

单词 unrefined
释义 unrefined 英ʌnrɪ'faɪnd美,ʌnrɪ'faɪnd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁰³¹⁹BNC⁴²¹²⁹iWeb²²⁹⁵⁸

not refined or processed;

unrefined ore

crude oil

used of persons and their behavior not refined; uncouth;

how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?

unrefined information未经提炼的情报…unrefined sugar非精制糖
un无|不-refin-ed如|被…的⇒adj.未精炼的⁶³;粗俗的³⁷adj.未精制的;未提炼的;不高尚的;未经炼的;非精制的;下流的;不文雅的;庸俗的;低级趣味的近义词 gross总的crude天然的raw未加工的whole全部的rough粗糙的vulgar通俗的earthy泥土的coarse粗糙的uncouth粗俗的organic器官的natural自然的loutish粗野的untouched未触及的uncivilized未开化的unprocessed未加工的untreated未经处理的uncultured未受教育的bourgeois中产阶级的人…unsophisticated不谙世故的反义词 refined精炼的

用作形容词Diesel fuel is low-grade and comparativelyunrefined.柴油引擎的燃料是等级且未精炼的。
Refined girls are often drawn tounrefinedmen.淑女常对莽汉倾心。
Leave dynamite to the low andunrefined.把炸药留给那些低劣的人吧。adj.vulgar
同义词 crudecoarse,rude,uncouth,unpolished
反义词 cultured,refinedadj.coarse
同义词 crudebarbaric,boorish,brutish,crass,earthy,gross,inelegant,primitive,raw,rough,rude,troglodytic,uncivilized,uncouth,uncultivated,uncultured,unpolished,unsophisticated,vulgar
反义词 cultured,refined
Philistineadjective coarse
awkwardadjective clumsy, inelegant
all thumbs,amateurish,artless,blundering,bulky,bumbling,bungling,butterfingers,coarse,floundering,gawky,graceless,green,having two left feet,having two left hands,incompetent,inept,inexpert,klutzy,lumbering,maladroit,oafish,rude,stiff,stumbling,uncoordinated,uncouth,unfit,ungainly,ungraceful,unhandy,unpolished,unrefined,unskilled,unskillful
boorishadjective crude, awkward
bad-mannered,barbaric,bearish,cantankerous,churlish,cloddish,clodhopping,clownish,clumsy,coarse,countrified,gross,gruff,ill-bred,ill-mannered,impolite,inurbane,loud,loutish,lowbred,oafish,ornery,out of line,out-of-order,provincial,rough,rude,rustic,swinish,tasteless,ugly,uncivilized,uncouth,uncultured,uneducated,ungracious,unpoised,unpolished,unrefined,vulgar
broadadjective indecent, vulgar
broaderadjective vulgar
broadestadjective vulgar
blue,coarse,dirty,gross,improper,indecent,indelicate,low-minded,off-color,purple,racy,risqué,salty,saucy,smutty,spicy,suggestive,unrefined,unrestrained,wicked A containment pond holds tar sands tailings, consisting of a mixture of sand, water, and toxic chemicals that remain after the unrefined oil products have been extracted.
图为污水池里的油砂残渣,其中混有沙子、污水以及萃取未精炼的石油产品后所残留的有毒化学物质。 yeeyan

It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetable, certain diseases are comparatively rare.
有意思的是你会注意到,有一些国家的国宴包含大量的粗粮和蔬菜,某些疾病就会相对较少。 lkbbs.mba.org.cn

Up from Hindustan come ten, fifteen, twenty thousand caravans bringing slaves, cotton cloth, refined and unrefined sugar and aromatic roots.
从印度来的一万、一万五、两万商队带来了奴隶,棉布,精炼和粗提的糖和香精。 ecocn

Africa is mostly exporting oil and other unrefined natural resources, in return for cheap manufactured goods like perfume, clothes and computers.
非洲主要靠出口石油和其他未经提炼的自然资源换取诸如香水、服装和电脑等价格低廉的工业制成品。 ecocn

Although unrefined crude isn't very toxic, it's heavy, and if it coats the wings of birds, it will eventually smother them.
虽说未精炼的原油毒性不是很强,但还是很重的。如果它包裹住鸟翼,将最终会使鸟窒息。 yeeyan

Because these good carbs are unrefined, they are naturally high in fiber as well.
因为没有被提炼,它们自然也就含有很高的纤维。 yeeyan

Chloride Raw goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt.
氯化物纯山羊奶,鱼,未经提炼的海盐。 yeeyan

Fiber is present in large amounts in unrefined flour, wholemeal bread, fruits and vegetables.
在粗制面粉、全麦面包、水果和蔬菜中含有大量的纤维。 jukuu

He is so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.
他是如此愚钝,缺乏辨别力和敏感度。 neworldedu

Heated in a frying pan, the two unrefined seed oils I tested began to smoke between375 and 390 degrees, at the upper end of the frying range.
在煎锅里加热时,在油煎的最高温度范围内,两种非精制种籽油在375到390度之间就开始冒烟。 yeeyan

If you're in need of energy, she recommends a snack made with unrefined carbohydrates.
如果你需要热量的话, Williams建议吃一些碳水化合物类的零食。 yeeyan

Instead of selling unrefined ore and coal to the Chinese, who collect it in trucks, Sainshand would process the minerals and refine the oil.
赛音山达将会处理矿石,炼制石油,而不是把未经提炼的矿石和煤炭卖给中国。 yeeyan

It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare.
很有趣的,我们注意到在那些饮食中富含未加工的面粉和蔬菜的国家,某些疾病相对很少。 iask.sina.com.cn

Of, relating to, or being goods, often unrefined, produced and distributed in large quantities for use by industry.
大量生产的属于、有关或是商品的,常为未精制的、大量生产的和分配的,用于工业。 iciba

Raw chocolate—the unrefined fruit of the cacao tree, without added sugar, milk or vegetable fat— is nutritionally superior to even the highest quality dark chocolate.
未加工的巧克力——未提纯的可可树果实,没有添加糖、牛奶、植物油——比任何高纯度的黑巧克力都有营养。 yeeyan

Some seed oils, including peanut and sesame, are also sold in unrefined or partly refined form.
有些种籽油,包括花生油和芝麻油,也会以非精制或不完全精制油的形式出售。 yeeyan

Take Jinhaihu as the center, the surroundings peaks and ridges folds the green jade, wild plant unrefined resin, cloud shadow wave light, beautiful scene like picture.
以金海湖为中心,周围峰峦叠翠,野卉生香,云影波光,美景如画。 www.wow.bj.cn

They complain that barriers to China’s domestic market mean that India is mostly shipping unrefined minerals and primary goods, getting finished products in return.
他们抱怨道,中国国内市场的贸易壁垒使得印度主要出口未精制的材料和初级产品,得到的是制成品。 ecocn

This paper describes how to produce C- glass marbles using unrefined coke- oven gas and gives proofs of the feasibility and advantage of passing air through the to gas regenerator in practice.
本文介绍了利用未经精制的焦炉煤气生产中碱玻璃球的情况,并用实践证明了煤气蓄热室走空气的操作方法的可行性和益处。 dictall

When heated to a moderate frying temperature of350 degrees, only the unrefined sesame oil had a distinctive flavor.
在油煎的中等温度350度时,只有非精制的芝麻油有别样的味道。 yeeyan




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