

单词 untangling
释义 un·tan·gle 英ˌʌn'tæŋɡl美ˌʌn'tæŋɡl COCA⁶²⁴⁶⁶BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
release from entanglement of difficulty;

I cannot extricate myself from this task

become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of;

unravel the thread

近义词 untie解开unpick拆开unravel解开unscramble整理disentangle解开extricate使解脱unknot 解开 … 结子…disencumber排除障碍straighten out成一直线反义词 tangle缠结

用作动词Can youuntangleall those cables on the floor?请把地板上所有缠结的电缆都解开好吗?
I started to try anduntanglethe mystery.我开始尝试解开这个谜。
The auditors willuntangleall those accounts.查账员会把所有这些账目进行整理。 As you can see, annotations are very handy for untangling the names of crosscutting elements into multiple pieces.
可以看出,对于将横切元素的名字分解为多个部分,使用注释很方便。 ibm

Richard Tomkins sets about untangling the problem and comes up with an answer.
里查德·汤姆金斯着手解决这一问题,并提出了建议。 ebigear

The council has yet to begin untangling the legal and legislative knots that have snarled up the economy for so many years.
立法司法缠结已阻碍经济发展多年,委员会已开始解开。 ecocn

The thankless task of untangling fake votes from real ones falls to an electoral watchdog dominated by UN- appointed foreigners.
区分真假选票的不讨好的任务落到了主要由联合国指定的官员组成的监管会手上。 ecocn.org

Today, these challenges bring us the importance of untangling development and the increasing demand for resources.
这些挑战进一步强调了将发展与对自然资源日益增长的需求相分离的重要性。 ecocn

We’re working right now on untangling the mess we left.
我们现在的工作就是要把我们上一季留下的烂摊子清理干净。 hjenglish

When it was clear that the members of the family were in bed the Grand Army man hitched his shoulders and, untangling his long legs, caught his heels on the rounds of his chair.
这家人显然已经睡下了,那军人双肩一收,双腿一分,脚跟踩在椅子的横条上。 yeeyan

As an executive coach, he sees managers collapse several issues into one large mess, so he often asks them to remove the emotion, the anxiety and start untangling things, bit by bit.
作为一名高管培训师,他经常看到有的经理人因为某几个问题就陷入全面的混乱。所以,他经常要求他们抛开所有情绪和焦虑,然后开始一点一点地理清形势,解决问题。 fortunechina

But if your first pulls are good ones, the untangling becomes easier with each move.
但是如果你开始找到的线头就是好的,解开线团会更容易。 blog.sina.com.cn

If the disaster involved the death of a close family member, untangling the grieving process from the traumatic circumstances of the loss becomes an important part of the assessment.
如果灾难包括近亲的死亡,那么从灾难情景中化解悲伤的过程则是评估的重要部分。 yeeyan

In addition to untangling element signatures, annotations can be used to express any data associated with your code's crosscutting concerns.
除了排除元素签名的纠结外,还可以使用注释来表达与代码的横切关注相关的任何数据。 ibm

It may force China to start untangling the variety of motives behind its persistent effort to control the influx of foreign cultural and information products.
也许它将揭开中国政府坚持对引入外国文化和信息产品严加控制背后的一系列动机。 yeeyan

Moreover, untangling cause and effect in studies like these is notoriously tricky. And it does not help that the boffins themselves seem baffled by the results.
此外,理清这种研究报告的原因和结果本身就很棘手,而研究员本身似乎也对结果感到困惑这件事也不起任何帮助。 ecocn

My technology client tried untangling her web content herself, and got scared.
而我的技术性客户试图自己去搞定她的网页内容,她害怕了。 yeeyan

Otherwise, you'll probably spend more time untangling your dog's leash from trees and brush than you will enjoying your walk!
否则你大概就要花很多时间解决牵引带绕树缠草的麻烦,那多影响我们漫步山林的心情啊。 blog.sina.com.cn

See“ Untangling Spiders' Evolutionary Web.”
见“蜘蛛进化关系网” yeeyan

Still, untangling the vast web of genetic and molecular factors involved in learning will not be easy.
解开涉及学习的遗传因素和分子因素的庞大网络仍然不容易。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

This approach has a practical application in untangling element signatures and is also conceptually useful for designing annotation types, even for developers who do not practice AOP.
这种方法具有分解元素签名的实际用途,并且在总体上对设计注释类型很有用,甚至对于那些不从事 AOP的开发人员也很有帮助。 ibm

To many American capitalists, geography has never seemed less important— though that should not stop them untangling Wall Street.
对于许多美国资本投资上门来说,地理位置的限制已经不再是那么明显了——尽管目前还不能够缓解华尔街金融的颓势。 ecocn

Zipbuds will help you spend less time untangling your earphones and more time listening to music.
Zipbuds这种拉链耳机会帮你省下解开耳机线的时间,而将它们更多地花在享受音乐上。 yeeyan

Untangling America’s complex production subsidies will require congressional approval, against likely opposition from the oil lobby.
清理美国错综复杂的产品补贴必须得到国会的批准,而石油院外活动集团很可能会表达反对意见。 ecocn

Untangling finances feels like playing detective to me.
对我来说,解开财务问题感觉就是做一个侦探。 www.basecamp.com.cn




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