

单词 unmanaged
释义 unmanaged ənˈmænɪdʒd 高COCA⁸⁴⁸⁵⁸BNC⁷⁰⁵¹⁶iWeb²⁶⁰¹⁶
Rather, an unmanaged approach has emerged that has not taken into consideration all business stakeholders.
一种不管理的方法已经出现,并且尚未被所有业务出资方所考虑进来。 ibm

The optimizations done on MSIL code are a large subset of those done on unmanaged code.
对 MSIL代码的优化是对非托管代码进行优化的一个大子集。 cnblogs

What is far more concerning, and sadly, more common, is design debt that is unacknowledged and unmanaged.
更加具有关注性,可悲的是更常见的,是没有承认和没有管理的设计债。 ibm

An ISAPI extension is an unmanaged, compiled class that handles an incoming Web request.
ISAPI扩展是一个处理传入 Web请求的非托管编译类。 cnblogs

Application servers are composed of two fundamental threading components: managed threads and unmanaged threads.
应用程序服务器由两个基本线程组件组成:托管线程和非托管线程。 ibm

Before he died, Hardin admitted he should have called his article“ The Tragedy of the Unmanaged Commons”.
在哈定死之前,他承认他应该把它的文章改为《没有管理的公地的悲剧》。 ecocn

Both unmanaged and standalone client applications implement a Java main method with a thread of control.
未托管和独立客户机应用程序都使用一个控制线程来实现一个 Java主方法。 ibm

Figure5 shows a customer architecture where remote services are invoked from the application server over an unmanaged network.
图5显示了一个客户体系结构,其中远程服务从应用程序服务器通过非托管网络进行调用。 ibm

Here, unmanaged means not J2EE container- managed.
这里,非受管意指不是 J2EE容器管理的。 ibm

However, the unmanaged use of open source and third-party components adds risk.
然而,不受监管地使用开放源码和第三方组件增加了风险。 ibm

IIS is an unmanaged executable that provides an extensibility model based on ISAPI extension and filter modules.
IIS在非托管下执行,并且提供了基于 ISAPI扩展块和筛选器模块的扩展模型。 cnblogs

Like ISAPI extensions, ISAPI filters are blocks of unmanaged code installed on the Web server.
与 ISAPI扩展一样, ISAPI筛选器是在 Web服务器上安装的非托管代码块。 cnblogs

Memory debugging for finding memory leaks and buffer overflows in unmanaged code.
内存调试用于在非托管的代码中找到内存泄漏和缓冲区溢出。 ibm

Mortality among expectant mothers and newborns can be expected to rise and there will increasingly be cases of unmanaged chronic diseases and psychosocial conditions.
孕妇和新生儿的死亡率预计将上升,未经处理的慢性病和社会心理疾病病例也会日益增多。 who

Often the configuration of servers grows and evolves over time and is largely or completely unmanaged.
服务器的配置经常随着时间增长并演进,并且大部分或全部处于未管理的情况下。 ibm

Once linked, you can read and write to any part of the file as if it were nothing more than just an array of unmanaged memory.
一旦连接起来,你就能读写文件的任意部分,就像它已经不再是非托管内存数组了。 infoq

One is lightweight, designed for command- line tools or unmanaged servers; the other, designed for traditional servers, uses JMX so that all components can be managed and monitored.
一个是轻量级的,设计用于命令行工具或非托管服务器。另一个设计用于传统的服务器,并且使用 JMX以便所有组件都得到管理和监控。 ibm

Only7 percent of forests in the world are in plantations, with the balance found in natural or semi- natural, largely unmanaged and undomesticated forest stands.
世界上仅有7%的森林为人工种植林,与之相平衡的主要是在天然或半天然的状态下托管的和野生的林地。 fao

Synchronization Providers can be written in both managed and unmanaged code.
同步提供程序可用托管和非托管代码编写。 infoq

The feature did not resolve the respective security threats because unmanaged code always was allowed to run in such a circumstance.
然而它并没有解决相关的安全威胁,因为非托管代码在这类环境中一直是能够被执行的。 infoq

There are some Spring scenarios that can lead to unmanaged thread creation.
某些 Spring场景可能导致创建非托管的线程。 ibm

This type of installation is called unmanaged, because the user assumes the onus of finding and updating various installed plug-ins.
这种安装类型称为非托管的,因为用户承担了查找和更新各种已安装的插件的责任。 ibm

Thus, such an application server environment with a single servant region is called an “ unmanaged” application environment.
因此,这种具有单个服务区域的应用程序环境称为“非托管”应用程序环境。 ibm

Too many operational software systems have either proprietary point management facilities or are essentially unmanaged.
许多操作软件系统或者具有专用的点管理工具,或者根本上不进行管理。 ibm

VBA, however, remains unmanaged and is likely to remain so in the foreseeable future.
但是, VBA仍保持非托管状态,并有可能在可预知的未来仍然如此。 cnblogs

While the total European travel market experiences a double- digit decline, online leisure and unmanaged business travel will in fact grow slightly in 2009.
尽管整个欧洲旅游市场的表现遭受了双位数的下跌,但在线休闲和未集中管理的商务旅游在2009年将略有增长。 yeeyan

Unmanaged threads lack the metadata associated with their counterparts, managed threads.
非托管线程缺乏与托管线程关联的元数据。 ibm




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