

单词 unreliable
释义 un·re·li·a·ble 英ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbəl美ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbəlAHDŭn'rĭ-līʹə-bəl ★☆☆☆☆高六ICOCA¹⁶³⁵⁸BNC¹⁰⁵⁰⁸iWeb¹⁰⁸²⁰Economist⁸⁶⁴⁷
liable to be erroneous or misleading;

an undependable generalization

not worthy of reliance or trust;

in the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable

an undependable assistant

dangerously unstable and unpredictable;

treacherous winding roads

an unreliable trestle

lacking a sense of responsibilityunreliable observation不可靠观测值…unreliable process不可靠进程unreliable estimator不可靠估计量…
un无|不-reliable⇒adj.不可靠的;不可信任的;靠不住的;不能信赖的;不能信任的;没根没据的;不稳定的非常记忆un不〖词缀〗+reliable可靠的〖熟词〗⇒他的判断是不可靠的近义词 risky危险的slippery滑的erratic古怪的variable可变的flimsy轻而薄得untrue不真实的doubtful可疑的anecdotal轶事的erroneous错误的changeable易变的fickle变幻无常的unsteady不稳定的threadbare磨破的fallible易犯错误的fly-by-night逃债者inaccurate不准确的undependable不可靠的capricious变化无常的fallacious使人误解的treacherous背信弃义的untrustworthy靠不住的unpredictable不可预知的反义词 reliable可靠的

用作形容词Shelly doesn't like people who areunreliable.雪莉不喜欢不可靠的人。
I was fed up with my old andunreliablecar.我受够我那台又老又不可靠的车子了。adj.not trustworthy, not true
同义词 capricious,deceptive,dubious,false,fickle,inaccurate,irresponsible,treacherous,tricky,uncertain,unsound,unstable,untrustworthyundependabledeceitful,delusive,disreputable,erroneous,fake,fallible,fly-by-night,furtive,hallucinatory,hollow,implausible,inconstant,makeshift,meretricious,mistaken,pretended,pseudo,questionable,sham,shifty,specious,unconvincing,underhand,underhanded,unfaithful,unsure,untrue,vacillating,wavering,weak
反义词 accurate,certain,clear,constant,correct,definite,dependable,faithful,forthright,frank,honest,reliable,right,stable,steady,strong,sure,true,trustworthy,truthfulresponsible
Pecksniffianadjective hypocritical
anecdotaladjective informal
based on hearsay,unreliable,unscientific
changeableadjective erratic
deceptiveadjective dishonest
derelictadjective careless, negligent
dodgyadjective evasively tricky
ambiguous,chancy,crafty,cryptic,cunning,deceptive,deviant,dicey,dishonest,evasive,guileful,knavish,risky,shaky,shifty,sly,tricky,unreliable,unsafe,untrustworthy,wily As a result, climatology models for the region have been based on summer data and are unreliable.
所以这块区域的气候模型是建立在夏季的数据之上,因而是不可靠的。 yeeyan

The process of transforming abstract information into more detailed data is manual, and therefore unreliable and inefficient.
将抽象的信息转换为更详细的数据的过程是手工的,并且因此是不可靠且效率低的。 ibm

A difficult problem could be good for a designer, but a fickle client or unreliable materials would not be.
一个困难的问题对一个设计者来说是好的,但是一个多变的客户和不可靠的材料不是。 yeeyan

Also, in many cases, connectivity to the device may be available only over slow, unreliable, or expensive networks, often a combination of all three.
另外,在很多情况下只能通过缓慢、不可靠或是昂贵常常兼而有之的网络连接才能连接到设备。 ibm

But irregularities in the rotation of the Earth made that unreliable.
但是地球自转的不规律使得这个数值不可靠。 ecocn

But whatever its short-term usefulness for clamping down on inflation, monetarism proved an unreliable lodestar for steering the economy.
但无论货币主义对降低通货膨胀在短期内是多么有效,它并不是掌控经济的可靠原则。 ecocn

Cameras and road sensors aim to give drivers advance warning of problems, but many roads are not covered and the information can be unreliable.
公路照相机和传感器旨在提前给予司机警告,但是多数道路上都没有设立相关设施,因此信息可能是不可靠的。 ecocn

Circuits built with similar design principles in the future can be made robust to electronic noise and unreliable electronic components while remaining highly energy efficient.
利用类似设计原则,将来可以制造出强力对抗电子噪声和不可靠电子元件、同时保持高能效的电路。 yeeyan

Don't be too open or put your faith in unreliable coworkers.
对不太可靠的同事不要过于敞开心扉或过于忠诚; cri

However, the US figures appear to be unreliable in respect of civilian deaths caused by their own military activities.
无论如何,美国当局在他们自己发起的军事行动中关于平民死亡的记录显然是不可靠的。 yeeyan

If they sided with their Muslim friends, they were regarded as unreliable. In spite of their Muslim faith, they were after all Chinese!
如果他们站在穆斯林朋友一边,会被认为不可靠,因为尽管他们有穆斯林信仰,他们仍然是汉人。 yeeyan

In general, self- reporting of any data is unreliable, and I want to remove the temptation for people to“ game” the system by reporting what they want me to hear.
一般而言,任务数据的自我报告都是不可靠的,而且我希望人们摒弃只向我报告中听的方面的关于“玩”系统的想法。 ibm

In many parts of Africa and Asia, however, there is no power grid, and those that do exist are highly unreliable.
然而,在亚洲和非洲的许多地方没有电,即使有也是那些很不可靠的。 yeeyan

In network environments where there may be unreliable or malicious computers, the creator of a message is not always the same as the sender of the message.
在可能存在不可靠或恶意的计算机的网络环境中,消息的创建者和消息的发送方不总是相同的。 ibm

It sees online advertising as an unreliable source of revenue.
它把在线广告视为不可靠的收益来源。 ecocn

Promises being made by some bidders to begin extraction within18 months are regarded as unreliable and even irresponsible by foreign experts.
一些投标者作出的在18个月内开始出矿的承诺被视为是外国专家不可靠甚至不负责任的言论。 ecocn

Relying on information provided only by published trial research is therefore unreliable and leads to inadequately informed treatment decisions.
因此,仅仅依赖已发表的试验研究成果是不可靠的,这将导致信息不充分的治疗决定。 who

Such tricks may be handy in dealing with unreliable allies as well as foes, but they can also hamper Western efforts to contain risk in unstable countries.
诸如此类的小伎俩在对付靠不住的盟友和敌人是都是便捷的,但也阻碍了西方在动荡国家控制风险的努力。 ecocn

Technically, it is possible to come up with a positive home pregnancy test this week, but who wants an unreliable result?
严格来说,这一周你可能用家用怀孕试纸检测出阳性,但谁想得到一个不可靠的结果呢? yeeyan

The findings, published in the journal Nature, suggest that the brain is inherently unreliable.
发表在《科学》杂志上的调查结果表明大脑本来就是靠不住的。 yeeyan

There is an art to this, because a model with too many degrees of freedom becomes unmanageable, while one too constrained becomes unreliable.
说它是一门艺术,是因为模型拥有了太多的自由度,就变得不可驾驭了,而把它拘束得太紧,它就变得不可靠了。 yeeyan

They are two of a kind and totally unreliable.
他俩是同类货色, 都是不可靠的人。《新英汉大辞典》

This method of communication has two problems: it is synchronous and unreliable.
这种通信方法有两个问题:它是同步的并且是不可靠的。 ibm

While a ZFN is essentially just a pair of scissors, the recombinase in a ZFR both cuts and mends the break without resorting to unreliable enzymes.
然而,实质上ZFN只是一把“剪刀”,但拥有重组酶的 ZFR可以不依赖于其他不可靠的酶,同时完成剪切和修补工作。 yeeyan




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