

单词 unsuccessfully
释义 un·suc·cess·ful·ly 英ˌʌnsək'sesfli美ˌʌnsək'sesfli 高COCA¹⁷³⁷¹BNC¹²⁷⁹⁵iWeb¹⁶⁵²³Economist¹⁵⁹⁹⁴

without success;

she tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to buy a new car

近义词 in vain徒然vainly徒劳地abortively流产地ineffectively无效地disastrously灾难性地反义词 successfully成功地,圆满地…

He had proposed marriage,unsuccessfully, twice already.他已经两次求婚,均未成功。
I tried, albeitunsuccessfully, to contact him.尽管未与他联系上,可是我已尽力而为了。as in.badly
同义词 awkwardly,clumsily,poorlyabominably,blunderingly,carelessly,crudely,defectively,erroneously,faultily,feebly,haphazardly,imperfectly,incompetently,ineffectively,ineptly,maladroitly,negligently,shoddily,stupidly,unfavorably,unfortunately,unsatisfactorily,unskillfully,weakly,wrong,wrongly
反义词 adequately,calmly,little,mildly,morallyas in.poorly
同义词 badly,crudely,inadequately,insufficientlydefectively,incompetently,inexpertly,inferiorly,meanly,shabbily
反义词 satisfactorily,wellas in.unfortunately
同义词 sadlyregrettablydisastrously,dismally,grievously,horribly,lamentably,miserably,unhappily
反义词 appropriately,favorably,fortunately,happily,luckilyas in.vainly
同义词 futilelyfruitlessly,ineffectually,uselessly
badlyadverb inadequately
poorlyadverb unsatisfactorily
unfortunatelyadverb unluckily
vainlyadverb in vain
fruitlessly,futilely,ineffectually,unsuccessfully,uselessly Life and art were so similar, prosecutors say, that they even sought, unsuccessfully, to have the movie shown to the jury.
案情和电影如此相似,以至于检察官们说他们甚至想把这部电影放给陪审团看,但是没有成功。 hjenglish

The University of New South Wales had been trying unsuccessfully to commercialize the technology for20 years, but Shi was determined to find a way.
新南威尔士大学20年中一直在尝试将这种技术商业化未取得成功,但施正荣下决心找到解决方法。 yeeyan

After trying unsuccessfully to land another similar position elsewhere, I knew what I had to do.
在尝试对其他类似职务应聘失败后,我知道我该做什么。 yeeyan

All this is a big change from2004, when he first ran, unsuccessfully, for the Democratic nomination and thenequally unsuccessfully as John Kerry's vice- presidential running- mate.
这都是他自2004年落选后的重大改变,04年他先竞选民主党提名,败北之后与约翰•克里的搭档副总统再次失败。 ecocn

An hour later, my midwife tried unsuccessfully to coax me out of the tub.
一个小时之后,我的助产士试着把我从浴盆里哄出来,但没有成功。 yeeyan

An hour later, my midwife tried unsuccessfully to coax me out of the tub. Shortly after that, I felt the urge to push.
一个小时之后,我的助产士试着把我从浴盆里哄出来,但没有成功。一会儿之后,我感觉到很大的推压力。 yeeyan

And why would you want to do what everyone else is unsuccessfully doing anyway, no matter what time of year?
而且为什么不管是不是新年,你都要做周围大多数人都在做虽然不成功的事情呢? yeeyan

At first glance it appears that Mr Davis, a former Republican who also ran unsuccessfully for office as a Democrat, may be siphoning support away from Ms Corwin.
戴维斯此前是一名共和党员,同时也作为民主党的候选人参加竞选,结果当然失败了,乍看之下,他似乎是通过虹吸原理,从科温那里赢来选票。 remword

For example, a transaction may have been resubmitted successfully, resubmitted unsuccessfully with remaining issues, or rejected altogether.
例如,事务可能重新提交成功,重新提交未成功有遗留问题,或被完全拒绝。 ibm

For years, U.S. bankers and lawyers urged China, unsuccessfully, to allow securitization, but they have curbed such pleas in recent months after seeing the global financial crisis unfold.
多少年以来,美国银行家一直未能成功促使中国同意进行资产证券化,但在金融危机越演越烈的最近几个月里面他们成功了。 yeeyan

He ran unsuccessfully for Congress in Illinois in2000, which was when he first crossed paths with Mr. Obama, who also was running for Congress.
2000年他在伊利诺伊州议会获选胜出,那是他初次与奥巴马先生交往,奥巴马先生当时也在竞选州议会议员。 yeeyan

I have tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to put them behind me, preferring to think of things that can be created, not destroyed, and that bring beauty and joy.
我曾尝试把它们抛在脑后,尽量去思考一些创造性,而不是毁灭性的事物,一些可以带来美丽和欢乐的事物。 yeeyan

If Mr Huntsman runs creditably but unsuccessfully next year, he might then enter the2016 cycle with a higher national profile.
如果洪博培先生明年美满的运筹但仍旧失败,他可能会带着更高的国民知名度角逐2016年的总统。 ecocn

Many say he should help his brother and sister, a security guard and dish- washer respectively; he says he has tried to aid them, unsuccessfully.
许多人说他应该帮助他的当保安的兄弟和洗碗工的妹妹;他说他已经努力帮过他们了,但是没有成功。 yeeyan

Other friends were working near the towers, and I tried to reach them, unsuccessfully.
我有不少朋友都在塔楼附近上班,我试着和他们联系,但都没有成功。 yeeyan

Perhaps we’re standing up, trying, unsuccessfully, to balance food, drink and fork.
或许我们站着、努力却失败地保持着食品、饮料和叉子的平衡。 yeeyan

Rand sought unsuccessfully to interview Wright as a source for The Fountainhead.
在为《源泉》取材时,兰德曾试图采访赖特,但未能如愿。 yeeyan

Try to think of situations in which you've used your strengths successfully and times when you've used them unsuccessfully.
试着去想想你成功利用你性格优势的情境以及你失败的时候。 ebigear

When running unsuccessfully for the Senate in 1994, he was pro- choice on abortion and said he was more pro- gay rights than his opponent, Ted Kennedy.
1994年他竞选参议员失利,当时他赞成有权选择合法堕胎,他还称他比对手泰德•肯尼迪更支持同性恋的权利。 ecocn

Wikipedia has tried, unsuccessfully thus far, to get Wikipedian photographers into red carpet events and award shows.
维基百科尝试过让维基摄影师去参加隆重事件和颁奖仪式,但迄今为止都失败了。 yeeyan




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