

单词 unpopulated
释义 unpopulated 英ʌn'pɒpjʊleɪtɪd美ʌn'pɒpjʊleɪtɪd 高COCA⁶⁰²⁷⁹BNC⁷⁰⁵²²iWeb⁴¹⁶¹⁴

with no people living there;

vast unpopulated plains

近义词 unpeopled 使 … 人口减少…

用作形容词A rugged, almostunpopulatedmountain range parallels its western coastline.西海岸延绵著崎岖且几乎无人居住的山脉。as in.bleak
同义词 austere,chilly,cold,desolate,dreary,grimbare,blank,blighted,bombedbulldozedburned,cleared,deforested,desert,deserted,exposed,flat,gaunt,open,raw,scorched,stripped,unsheltered,weather-beaten,wild,windswept
反义词 bright,cheerful,friendly,happy,hot,sympathetic,warmappealing,comfortable,comforting,congenial,encouraging,nice,pleasant,sunnyas in.uninhabited
同义词 deserted,desolate,unoccupiedabandoned,empty,unsettled
反义词 busy,populatedinhabited,settled
bleakadjective barren
bleakeradjective barren
bleakestadjective barren
uninhabitedadjective not lived in
abandoned,deserted,desolate,empty,unoccupied,unpopulated,unsettled Deep in the vast and mostly unpopulated Gobi Desert, China's launch base is quietly awaiting the country's first-ever manned space flight.
在辽阔无际人烟稀少的戈壁滩上,中国发射基地正默默等待着首次载人航天飞行时间的到来。 edu.sina.com.cn

The North American landscape is vast, with large spaces of unpopulated territory.
北美景观是巨大的,大空间的美洲的领土。 education-ask

“ This is a country with a lot of land, most of which is unpopulated, ” says Ricardo Rodríguez, the immigration director.
移民办主管卡里多·罗德里格斯说:“这是一个拥有大片土地的国家,且较大面积无人居住。” ecocn

Bodie is now unpopulated. The town was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1961, and in 1962 it became Bodie State Historic Park as the few residents left moved on.
现在的伯帝镇人口为零,1961年小镇被定为国家历史地标,1962年最后一批居民离开了这里,伯帝镇变成了“伯帝州立历史公园”。 yeeyan

HERD of feral goats on a tiny unpopulated island in the East China Sea live in blissful unawareness of a diplomatic storm brewing around their remote habitat.
中国东海一个无人居住的小岛上,一群野生山羊在他们偏远的栖息地上悠然自得,浑然不知这里正酝酿着一场外交风暴。 blog.sina.com.cn

The island was unpopulated until2,000 years ago, when anthropologists believe that some brave souls from Southeast Asia canoed or sailed thousands of miles across open ocean and settled here.
这座岛屿直到2000年前才有人类生存。 人类学家推断一些勇敢的东南亚人乘独木舟或轮船,穿过大西洋,航行几千米来到这里定居。 yeeyan

They followed the Black Hawks’ initial flight path but landed at a predetermined point on a dry riverbed in a wide unpopulated valley in northwest Pakistan.
他们使用了黑鹰的出事航线但降落在巴基斯坦西北部一处宽阔的无人居住山谷的干河床上,这个地点是预先指定的。 yeeyan

Yet the government does not have the expertise or experience to construct a national network— an enormous undertaking in such a vast, largely unpopulated country.
然而,政府并没有专业知识或经验来构建一个全国性的网络——在如此庞大且大部份地区无人居住的国家里的一项巨大的事业。 ecocn




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