

单词 unlearn
释义 un·learn 英ʌnˈlɜːn美ʌnˈlɝnAHDŭn-lûrnʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁵⁰⁸²BNC⁵⁷⁴¹¹iWeb³²²¹⁷
try to forget; put out of one's memory or knowledgediscard something previously learnt, like an old habitun无|不-learn⇒v.忘掉⁷⁶;从脑中删除掉¹²;去掉…的弊习¹²反义词 learn学会
unlearntunlearn的过去式和过去分词; unlearneda.无学问的未受教育的不熟练的unlearn的过去式和过去分词

用作动词It took him a long time tounlearnwhat he learned in his childhood.经过很长时间他才忘却了儿童时代所学到的知识。
It's difficult tounlearnbad driving habits.抛弃不良的习惯是很难的。 Out-of- control anger is a learned behavior, so you have to unlearn it.
失控的愤怒是一个通过学习掌握的行为,所以你就得“反学习化”来去除。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The cost to unlearn talents will now decay over time.
费用忘却天分现在将腐朽在时间期间。 ptpgg

The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn but to unlearn.
对于我们所有的人来说,不论男人和女人,首要的问题,不是学习,而是抛弃谬误。 www.difficult.com.cn

Your lack of experience has one very positive feature: you do not have to “ unlearn” bad habits or different practices learned from previous employers.
缺少经验有一个很大的优势---你去新的“东家”之后,不需要改掉从前一个“东家”那里学到的坏习惯或不同的工作方法。 gedu

As students practice a skill incorrectly, it is more difficult to unlearn the errors because the synapses, or learning pathways, have been“ set”.
当学生们不正确地练习一个技能时,纠正其错误更难,因为神经键,或学习通道,已经被“确定”。 dic123

China's most promising students still must go abroad to develop their managerial drive and creativity, and there they have to unlearn the test-centric approach to knowledge that was drilled into them.
中国最有前途的学生们还是得跑到国外去接受管理科技与创新思想的教育,同时还要把以前应试教育灌输给他们的那一套统统忘掉。 yeeyan

Create a window, and make sure that it has a big recycle bin because we have a lot of things to unlearn.

During this retreat, they learn to live in the present moment, to unlearn the rules, agree to time off to be perfect in their imperfections, and to take action so as to bring about change.
在这个找回自我的过程中,她们学会了要活在当下、也学会了要抛弃成规,拿出时间去完善自己的缺陷,并且采取行动去追求这种改变。 yeeyan

He may also need professional help or a qualified anger management class to help him unlearn these behaviors.
他还需要专家帮助或参加正规愤怒管理班来帮助自己去掉这些习惯。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

He suggests the error happens because when learning to read children first have to unlearn that older survival skill.
他提出这种错误发生是因为当学习阅读的时候孩子们首先需要摒弃旧的技能。 ecocn

How do we unlearn gender?
我们如何忘却性别? douban

I continue to unlearn what I learned before experience insisted otherwise.
我将要继续扬弃我所学的,而不管经验怎么说。 yeeyan

I think class based OO have to be learned, and that most people will find prototype based OO more intuitive once they unlearn the class based OO mantra.
我觉得基于类的 OO是需要学习的,而大多数人都会发现基于原型的 OO更加直观,前提是他们并没有被人灌输基于类的 OO的所谓优点。 infoq

It took him a long time to unlearn what he learned in his childhood.

Nothing is more right to unlearn than the fear of being wrong.
没有什么比恐惧错误的心态更应该被摒弃的了。 yeeyan

Others want to unlearn behaviors that only add to their problems.
另一些人想忘掉只会增加他们问题的行为。 yeeyan

So go, unlearn the lies we taught you. To life!
因此,忘了我们教给你们的谎言,走向生活吧! blog.sina.com.cn

Still, Luke failed to“ unlearn” his preconceptions.
然而,卢克未能成功“忘掉”他的先入之见。 starwarschina

The real problem with the exam system is that it teaches lessons about work itself that you need to unlearn pretty smartly if you want to get ahead in business.
考试制度的真正问题在于,它教授了一些关于工作本身的错误知识,如果你想在商界中获得成功,你就必须很快忘却这些东西。 hjenglish

They do not learn because they cannot or will not unlearn.

They have to unlearn a lot.
他们必须抛弃许多旧习。 store.pyc.com.cn

Why is it so hard to disguise or unlearn an accent?
为什么假装或者忘记口音很困难呢? putclub

Unlearn what this bloody civilization taught.
不学习血腥文化所教导的。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn




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