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词汇 unobserved
释义 unobserved. ˈʌnəbˈsəːvd

not observednot observed;

managed to slip away unobserved

蒋争熟词记忆un-不observe注意-ed被…的⇒未被注意的;未被观察到的un-不observe注意-ed被…的⇒未被注意的;未被观察到的近义词 unseen未看见的unheeded未被注意的unnoticed不被注意的undetected未被发现的disregarded动词disregard的…

It was easy for him to leave the houseunobserved.他很容易从这座房子溜走而不被发现。
He found it is easy to leave the houseunobserved.他发现很容易从这座房子溜走而不被发现。
Hardly ever did they manage to meetunobserved.他们几乎从不安排会面,却没有受到注意。as in.unheeded
同义词 discarded,disobeyed,ignored,neglected,overlooked,rejected,slighted,unconsidered,unnoted,unnoticed
反义词 considered,contemplated,heeded,noticed,regarded,thought-outas in.unnoticed
同义词 overlooked,undiscovered,unrecognized,unseendisregarded,glossed over,hidden,inconspicuous,neglected,passed by,pushed aside,secret,unconsidered,unheeded,unobtrusive,unperceived,unremarked,unremembered,unrespected,winked at
反义词 noted,noticed,seenas in.unseen
同义词 imaginary,imagined,invisible,lurking,undetected,undiscovered,unnoticeddark,occultconcealed,curtained,impalpable,impenetrable,imperceptible,inconspicuous,not in sight,obscure,out of sight,shrouded,unobtrusive,unperceived,unsuspected,veiled
反义词 seenopen,visibleas in.clandestinely
同义词 confidentially,covertly,stealthily,surreptitiouslyby stealth,sub-rosa,under cover
反义词 openly,publiclyas in.secretly
同义词 clandestinely,covertly,furtively,personally,privately,quietly,stealthily,surreptitiouslybehind closed doors,behind someone's back,by stealth,confidentially,hush-hush,in camera,in confidence,in holes and corners,in secret,insidiously,in strict confidence,intimately,obscurely,on the Q.T.,on the quiet,on the sly,privily,slyly,sub-rosa,underhandedly,under the table
反义词 publiclyopenly
clandestinelyadverb secretly
by stealth,confidentially,covertly,stealthily,sub-rosa,surreptitiously,under cover
secretlyadverb in hidden manner
behind closed doors,behind someone's back,by stealth,clandestinely,confidentially,covertly,furtively,hush-hush,in camera,in confidence,in holes and corners,in secret,in strict confidence,insidiously,intimately,obscurely,on the Q.T.,on the quiet,on the sly,personally,privately,privily,quietly,slyly,stealthily,sub-rosa,surreptitiously,under the table,underhandedly,unobserved
unheededadjective disregarded
unnoticedadjective ignored
disregarded,glossed over,hidden,inconspicuous,neglected,overlooked,passed by,pushed aside,secret,unconsidered,undiscovered,unheeded,unobserved,unobtrusive,unperceived,unrecognized,unremarked,unremembered,unrespected,unseen,winked at
unseenadjective hidden
concealed,curtained,dark,imaginary,imagined,impalpable,impenetrable,imperceptible,inconspicuous,invisible,lurking,not in sight,obscure,occult,out of sight,shrouded,undetected,undiscovered,unnoticed,unobserved,unobtrusive,unperceived,unsuspected,veiled The study also finds that unobserved effects, sample selection bias and measurement errors play important role on results, and OLS really underestimates yield of schooling.
非观测效应,以及样本选择偏差和测量误差所引发的内生性问题对结果的影响很大,导致普通最小二乘法低估了我国的教育收益率。 cnki

The unshaven man in a track suit stops his bicycle on the roadside and glances over his shoulder to check that he is unobserved.
一位穿着运动套装,满脸胡子渣的男人将他的自行车停在路边,并回头偷瞄了一眼,以确保没有人发现他。 yylive

There wasn’t a moment when we could wander off and walk around unobserved.
我们没有获得独自到处走走的看看的时间。 yeeyan

There had been a girl some six years before, and the child, who had stolen into the chamber unobserved, was now crouching timidly, in a corner whence she could see her mother's face.
大约在六年以前,他们有了一个女儿;这个孩子没有被人觉察,已经偷偷地溜进了这个房间,现在正战战兢兢地蹲在一个角落里;她从那里可以望得见她妈妈的脸孔。 kekenet

Apart from the as- yet- unobserved microscopic variety, physicists have spotted numerous telltale signs of black holes that weigh several times the mass of the sun.
除了仍未能观测到的微型黑洞,物理学家已经确认预示着数倍于太阳质量黑洞存在的大量迹象。 ecocn

Being small and quiet, it can get close to targets unobserved, for a good look.
由于安静小巧,它能够不被察觉地接近目标,并获得良好的观察效果。 ecocn

Bernard, unobserved, had watched the meeting between the two.
伯纳德偷看这爷俩见面没有引起任何人的注意。 tdict

But correlation is not causation— some unobserved factor may be driving both lower salt consumption and higher risk of heart failure, though researchers are at a loss as to what that could be.
但是相互关系不是因果关系,一些无人观察到的因素可能使吃少许盐和高心脏病风险之间的关联失败,不过研究人员对那些随时可能出现的因素无所适从。 ecocn

But the meeting with his nephew was unsatisfactory. Bernard, unobserved, had watched the meeting between the two.
可是,这次跟侄子的见面并不令人满意。伯纳德偷看这爷俩见面没有引起任何人的注意。 ebigear

Dark matter and dark energy and something that is accelerating the motions of the galaxies are at work; 95% of the universe is both unobserved and not understood.
暗物质和暗能量以及某些东西正在让星系加速运动,它们在发挥着作用,而宇宙的95%就既没有被观察到也没能被了解。 yeeyan

Hardly ever did they manage to meet unobserved.
他们几乎从不安排会面,却没有受到注意。 iciba

He took his seat in an unobserved corner of the assembly room.

He slipped unobserved out of the house.
他乘人不觉溜出房间。 iciba

Heisenberg replaced the unobserved orbits of Bohr’s atomic model with a series of mathematical entities representing observed quantities, such as the radiation emitted or absorbed by an atom.
海森堡用一系列数学元素来代表被观测到的量,比如原子吸收或发出的辐射,用以替换波尔的无法观测的原子模型运行轨道。 yeeyan

I myself have often, and unobserved by you, seen you in the British Museum walking about in the depth of thought, and I liked you for it.
我本人常常看到你——在你没注意我的时候——看到你在大英博物馆里若有所思地踱步,我喜欢你那样子。 yeeyan

I walked about the outside, at first unobserved from within, the window was so deep and high.

If it's unobserved, it will.

It was easy for him to leave the house unobserved.

Precisely because the offices in the East Wing deal largely with social or logistical matters it was a good place for an unobserved meeting.
正因为东翼的办公室大部分是用来办理社会性或后勤性事务的,所以它是一个避人耳目的开会的好地方。 bab

Return gap has predictive power to fund performance, investing in funds that demonstrate good historical unobserved actions will bring high absolute return.
并且收益率缺口对净值收益率具有预测能力,投资于历史收益率缺口高的基金分组能获得较好的净值收益率回报。 fabiao

The trick is to send neutrinos on a shortcut through a fourth, thus- far- unobserved dimension of space, reducing the distance they have to travel.
诀窍在于通过第4维空间即直到目前还未观察到的空间把中微子发送到一个捷径上,以减少中微子的行程。 yeeyan

The results are new data unobserved by the optical microscopy and X-ray analysis for grandidierite.
这些研究结果,都是以往光学显微镜和 X射线分析未曾获得的新资料。 cnki

The sight was amazing. But what grabbed Kasper’s attention was the moment before impact, when a surprising cloud puff indicated that the comet had hit unobserved material.
这个情景令他们感到惊奇,但是更吸引卡斯柏目光的是撞击发生的前一刻,他看到彗星撞向太阳的前一刻出现了一些云烟,这表明彗星撞击到一些未被观察到的物质。 yeeyan

Using the New Keynesian Phillips Curve, I estimate the core inflation rate and the output gap in the post-reform period in a bivariate unobserved components model.
利用新菲利普斯曲线,本文设定包含通胀与产出的非观测成分模型估计中国的核心通胀率与产出缺口。 cnki

When an economy shifts from an administratively determined wage system to a market-oriented one, rewards to both observed and unobserved skills increase.




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