

单词 unsuspecting
释义 un·sus·pect·ing 英ˌʌnsəˈspektɪŋ美ˌʌnsəˈspɛktɪŋAHDŭn'sə-spĕkʹtĭng ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA²¹⁸⁸²BNC²⁰²²⁷iWeb¹⁴⁴⁸⁸Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
not suspicious;

deceiving the unsuspecting public

often followed by `of' not knowing or expecting; not thinking likely;

an unsuspecting victim

unsuspecting or unaware of the fact that I would one day be their leader

unsuspecting of没料想到
un无|不-suspect-ing动名词⇒adj.无疑心的³³;无戒心的⁵⁴;未料到的¹³近义词 naive天真的unwary不小心的innocent清白的credulous轻信的gullible易受骗的unaware没有发觉的unsuspicious无怀疑的

用作形容词It is possible to foolunsuspectingbuyers.欺骗那些易轻信的买主是可能的。
Numerous pitfalls awaitunsuspectinginvestors.数不清的陷阱等待毫无戒心的投资者。
I amunsuspectingof the fact that John is debt-ride.我没有料想到约翰已是债台高筑。adj.gullible
同义词 innocentconfiding,credulous,easy,inexperienced,ingenuous,naive,off guard,simple,swallowing,taken in,trustful,trusting,unconscious,undoubting,unsuspicious,unwarned,unwary
反义词 conscious,expecting,knowing,realizing,suspecting
credulousadjective gullible, naive
accepting,believing,born yesterday,dupable,easy mark,falling for,green,overtrusting,simple,swallow whole,taken in,trustful,trusting,uncritical,unquestioning,unsophisticated,unsuspicious,unwary
dupableadjective easy
exploitableadjective easy
gullibleadjective naive, trusting
being a sucker,believing,biting,credulous,easily taken in,easy mark,falling hook line and sinker,foolish,green,innocent,kidding oneself,mark,silly,simple,sucker,susceptible,swallowing whole,taken in,taking the bait,trustful,tumbling for,unskeptical,unsophisticated,unsuspecting,wide-eyed
ignorantadjective unaware, unknowing
apprenticed,benighted,birdbrained,blind to,cretinous,dense,green,illiterate,imbecilic,in the dark,inexperienced,innocent,insensible,mindless,misinformed,moronic,naive,nescient,oblivious,obtuse,shallow,thick,unconscious,unconversant,uncultivated,uncultured,uneducated,unenlightened,uninformed,uninitiated,unintellectual,unknowledgeable,unlearned,unlettered,unmindful,unread,unschooled,unsuspecting,untaught,untrained,unwitting,witless
naiveadjective childlike, trusting
aboveboard,artless,callow,candid,confiding,countrified,credulous,forthright,frank,fresh,green,guileless,gullible,harmless,ignorant,impulsive,ingenuous,innocent,innocuous,instinctive,jejune,lamb,like a babe in the woods,natural,open,original,patsy,plain,simple,simple-minded,sincere,spontaneous,square,sucker,unaffected,unjaded,unpretentious,unschooled,unsophisticated,unsuspecting,unsuspicious,untaught,unworldly,virgin,wide-eyed And this is this voracious predator launching a sneak attack on this poor little unsuspecting jellyfish there, a by-the-wind sailor.
这是一个贪婪的捕食者正在对这只可怜的,毫无察觉的, 顺水漂流的小水母发起的攻击。 yeeyan

The recent trend to package small quantities into100- calorie snack packs is a way for food- makers to get more money from unsuspecting consumers.
最近食品制造商赚钱的动向是:将零食分装成小包装的每个100卡路里的零售袋里去赚拥趸的钱。 yeeyan

The markets rallied in succeeding months but it would be a false recovery that led unsuspecting investors into the worst economic crisis of modern times.
接下来的几个月股市触底反弹。不过这只是一个回暖假象,它将毫无戒心的投资者带向近代经济危机。 yeeyan

When snapping a spectacle—a coronation, say, or a parade— he trained his camera on the unsuspecting bystanders.
不论是加冕礼还是大游行,每拍摄一个场景,他都把照相机对准浑然不觉的芸芸众生。 ecocn

A number of U.S. states have joined in on an investigation of whether privacy laws were broken when Google's Street View vehicles collected personal data of unsuspecting Internet users.
美国有几个州已经展开联合调查,以确定谷歌街景车辆在网民无防备的情况下收集他们私人数据的时候,其行为是否违反了隐私法律。 voa365

Above all, it shows how the photographer projected her inner torment and sense of estrangement onto her unsuspecting sitters.
尤其是它展现了摄影家如何将她内心的折磨与失和的感观投射在她那毫不怀疑的模特身上。 ecocn

An out of control trolley is heading down a track toward five unsuspecting people and will surely kill them all.
有一辆失控有轨电车朝着五位毫不知情的人们的轨道失去,一定会将他们都压死。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Cross- site scripting XSS refers to a large classification of vulnerabilities that focus on the ability to present malicious code to an unsuspecting user.
跨站点脚本 XSS指的是一个较大的攻击类,这些攻击的主要目的是把恶意代码显示给没有防备的用户。 ibm

I zeroed in on this unsuspecting fellow, who happily gave me directions to our destination, and we were off.
我瞄准这个可信赖的家伙,他也很愉快地给我指了路,我们上路继续朝目的地进发。 fortunechina

Instead they are most likely the result of common types of reasoning errors, which appear frequently in discussions in the news media and which can easily fool an unsuspecting public.
他们极有可能是几个常见推理错误所导致的结果,这些推理频繁的出现在新闻媒体的讨论当中并且可以轻而易举的骗倒轻信的观众。 yeeyan

Next year’s model will have a Doppler sonar to help it avoid high-speed collisions with unsuspecting swimmers.
明年的型号将配备多普勒声纳,以帮助避免与未察觉该设备的游泳者发生高速碰撞。 ecocn

One is that, for a polar bear, the risk from attacking humans is higher, and the reward much lower, than patiently waiting to clobber a fat, unsuspecting seal.
其中之一就是,对于一个北极熊来说,相较于耐心等着去击垮一只肥胖而毫无戒备的海豹,袭击人类的风险更大,而回报甚微。 yeeyan

Roofs toppled and walls and other debris fell onto unsuspecting people asleep.
房顶坍塌、墙壁和其他瓦砾砸在毫无准备的人们身上。 who

Social Engineering is the tricking of an unsuspecting administrator into giving the account ID and passwords over to an attacker.
社交工程是哄骗一个毫无疑虑的管理员向攻击者说出帐户标识和密码的欺骗方法。 ibm

Suddenly, you will notice just how much abundance is flowing your way— unexpected gifts, unsuspecting help, happy coincidences and just plain good luck.
突然间,你会注意到你的未来是多么的丰富多彩——意外收到的礼物和帮助、高兴的事儿,还有好运。 yeeyan

The boys procured some twine and borrowed a lure from their unsuspecting father, a three-inch metal spoon which they attached upside down and then threw into the water a few yards behind their boat.
男孩们取得了些细绳并从他们那将信将疑的父亲处借到了一些饵料,他们用饵料包裹一块三英寸长的金属勺并把它投入船后几码外的水中。 ecocn

Though South Pacific legends describe clams that lie in wait to trap unsuspecting swimmers or swallow them whole, no account of a human death by giant clam has ever been substantiated.
尽管有南太平洋的传说称有蛤蚌伏击在那里将没有觉察到的游泳者困住或将他们整个吞掉,但还没有任何人因为蛤蚌而死被证实过。 yeeyan

Tomorrow has yet to be born, and no matter what you expect, it will be magically filled with all kinds of unsuspecting surprises.
而明天还没有到来,不管你有着什么样子的期盼,明天都是充满着各种各样的奇妙可能。 yeeyan

Traditional defences at national borders are no protection against a microbe incubating in an unsuspecting traveller or an insect hiding in a cargo hold.
微生物潜伏在毫无提防的旅客身上,或细菌隐藏在货柜中,对于它们,国界上的传统防卫不起作用。 who

You're standing near a track as an out-of- control train hurtles toward five unsuspecting people.
你正站在铁道旁,一辆失控的火车向五个毫无防备的人猛冲而去。 yeeyan




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