

单词 unquestioningly
释义 un·ques·tion·ing·ly 英ʌn'kwestʃənɪŋ美ʌn'kwestʃənɪŋ 高COCA⁶⁷³²⁶BNC⁴⁴⁷⁸⁹iWeb⁴⁵⁷⁹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
not inclined to ask questionsbeing without doubt or reserve;

implicit trust

近义词 obedient服从的absolute绝对的implicit含蓄的automatic自动的unthinking考虑不周的unhesitating不踌躇的wholehearted全心全意的反义词 questioning质问

Soldiers are expected to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty.人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领。as in.implicitly
同义词 essentiallycompletely,inherently,unreservedly
implicitlyadverb inevitably
completely,essentially,inherently,unreservedly The Sunday Leader has never sought safety by unquestioningly articulating the majority view.
《星期日导报》从来不会为了自身的安危就丝毫不怀疑地去附和宣传大多数人的观点。 yeeyan

Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve.
政府官员应该依靠自己的判断做决定,而不是不假思索地遵从大众的意愿。 bailitop

How is it that we can unquestioningly fund illegal war, but not feed our children?
我们可以坚决资助一场非法战争,而不愿喂养我们的孩子,怎么会如此呢? yeeyan

I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do not believe that either should unquestioningly respect the other.
我尊重的道德与法律之间的密切联系,但不相信,要么应毫无疑问地尊重对方。 douban

If you so desire, I will be the slow, drifting clouds that will unquestioningly be your support!
如果你愿意,我就是那缓缓的云从容地让你依偎! blog.sina.com.cn

It is unquestioningly accepted at home and widely used beyond the euro area’s borders.
毫无疑问,欧元在成员国内部被接受,而且在欧元区之外被广泛使用。 ecocn

Once we sort of settle into this vocabulary, and once we get used to this clearly unquestioningly scientific perspective, why on earth do we need pseudo- statement or fiction at all?

One could take it in a pious or even superstitious way and simply believe it unquestioningly.
你可以用虔诚或者甚至迷信的方式,或者仅仅只是毫不犹豫地相信。 blog.sina.com.cn

Shepard's story proves unquestioningly that it really is possible to reach your goals and beyond, even if you start from scratch.
谢巴德的故事毫无疑问地证明,你真的可以达到目标,即使是白手起家。 dict

Some of them must have derived some meaning from it and believed in it unquestioningly as this was a revelation from God.

Sure, most developers unquestioningly back up their source code, but backing up a build environment is a lot more difficult and customarily gets done only in more strictly maintained environments.
不错,大多数开发人员肯定会备份他们的源代码,但是备份构建环境要困难得多,通常只能在更严格维护的环境中才能完成。 ibm

That reflects the Japanese value of unquestioningly following the orders of a leader, a master or an employer.
这反映出日本人无庸置疑的遵从领导、主人或雇主命令的价值观。 yeeyan

When such a plan inevitably fails to perfectly anticipate the future, managers who unquestioningly follow it often lead their teams and projects to failure.
当这个计划不可避免地导致了对将来预测的失败,按照计划执行的管理者们也毫无疑问会带领他们的团队和项目一起失败。 ibm




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