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词汇 unwillingness
释义 un·will·ing·ness 英ʌn'wɪlɪŋnəs美ʌn'wɪlɪŋnəs 高COCA¹⁸⁸²⁰BNC¹⁴⁹¹¹iWeb¹⁹¹⁹³Economist¹²⁷⁹⁷

the trait of being unwilling;

his unwillingness to cooperate vetoed every proposal I made

in spite of our warnings he plowed ahead with the involuntariness of an automaton

近义词 refusal拒绝aversion嫌恶reluctance不愿opposition反对indisposition小病disinclination不情愿involuntariness无意识或不自觉的性质或状…反义词 willingness乐意

用作名词His hesitation indicatesunwillingness.他的犹豫表明不愿意。
One danger isunwillingnessto admit the need to change.一个危险是不愿意承认改变的必要。
Nothing keeps you in bondage to the past more than anunwillingnessto forgive.唯有不情愿饶恕能把人们束缚在过去的事件当中。
Do you think for one moment that her seller would approve of herunwillingnessto disclose the apartment number to a prospective purchaser.略想一下,卖方会同意他不情愿的将房子号码透露给潜在的买主?noun.reluctance
同义词 aversion,diffidence,dissatisfaction,distaste,objection,opposition,reluctance,resistance,reticencedemurral,demurring,disinclination,hesitance,trepidationaverseness,disliking,disrelish,lack of desire,lack of enthusiasm,loathness,refusal,slowness,stubbornness
反义词 inclination,liking,love,loving,pleasure,satisfaction,willingness,approval
aversionnoun dislike;opposition
abhorrence,abomination,allergy,animosity,antagonism,antipathy,detestation,disfavor,disgust,disinclination,dislike,disliking,displeasure,dissatisfaction,distaste,dread,hate,hatred,having no use for,horror,hostility,indisposition,loathing,odium,opposition,reluctance,repugnance,repulsion,revulsion
disinclinationnoun unwillingness to do or believe something
alienation,antipathy,aversion,demur,disfavor,dislike,disliking,displeasure,disrelish,dissatisfaction,distaste,hatred,hesitance,indisposition,lack of desire,lack of enthusiasm,loathness,objection,opposition,reluctance,repugnance,resistance,unwillingness
hesitationnoun waiting;uncertainty
averseness,dawdling,delay,delaying,demurral,doubt,dubiety,equivocation,faltering,fluctuation,fumbling,hemming and hawing,hesitancy,indecision,indecisiveness,indisposition,irresolution,misgiving,mistrust,oscillation,pause,procrastination,qualm,reluctance,scruple,skepticism,stammering,stumbling,stuttering,unwillingness,vacillation,wavering
hesitationsnoun waiting;uncertainty
aversenesses,dawdlings,delayings,delays,demurrals,doubts,dubieties,equivocations,falterings,fluctuations,fumblings,hemming and hawings,hesitancies,indecision,indecisiveness,indispositions,irresolution,misgivings,mistrust,oscillations,pauses,procrastination,qualms,reluctance,scruples,skepticisms,stammerings,stumblings,stutterings,unwillingness,vacillations,waverings
indecisivenessnoun hesitation
averseness,dawdling,delay,delaying,demurral,doubt,dubiety,equivocation,faltering,fluctuation,fumbling,hemming and hawing,hesitancy,indecision,indisposition,irresoluteness,irresolution,misgiving,mistrust,oscillation,pause,procrastination,qualm,reluctance,scruple,shilly-shally,skepticism,stammering,stumbling,stuttering,tentativeness,timidity,timidness,to and fro,unwillingness,vacillation,wavering
indispositionnoun dislike
affliction,ailment,averseness,discomfort,disinclination,disorder,illness,infirmity,malady,malaise,reluctance,resentment,sickness,unwillingness The panel’s initial unwillingness to address this mistake, and the discovery of further problems with its work, raised troubling questions about its procedures.
专家小组最初的处理这些错误和这些问题的进一步发现的不情愿在程序上引起了麻烦的问题。 ecocn

Tried and tested is boring and you'll never know what you're missing if you display an unwillingness to explore options.
老方法往往是令人乏味无聊的,如果你不愿意去探索各种各样的可能性,你将永远不会知道自己错过了什么。 yeeyan

“ Unwillingness to give help to others, unless there is some special reason for doing so, is a trait that runs through Chinese social relations in multifold manifestations,” he wrote.
“中国人不愿意帮助别人,除非有一些特殊原因要求他们这样做。这是中国的社会关系使然,这是在多方面的表现的特征,”他写道。 yeeyan

An unwillingness to accept help from a boss or colleague is another sign of a corporate idol.
“职场秀客”的另一个特点是不愿意接受上级和同事的帮助。 hxen

But when you actually know the reasons, fear and unwillingness to take responsibility prevents you from talking openly about them and even think.
但是当你事实上知道原因,恐惧和不愿承担责任阻止了你公开谈论它们,甚至是想它们。 yeeyan

He has several of the qualities that Mr Mbeki so manifestly lacks, in particular an unwillingness to be pushed around by a clever84-year-old who refuses to accept that his time is up.
他具有一些姆贝基明显不具有的特质,姆贝基尤其不愿意被一个84岁高龄的智者呼来喝去,而后者更是拒绝接受属于自己时代已经结束的现实。 ecocn

However, in some instances the limits are artificial and may signal an unwillingness to negotiate.
然而,在有些情况下,限制是人为的,可能预示着不愿意谈判。 yeeyan

In fact they are often driven by ruthlessly self- interested motives that leave him in a position of seeming weakness and unwillingness to defend not only national but his own political interests.
而事实上这些人经常被冷酷无情的自我利益所趋势,使得总统本人经常不仅仅为了保护国家,甚至是自己的政治利益,而被置于看上去软弱和不情愿的地位上。 yeeyan

In this context, it is important to distinguish the inability from the unwillingness of a State Party to comply with its right to health obligations.
在这方面,必须区分缔约国是无能力遵守还是不愿意遵守其健康权方面的义务。 who

It is not that Ecuador lacks resources. Investors generally agree that any default would be the result of unwillingness, rather than inability, to pay.
绝非是厄瓜多尔缺乏财力.投资者们一致认为:不情愿,而不是无能力造成了违约. ecocn

It wasn’t just Alan Greenspan’s unwillingness to admit that there was anything more than a bit of“ froth” in housing markets, or his refusal to do anything about subprime abuses.
并不是格林斯潘不愿承认房地产市场出现了一点点“冒泡泡”的征兆,也不是他拒绝对次级贷款的滥用采取措施。 yeeyan

ONE of the things holding back agriculture in developing countries is the unwillingness of farmers with small plots of land to invest in better seed and fertiliser.
阻碍发展中国家农业发展的因素有很多,其中之一就是拥有小块土地的农民不愿意在更好的种子和肥料上投资。 ecocn

Perhaps the starkest botch has been their inability or unwillingness to control the spread of invasive species.
也许刻板的修补更彰显各国政府的无能为力或是对控制入侵物种蔓延的不情愿。 yeeyan

Perhaps my independence stemmed from my unwillingness to rely on or open up to anyone else for fear that I would be emotional hurt or let down again?.
可能我的独立来源于不愿意依赖任何人或对任何人打开心房,我害怕再次?受到情感上的伤害或失望。 yeeyan

Picture that person and hold onto that unwillingness to forgive.
心里想象着这个人,和那心中怀有的不情愿。 yeeyan

Some caveats are not about an unwillingness to fight; some are about fundamental constraints on what you can do as a country.
有些警告并不代表避免战争的愿望;有些警告是你可以作为一个国家行事时的基本条件。 yeeyan

The British empire in India was merely“an empire of opinion”, thought another, founded on the unwillingness of“the natives to reflect upon their own strength”.
另外一个人想,大英帝国在印度只是“意见的帝国”,建立在“土著居民反思自己力量”的不情愿之上。 ecocn

This may, however, not be entirely due to the unwillingness of government's to use their gold reserves to pay back debt.
然而,这可能不完完全全是由于政府不愿意动用他们的黄金储备来偿还债务。 yeeyan

Tokyo's unwillingness or inability to make tough decisions risks Japan losing influence and even relevance in a region increasingly dominated by an ascendant China.
东京不愿意或者不能够做强硬的决定是冒着失去在地区中的影响力甚至关联性的风险的,在区域中上升的中国越来越处于主导位置。 yeeyan

Yet despite the danger that this could be a significant problem, there is a worrying unwillingness among some in the scientific world even to examine the claim.
但是尽管这种危险可能成为一个重要的问题,在科学领域仍有一些不情愿的担忧者甚至要求核查这个主张。 yeeyan

Unwillingness or inability to compromise on the Israeli side and fractured politics and weak bargaining on the Palestinian side seem insurmountable obstacles.
以色列一方不愿意也无力进行妥协。而政治的分裂和弱势的谈判能力看起来是巴基斯坦一方不可逾越的障碍。 yeeyan




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