

单词 unspectacular
释义 unspectacular 英ˌʌnspek'tækjələʳ美ˌʌnspek'tækjələr ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁹¹⁰⁷BNC⁴²⁶¹⁸iWeb³⁷⁶¹⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

not spectacular;

an unspectacular but necessary task

“The arrest was entirely unspectacular, ” she said.
“拘捕行动完全波澜不惊。”她说。 yeeyan

After decades of relatively unspectacular growth, compared to the east Asian economies, India's economy suddenly took off three or four years ago, growing at 8% or more a year.

But it was absolutely good to have such a deep experience in such a beautiful caring atmosphere and a place almost hidden in an unspectacular surrounding.
这绝对是一个很棒的经历,在这样一个美丽的充满关怀的环境中,它几乎隐藏起来并不引人注意。 fanyispa

But to nonspecialists most of it looks comparatively unspectacular— the one slight exception being his monograph A Sparse Robust Model for a Linz-Don a witz Steel Converter.
但对于非专业人士来说大多数成果看上去相对都不是那么引人注意——稍微有点例外的就是他的专著《林茨-多纳维茨钢转炉的一个稀疏型稳健模型》。 yeeyan

Evil is unspectacular and always human. And shares our bed…and eats at our table.
恶魔通常只是凡人并且毫不起眼,他们用我们同床,与我们同桌共餐。 blog.sina.com.cn

I am instead trying to draw attention to the inconspicuous and unspectacular war that life wages every day against nothingness.
正相反,我在试图引起人们注意一场每时每刻都在进行的,发生在生活和虚无之间,即不显眼也不引人注目的战争。 yeeyan

In the Netherlands the anti- immigrant Freedom Party PVV and its leader, Geert Wilders, are still hot stuff, despite an unspectacular performance in recent provincial elections.
在荷兰提倡反对移民的自由党及其领导人 Geert Wilders炙手可热,尽管其在最近的省级选举中表现平平。 ecocn

Instead, she studied accountancy after leaving university, and a steady if unspectacular professional path seemed set.
然而,离开大学后她学的是会计,一个平淡无奇的职业道路似乎已经铺就。 topsage

Mourinho's side will not get highly praised for style, but their players have confidence in their technical nous, and it was their economical but unspectacular play that earned them this triumph.
穆里尼奥的球队不会因风格而受到高度赞扬,但他们的球员对他们的技术理智都充满信心,而正是他们的简单却不引人注意的战术替他们赢得了这场胜利。 blog.sina.com.cn

Nonetheless, with euro-zone growth steady but unspectacular, and unemployment still stubbornly stuck above8%, Mr Trichet would clearly prefer not to have to raise rates again in the near future.
尽管如此,欧元区的经济依然在悄无声息的增长,而失业率依然不依不饶地高于8%,因此,在最近一段时间,特里谢明显不会再次升息。 ecocn

Poet W. H. Auden Wrote: Evil is unspectacular and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our own table.
诗人说:恶魔通常都不引人注意,而且就在人类中间,与我们同吃同睡。 uupink

Stable, trouble free performance with exceptional depth of image and pleasingly unspectacular fidelity to musical sounds.
稳定,避免发生纠纷性能卓越的深度和令人愉快的图像保真度普通,对音乐的声音。 tubebbs

The FDP's liberal instincts will condition the government's behaviour, often in unspectacular ways.
自民党追求自由,因而将会多少潜移默化地左右政府行为。 topsage

The color in the Stoffels portrait is unspectacular: shades of tawny brown with flicks of red like ruby chips.
这幅Stoffels肖像画的色调并不出众,充满大片的橙褐色夹杂像小碎片一样的红宝石色调。 yeeyan

This example is unspectacular but serves as a proof-of- concept.
这个示例并不引人注意,但是提供了概念证明。 ibm

With a dearth of other big deal making opportunities in mining, BHP may be right to deploy its financial might in boosting its potash business, even if growth is unspectacular now.
由于目前必和必拓在矿业领域缺少发展空间,因而携资进军钾矿业也不失为明智之举,尽管目前它在该领域的发展还只能算是平平淡淡。 ecocn

Unspectacular though the fruits of this week's dialogue were, a senior Treasury official defends the need for such meetings.
尽管,本周对话的结果并不引人注目,但一位高级财政官员辩解道,必须召开这样的会议。 tianya




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