

单词 unwilling
释义 un·will·ing 英ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ美ʌnˈwɪlɪŋAHDŭn-wĭlʹĭng ★★☆☆☆高四六牛4八COCA⁸⁹⁶⁰BNC⁶⁴⁰⁴iWeb⁹⁸⁹⁹Economist⁵⁸¹¹
not disposed or inclined toward;

an unwilling assistant

unwilling to face facts

in spite of contrary volitionunwilling,reluctant




词根词缀: un-否定 + will-vol-自愿,意愿 + -ingbe unwilling to call the king one's cousin得意已极
蒋争熟词记忆un-不willingadj.乐意的;自愿的⇒不愿意的;不情愿的非常记忆un不〖词缀〗+willing乐意的〖熟词〗⇒不乐意去上学un-不willingadj.乐意的;自愿的⇒不愿意的;不情愿的钱博士un不+willing情愿的⇒不情愿的近义词 forced被迫的averse厌恶的loath不愿意的backward向后的grudging吝惜的resistant抵抗的reluctant不情愿的disinclined不愿的indisposed不愿意的involuntary非自愿的unenthusiastic不热心的反义词 willing愿意的

用作形容词I amunwillingto set a precedent.我不想开先例。
Nothing is easy to theunwilling.人不情愿事事难。
He isunwillingto accept advice.他不愿意接受忠告。
He isunwillingto acknowledge defeat.他不愿认输。
If you areunwilling, don't hesitate to say no.如果你不愿意,请直说吧。adj.not in the mood
同义词 afraid,averse,compelled,evasive,forced,loath,reluctant,resistant,unenthusiasticagainst,against the grain,backward,begrudging,contrary,demurring,disinclined,disobliging,grudging,hesitating,indisposed,indocile,involuntary,laggard,malcontent,opposed,recalcitrant,refractory,remiss,shrinking,shy,slack,slow,unaccommodating,uncheerful,uncooperative,uneager,uninclined,unobliging,unready,unwishful,wayward
反义词 eager,enthusiastic,ready,willingprepared
adverseadjective unfavorable, antagonistic
allergic to,conflicting,contrary,detrimental,disadvantageous,down on,down side,have no use for,inimical,injurious,inopportune,negative,opposed,opposing,oppositeoppugningornery,reluctant,repugnant,stuffy,unfortunate,unfriendly,unlucky,unpropitious
afraidadjective reluctant, regretful
averseadjective opposing
afraid,allergic,antagonistic,antipathetic,contrary,disinclined,disliking,having no use for,hesitant,hostile,ill-disposed,indisposed,inimical,loath,nasty,perverse,reluctant,uneager,unfavorable,unfriendly,unwilling
backwardadjective bashful or hesitant
forcedadjective compulsory, strained
hesitantadjective uncertain, waiting
afraid,averse,backward,dawdling,delaying,diffident,disinclined,doubtful,doubting,faltering,half-hearted,halting,hanging back,hesitating,indecisive,irresolute,lacking confidence,lazy,loath,reluctant,shy,skeptical,slow,tentative,timid,uneager,unpredictable,unsure,unwilling,vacillating,wavering“ We must fashion new tactics which do not count on government good will, but instead serve to compel unwilling authorities to yield to the mandates of justice, ” King told his aides.
“我们应当研究出一种新策略使我们不必依赖政府的良好意愿而使不情愿的当局服从于公正的民意”,马丁路德金对他的支持者说。 yeeyan

A life that others dream about, but they are unwilling to reach for.
一个别人都梦想得到生活,但他们现在不愿意迈出第一步。 yeeyan

At first people were unwilling to accept Warhol’s silkscreens as paintings, because they were created mechanically without a trace of the artist’s hand.
一开始,人们不愿承认沃霍尔的丝网印刷品为画作,因为它们是机械印刷的,没有一丝画家的笔迹。 ecocn

But America’s leaders seem unable, or just unwilling, to do anything about it.
但是美国的首脑看来不能或是仅仅不愿意做出什么改变。 ecocn

But he reserves his strongest criticism for the City of London where he sees investors interested only in elaborate speculation, and unwilling to take risks on backing ordinary businesses.
但他对伦敦持有最强烈的批评,在他看来,这里的投资者只对复杂的投机感兴趣,不愿意在支持普通行业上冒风险。 ecocn

Either way, they were serene and unwilling to inflict pain on others— exactly like those who were given word of social acceptance.
在任一种情况下,他们都很平静,不愿对他人造成痛苦——完全像那些收到通知被社会接受的人。 yeeyan

Environmentalists did harm by being ignorant and ideological and unwilling to change their mind based on actual evidence. As a result we have done harm and I regret it.
环保人士的无知和理想主义,及不愿意基于事实证据改变其想法的行为造成了伤害。对我们所做出的伤害,我感到很后悔。 yeeyan

He likewise gave up the fruitless task of teaching grammar to his unwilling pupil, and read Sakuntala with me instead.
他也同样放弃了那毫无结果的、对他的不情愿的孩子们教授文法的做法,而代之以和我一道读《沙恭达罗》。 yeeyan

His proposals for cheap diagnostic technologies were turned down by firms unwilling to undermine their existing products, so he left to set up his own firm in China.
他的关于廉价诊断技术的建议由于公司不愿停止现有产品的生产而遭到拒绝,因此,他离职在中国成立了自己的公司。 ecocn

However, some children do not ask questions about sexuality because they have sensed that adults many be unwilling or uncomfortable about answering them.
但是,有些孩子不问性问题,因为他们已经感觉到,成人许多都对回答它们感到不适或者不情愿。 yeeyan

I felt that the judge was making me an unwilling and unnecessary adjunct to the court system.
我觉得法官是在把我变成法律制度下的一个极不情愿又不必要的附庸。 hxen

If your friend seems unable or unwilling to seek help, offer to go with him or her and tell your friend that his or her health and safety is important to you.
如果你的朋友看起来不能或是不愿意寻求帮助,要求和他或她一起去或告诉你的朋友,他或她的健康和安全是你来说很重要。 yeeyan

Investors have sniffed out that Europe’s leaders seem unwilling ever to do enough.
投资者已经嗅出,欧洲领导人看起来并不愿做足够的努力。 ecocn

One reason, he said, why he believes the government has not accepted it yet, and also why they are unwilling to increase the quotas.
他说,这就是为什么政府还没有接受放宽酒水供应的提议和不愿意去提高酒类的配额的原因之一。 yeeyan

Others are more like the captain, driven by an inner force to start a business and unwilling to take“no” for an answer.
其他更多的都像上尉一样,他们创办企业完全是由内心一股强大的力量所驱动,而且从不愿意接受否定。 ecocn

They were simply unwilling to end the conflict.
他们仅仅只是不愿意结束冲突。 yeeyan

What part of our plan are we each unwilling to change?
在我们的计划中,有哪部分是我们各自不愿意改变的? yeeyan

When you forgive him, you no longer demand from him what he has proven he is incapable or unwilling to give.
当你原谅他的时候。 当你原谅他的时候,你也不再要求他去证明他是不能或者不愿忏悔。 yeeyan




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