belongs to lowest social and ritual class in India
beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment;for the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target
impossible to assailforbidden to the touch;in most museums such articles are untouchable
especially used in traditional Hindu belief of the lowest caste or castes defilingnot capable of being obtained;a rare work, today almost inaccessible
timber is virtually unobtainable in the islands
untouchable resources buried deep within the earth
近义词 exile放逐recluse隐士harijan贱民superior上级outsider外行matchless无敌的unrivaled无比的leper麻风病患者unrivalled无双的castaway被抛弃的superlative最上的outcast被驱逐的人unparalleled无比的unattainable难到达的intangible难以明了的unbeatable难以战胜的inaccessible难接近的unassailable攻不破的unobtainable无法得到的unprocurable不可获得的pariah南印度的最下级民…unchallenged未受过挑战的…
用作名词You got yourself the untouchable status.你现在就像古印度贱民一样。
Even though K.R.Narayanan was an Untouchable in his country, he managed to rise to the highest ranks in India's government.尽管纳拉亚南在印度是贱民出身,但他通过自己的努力最终问鼎权力高峰。