以确认礼物是什么,而5%的人承认他们将包装纸整个撕掉。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The results show that dual-baseline airborne interferometric SAR using three antennas is an efficient scheme to improve phase unwrapping processing and improve height measurement accuracy.
分析结果表明,利用三天线构成的双基线机载干涉 SAR是改进相位展开过程、提高高程测量精度的有效方法。 cnki

These so called problems are resolved with ease and simplicity by simply acknowledging our life enhancing gifts and unwrapping our Presence.
只要承认我们的人生便是扩展自己的天赋、展开我们的存在,这些所谓的问题就迎刃而解了。 blog.sina.com.cn

This option is useful if the user wishes to modify tile- assembly parameters without unwrapping the individual tiles over again.
如果用户希望修改瓦片聚集参数而不对单独的瓦片进行再次解缠的话,那么这个选项就是有用的。 ppmiao.com

To overcome the demerits of traditional trend sequences analysis in temporal data mining, two concepts that were number trend sequences and trend sequences unwrapping were put forward.
针对时序数据挖掘中传统趋势序列分析的缺点,提出了数字趋势序列、趋势序列展开等概念。 dictall

Two-dimensional phase unwrapping method is an active and interesting subject, and plays important roles in a great number of measurement applications.
二维相位展开方法是近年来较为活跃、引起关注的一个研究课题,它在许多测量应用中有着重要的作用。 cnki

We propose a robust phase unwrapping method to co registration error for multibaseline InSAR systems.
提出了一种对配准误差稳健的多基线相位展开方法。 dictall

When unwrapping is used with a suitable WSDL service definition, the generated client stub and also the server skeleton is simpler and more direct.
当对合适的 WSDL服务定义使用取消包装操作时,生成的客户机存根以及服务器代码框架将更为简单和直接。 ibm




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