

单词 unproductive
释义 un·pro·duc·tive 英ˌʌnprəˈdʌktɪv美ˌʌnprəˈdʌktɪvAHDŭn'prə-dŭkʹtĭv ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²⁸⁰⁹⁴BNC¹⁶⁸⁸⁵iWeb¹⁹³¹⁰Economist¹⁰²³⁵

not producing or capable of producing;

elimination of high-cost or unproductive industries

not producing desired results;

the talks between labor and management were unproductive

unproductive credit消费信贷,非生产信贷…unproductive land不毛之地unproductive wage非生产性工资…unproductive time非有效工时,辅助工时…unproductive labor非生产劳动unproductive wages经 非生产的工资…unproductive mania医 少动性躁狂…unproductive consumption非生产性消费…unproductive capital非生产性资本…unproductive costs非生产费用unproductive expenses非生产性费用…
蒋争熟词记忆un-不productive能产的,多产的⇒不生产的;非生产性的词根记忆un表否定+ productive能产的,多产的⇒无成效的un-不productive能产的,多产的⇒不生产的;非生产性的近义词 slow慢的idle无目的lazy懒惰的barren贫瘠的fallow休耕的sterile贫瘠的blocked堵塞的useless无用的abortive失败的wasteful浪费的infertile贫瘠的fruitless不成功的worthless无价值的ineffective无效的inefficient无效率的反义词 productive生产的

用作形容词One quarter of the country is reckoned asunproductive.这个国家有四分之一被认为是不毛之地。
We have reduced theunproductivespending.我们已削减了非生产性开支。
I've had a veryunproductiveday.我这一天什么事都没干成。
It isunproductiveself-punishment.自我惩罚是徒劳的。adj.idle, nonproductive
同义词 fruitless,futile,ineffective,infertile,pointless,unprofitable,useless,worthlessbarren,empty,sterile,trivial
反义词 beneficial,fruitful,helpful,potent,productive,profitable,successful,useful,valuable,worthwhile
abortiveadjective failing to achieve a goal
barrenadjective unprofitable
desertadjective barren, uncultivated
fallowadjective inactive
fruitlessadjective bringing no advantage, product
abortive,barren,empty,futile,gainless,idle,in vain,ineffective,ineffectual,infertile,pointless,profitless,spinning one's wheels,sterile,to no avail,to no effect,unavailable,unavailing,unfruitful,unproductive,unprofitable,unprolific,unsuccessful,useless,vain
futileadjective hopeless, pointless
abortive,barren,bootless,delusive,empty,exhausted,forlorn,fruitless,hollow,idle,impracticable,impractical,in vain,ineffective,ineffectual,insufficient,no dice,nugatory,on a treadmill,otiose,out the window,profitless,resultless,save one's breath,sterile,to no avail,to no effect,to no purpose,trifling,trivial,unavailing,unimportant,unneeded,unproductive,unprofitable,unreal,unsatisfactory,unsubstantial,unsuccessful,useless,vain,valueless,worthless But after about a month or so with a given to-do list system, I stop using it, and generally get unproductive until a new one comes along. I think my brain shuts off.
但差不多一个月后,因为有了现成的待办事项清单系统,我就不用那个软件了,一般新点子出来前,我的效率会变低,我感觉大脑关闭了。 yeeyan

Citing John Stuart Mill, they advocate rebalancing taxation away from earned income towards unproductive assets, notably the wealth generated by the long property boom.
他们引用约翰•斯图亚特•米尔的理论,鼓吹在收入和非生产性资产方面重新平衡。值得注意的是长期资产的兴旺发达给他们带来的财富。 ecocn

Discussions with China over the protection of foreign business will remain unproductive.
和中国讨论外商保护永远是徒劳的。 yeeyan

I assume you want to stop coughing, so this is for use when coughing is damaging and unproductive.
我猜你一定希望治愈咳嗽,所以在咳嗽是损害性和徒然的时候,这就派上用场了。 blog.sina.com.cn

I really hate meetings, but only those, which are unfocused and unproductive.
我真的很讨厌会议,但只讨厌那些没有重点和没有收益的会议。 infoq

In practice, this amounts to legal apartheid, allowing the urban employer to send back to his mother's home the unproductive or restless worker.
实际上,这等于是合法的种族隔离制度,让都市雇主能够把没有生产能力或者焦躁不安的工人送回到老家去。 ecocn

It seems contradictory to our modern world, where everything is a rush, where we try to cram as much into every minute of the day as possible, where if we are not busy, we feel unproductive and lazy.
这看上去和现代世界是矛盾的,现代世界中的每一件事都是匆忙的,我们给一天里的每一分钟都尽可能多的塞满事情,如果我们不够忙碌,我们会感觉没有效率和懒惰。 cnblogs

Labor in direct service to consumers is“ unproductive.”
直接为消费者服务的工作和劳动是“无生产力”的。 yeeyan

Smith, in a less outlandish version of the physiocratic bias, held that only material output—in contrast to intangible services— is“ productive,” while immaterial services are unproductive.
斯密的观点远不如重农学派那般怪异,他认为唯有物质产出——相对于无形的服务——是“有生产力的”,而非物质性的服务无生产力可言。 yeeyan

The cycle of unproductive insanity caused by the illusion of“ busy” can only be broken when we consciously and deliberately decide to put an end to it.
那种徒然的荒谬是由“忙碌”的幻像造成的,当你意识到了这点并决定去做一个了解的时候,你才能打破这个循环。 yeeyan

The important distinction is not between manufacturing and services, but between productive and unproductive jobs.
其重要差别并非是制造业和服务业之间,而是生产性工作和非生产性工作。 ecocn

The leaders who limit their own businesses, on the other hand, will react to a problem in all sorts of unproductive ways.
那些限制自己生意的领导者们,另一方面来讲,会使用所有没有生产力的方法来对一个问题做出反应。 yeeyan

These measures introduce provisions allowing the development of“ unproductive” land in the jungle.
在这些法令中规定允许开发从林中的“非生产性”土地。 yeeyan

This fear is unproductive, it’s stressing us and it’s repressing our actions, blocking the normal course of things.
这种恐惧是徒劳无益的,它会压迫我们,约束我们的行为,阻碍事物正常进展。 yeeyan

This is not a question of iron will, but about developing habits and strategies that trigger helpful processes in the unconscious, rather than unproductive ones.
这不是意志坚定的问题,而是关于习惯以及策略的养成在潜意识中引发有益进程,而不是无效进程的问题。 ecocn

This is the basis for the unproductive activity of speculating on property prices by offering workers large mortgages to provide the illusions of wealth.
这是通过为工人编织财富梦想给他们提供大额贷款这样一种没有产出的投机房产价格行为的原理。 yeeyan

This might seem like you’re wasting more time this way, but what harm is a20 minute nap in the face of a completely unproductive afternoon?
或许这在你看来只是浪费更多的时间,但20分钟的小睡对于一个毫无生产效率的下午来说又有什么伤害呢? yeeyan

Thou shalt not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities.
你不用担心,担心是人类所有活动中最为徒劳无益。 yeeyan

Too much of it was funneled into unproductive sectors of the economy, setting up China for a banking meltdown.
很多资金都注入了非生产性产业,使中国的银行业遭遇衰退。 yeeyan

Yesterday was the most unproductive day of the year, according to a survey, as workers' morale is hit by the darker evenings brought on by the clock change.
一项调查表明,昨天是这一年中人们工作效率最低的一天,由于冬令时开始,黑夜变长,人们的工作积极性也受到了打击。 ebigear




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