

单词 unripe
释义 un·ripe 英ʌnˈraɪp美ʌnˈraɪpAHDŭn-rīpʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁰⁵⁴⁶BNC⁶²⁸⁹⁴iWeb³¹¹⁹⁰
not fully developed or mature; not ripe;

unripe fruit

fried green tomatoes

green wood

not fully preparedunripe honey未熟蜜unripe cotton未熟棉
un无|不-ripe⇒adj.未成熟的⁸⁹;没准备的¹¹近义词 green绿色的naive天真的young年轻的fresh新鲜的immature不成熟的unripened未成熟的adolescent青春期的undeveloped未开发的反义词 ripe成熟的

用作形容词Eating theunripeapples made him ill.吃没熟的苹果使他得了病。
Raw fresh part of plant andunripefruit are poisonous.生鲜植物体及未成熟的果实有毒。adj.raw
同义词 green,immature
反义词 experienced,oldadj.inexperienced
同义词 immaturenew,unpracticed
callowadjective immature
crude,green,guileless,inexperienced,infant,jejune,jellybean,juvenile,kid,low tech,naive,not dry behind ears,puerile,raw,sophomore,tenderfoot,unbaked,unfledged,unsophisticated,untrained,untried,young
greenadjective young, new, blooming
immatureadjective young, inexperienced
adolescent,baby,babyish,callow,childish,crude,green,half-grown,imperfect,infantile,infantine,jejune,juvenile,kid,kidstuff,premature,puerile,raw,sophomoric,tender,tenderfoot,underdeveloped,undergrown,undeveloped,unfinished,unfledged,unformed,unripe,unseasonable,unseasoned,unsophisticated,untimely,wet behind ears,youthful
indigestibleadjective inedible
infant/infantileadjective very young
juvenileadjective childish
adolescent,babyish,beardless,blooming,boyish,budding,callow,childlike,developing,formative,fresh,girlish,green,growing,immature,inexperienced,infant,infantile,jejune,junior,kid stuff,milk-fed,naive,pubescent,puerile,teenage,tender,undeveloped,unfledged,unripe,unsophisticated,unweaned,vernal,young,younger,youthful The fruit is similar to bananas, as they can be eaten raw when ripe, and cooked when unripe.
它与香蕉的吃法有些类似,成熟的时候可以直接吃,青涩的时候可以做熟了吃。 yeeyan

The ripe fruit is soft and sweet, while the unripe fruit is harder and starchy, which is where it got the name breadfruit from, as it tastes similar to freshly baked bread when cooked.
成熟的果实又软又甜,而没熟的果实却硬的多。面包水果之所以得此名是因为,经过烹调之后,口感与新烘烤的面包一样软嫩可口。 yeeyan

The shell, leathery to the touch, is green when unripe and full red when ripe.
荔枝壳摸上去像皮革似的,没熟时为绿色,熟时为红色。 iciba

What was youth at best? A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts.
青春归根到底是什么?青涩、未尽成熟的时期,心绪浅淡、思想病态的日子。 putclub

A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts.
青涩、未尽成熟的时期,心绪浅淡、思想病态的日子。 putclub

Apple polyphenol is a new type of natural antioxidants; it is very rich in unripe apples and apple pomace.
苹果多酚是一种新型的天然抗氧化剂,在未成熟的苹果和果渣中含量丰富。 cnki

As a new type of nature antioxidant, apple polyphenol is an important activity substance contained in apple. It is very rich in unripe apple and apple pomace.
苹果多酚作为一种新型的天然抗氧化剂,是苹果中一类重要的活性物质,在未成熟的苹果和果渣中含量丰富。 cnki

As acidity is characteristic of the unripe mango so is abuse of the immature critic.
正如酸涩是未熟芒果的特征一般,谩骂乃不成熟批评家的特点。 yeeyan

Can unripe earthnut skin treat leukaemia?
生花生皮能治白血病吗? kekenet

Concentrated amounts can especially be found in unripe papaya.
在未成熟的木瓜中更能找到数量集中的木瓜蛋白酶。 yeeyan

He opened it and found it still unripe.
他打开一看,却发现是生的。 vip.book.sina.com.cn

However unripe the present conditions seem, it would therefore be folly for Mr Obama to adopt Mr Bush’s semi- detached approach to Palestine.
因而,不管当前情形看起来怎样的不成熟,奥巴马先生对巴勒斯坦采取布什先生的半放任办法将是愚蠢的。 ecocn

I should like to see that day of which he speaks when the moon shall become like blood and when the stars shall fall upon the earth like unripe figs.
我倒想看看他说的那日,月亮红得像血,星星像无花果一样落下。 yeeyan

If can be done appoint earth up unripe, fractional line can fall a lot of!
假如可以做委培生,分数线可以降很多! http://dj.iciba.com

She possessed affections, too, though hitherto acrid and disagreeable, as are the richest flavours of unripe fruit.
她还具有丰富的情感,尽管至今还象末熟的果子那样酸涩得难以入口。 ebigear

Thus, tobacco was harvested from slightly unripe treatment1 to30 days past the earliest stage of ripeness treatment5.
这样,烟叶从轻微未熟处理1到比最早成熟晚30天的时间内进行采收处理5。 blog.sina.com.cn




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