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词汇 unrecognized
释义 un·recognized 英ʌn'rekəgnaɪzd美ʌn'rɛkəg'naɪzd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁷⁷⁴⁴BNC³²¹⁵⁹iWeb²¹⁵⁴⁴

not recognized;

he was unrecognized in his disguise

not having a secure reputation;

short stories by unrecognized writers

un无|不-recognized=-ed⇒adj.未被承认的⁴⁷;未被认出的⁵³近义词 unknown未知的unlawful私生的

用作形容词Both organizations areunrecognizedby the Cuban government.这两个组织都不被古巴政府认可。
The problem of ageism in the workplace often goesunrecognized.工作场所的年龄歧视问题常被忽视。
It would be tragic if her talent remainedunrecognized.若她一直怀才不遇,那就可悲了。
The backup file containsunrecognizeddata and cannot be used.备份文件含有未识别数据,因此无法使用。as in.incognito
同义词 anonymous,bearded,camouflaged,concealed,disguised,hidden,incog,isolated,masked,masquerading,obscure,under assumed name,unknown
反义词 known,openly,seen,unhiddenas in.thankless
同义词 fruitless,futile,unpleasantungratefulbarren,disagreeable,distasteful,miserable,not worth it,unprofitable,unrequited,unreturned,unrewarding,useless,vain,wretched
反义词 fruitful,productive,profitableappreciated,appreciative,considerate,contented,grateful,rewarded,satisfied,thankfulas in.unheralded
同义词 anonymous,overlooked,unnamed,unnoticeduncelebrated,unglorified,unknown
反义词 namedannounced,celebrated,expected,glorified,predicted,recognizedas in.unidentified
同义词 anonymous,mysterious,nameless,unknown,unnamednot known,pseudonymous,unclassified,unfamiliar,unmarked,unrevealed
反义词 identified,known,namedpublicas in.unknown
同义词 anonymous,exotic,foreign,nameless,new,remote,strange,uncharted,undiscovered,unexplained,unexplored,unfamiliar,unidentified,unnamedalien,dark,far,secret,Xconcealed,desolate,distant,faraway,far-off,hidden,humble,incog,incognito,little-known,such and such,unapprehended,unascertained,uncelebrated,undistinguished,unheard-of,unnoted,unperceived,unrenowned,unrevealed,unsung,untold
反义词 common,familiar,identified,known,named,native,normal,regular,relevant,usualas in.unnoticed
同义词 overlooked,undiscovered,unseendisregarded,glossed over,hidden,inconspicuous,neglected,passed by,pushed aside,secret,unconsidered,unheeded,unobserved,unobtrusive,unperceived,unremarked,unremembered,unrespected,winked at
反义词 noted,noticed,seenas in.unsung
同义词 anonymous,neglected,overlooked,unacknowledgeddisregarded,forgotten,nameless,unacclaimed,undistinguished,unfamed,unglorified,unhailed,unhonored,unknown,unnamed,unrenowned
incognitoadjective in disguise
anonymous,bearded,camouflaged,concealed,disguised,hidden,incog,isolated,masked,masquerading,obscure,under assumed name,unknown
thanklessadjective unappreciated
barren,disagreeable,distasteful,fruitless,futile,miserable,not worth it,ungrateful,unpleasant,unprofitable,unrecognized,unrequited,unreturned,unrewarding,useless,vain,wretched
unbeknownstadjective unknown
unheraldedadjective unsung
unidentifiedadjective secret
anonymous,mysterious,nameless,not known,pseudonymous,unclassified,unfamiliar,unknown,unmarked,unnamed,unrecognized,unrevealed
unknownadjective obscure, mysterious
X,alien,anonymous,concealed,dark,desolate,distant,exotic,far,far-off,faraway,foreign,hidden,humble,incog,incognito,little-known,nameless,new,remote,secret,strange,such and such,unapprehended,unascertained,uncelebrated,uncharted,undiscovered,undistinguished,unexplained,unexplored,unfamiliar,unheard-of,unidentified,unnamed,unnoted,unperceived,unrecognized,unrenowned,unrevealed,unsung,untold On the other hand, if you were to enter an unrecognized type, you will be prompted to create a primitive type, as shown in Figure30.
另一方面,如果您原本打算键入一个不能识别的类型,您将被提示创建一个初始类型,如图30所示。 ibm

That, say researchers is one of the reasons male binge eating is largely unrecognized.
研究人员说,这是大部分男性暴食症患者都无法被发现的一个原因。 yeeyan

The Committee noted the importance of adverse event surveillance programs being open-minded so that hitherto unrecognized events might be detected.
疫苗安全咨委会指出公开的不良反应监测系统的重要性,这样才能发现迄今为止尚未被认识的不良反应。 who

The XDE models files with. mdx extension will simply be treated by Visual Studio2005 as miscellaneous files of unrecognized type and they will not be altered in any way.
XDE模型具有. mdx扩展名的文件将被 Visual Studio2005简单地视为各种未被承认类型的文件并且认为它们将不会以任何形式发生改变。 ibm

“ We do need bigger and better studies because BDD often goes unrecognized and undiagnosed,” she says.
“我们需要更强大和更好的研究,因为 BDD患者经常不被识别和诊断,”她说。

After automatic conversion, the unconverted PDF element, such as unrecognized color space or images, creates an XML comment in the XFDL.
在自动转换后,未转换的 PDF元素例如无法识别的颜色空间或图像将用 XFDL创建 XML注释。 ibm

As often as not, you'll be unrecognized for your performance.
而且你还要经常面临你的表现不被赏识的境遇。 yeeyan

Assuming that the Actor at which the header is targeted matches that of the handler, a well- behaved handler will emit a SOAP fault for an unrecognized header and draw attention to the problem.
假设消息头的目标角色与处理程序的目标角色相匹配,性能好的处理程序将对未被识别的消息头及发出 SOAP故障并将注意力转向问题。 ibm

But Lynch has published a paper that identified a previously unrecognized trait that improved yields eight times in experimental corn lines grown under drought conditions.
但林奇在一篇发表的论文中称他们已经找到了一个以前从未发现过的新品种,它在实验条件下,即使条件干旱,产量也能增加八倍。 yeeyan

Dengue is present in sub-Saharan Africa but often unrecognized.
登革热存在于撒哈拉以南非洲,但往往识别不到。 who

HATS is shipped with a default rendering set that will be applied to any“ unrecognized” screen in your HATS application.
HATS本身带有一个缺省的呈现集,后者可以应用于 HATS应用程序中任意一个“未经识别”的屏幕。 ibm

However, I believe that an as- yet- unrecognized crash has occurred and it still may be continuing.
不过,我相信这个还没发生的崩溃已经发生了还可能在继续。 yeeyan

If the developer or trust company fails and cannot repay the loan, analysts say the banks could face huge, unrecognized risks.
分析人士还说,如果发展商或信贷公司破产或者无力还贷,银行面对的将会是巨大的未知风险。 yeeyan

In addition to the settings in the default rendering set, the rendering of unrecognized screens is also affected by the template and the style sheet that is applied to the default rendering.
除了缺省呈现集中的设置之外,未识别屏幕的呈现效果还受到应用于该缺省呈现的模板和样式表的影响。 ibm

More than two-thirds of the ASD cases in the study were found in the mainstream school population, unrecognized and untreated.
在该调查中,多于三分之二的自闭症案例发现于主流的学校人口中,尚未得到鉴定,也未被治疗。 yeeyan

Often symptoms in infected individuals are mild and the infection may go unrecognized, or be misdiagnosed in areas where dengue occurs.
由于感染后通常只有轻微症状,可能难以识别感染,在登革热流行地区也会被误诊。 who

Our fate is often very painful because humans have lost the ability to communicate with us telepathically, and our needs often go unrecognized.
我们的命运往往极为痛苦,因为人类已经失去了与我们心灵沟通的能力,我们的需求常常得不到承认。 yeeyan

Researcher Nancy Zucker at Duke says these exceptionally picky adults may be suffering from a previously unrecognized illness called selective eating disorder SED.
杜克大学的研究人员南希•祖克 Nancy Zucker说,这类特别挑食的成年人可能患有一种以前未被认识的疾病——选择性饮食失调 SED。 yeeyan

See your boring activity as a previously unrecognized art form you can master.
视你讨厌的工作为你可以驾驭的而之前没有意识到的一种艺术形式。 yeeyan

The default section will catch any additional prompts that you add to exercise the recognizer— for unrecognized prompts don't do anything, except maybe write to a log for later troubleshooting.
默认的部分将捕获您为体验识别器而添加的任何附加提示—对于未识别的提示不做任何事情,但是有可能写到日志中以备以后进行故障诊断。 ibm

The most common reason in a development environment is that a parameter is missing or unrecognized.
开发环境中最常见的原因是,缺少参数或出现不能识别的参数。 ibm

The language they spoke was unrecognized and they ate only bean pods.
他们说的语言尚未被辨识,而且他们只吃豆荚。 yeeyan

They are, as a matter of fact, the unrecognized government in some places.
事实上,他们在某些地方已是未获承认的政府。 ebigear

With the problem continuing to be unrecognized and neglected, guidance is sorely needed.
鉴于这个问题现在依然未被认识并被忽视,因而十分需要给与指导。 who

Without a first line of defense--innate immunity-- mammals would succumb to pathogens still unrecognized by B and T cells.
失去一线防御——非特异性免疫——哺乳动物就只好屈服于那些尚未被 B细胞和 T细胞所识别的病原体了。 yeeyan

Yet more often than not, they go unsupported, unrecognized and unremunerated in this essential role.
然而,在她们承担这一重要角色时,往往得不到支持,认可和报酬。 who

Unrecognized relationships between supposedly independent processes are common, no matter how the work gets allocated.
无论工作怎么分配,理论上不相关的过程之间,存在未识别的关系是很正常的事情。 yeeyan




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