

单词 unleaded
释义 un·lead·ed 英ʌnˈledɪd美ʌnˈlɛdɪdAHDŭn-lĕdʹĭd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴³⁷⁹⁷BNC¹⁶⁵¹³iWeb²⁴⁹¹⁷

not treated with lead;

unleaded gasoline

not having leads between the linesunleaded gasoline不加铅汽油,无铅汽油…unleaded fuel无铅燃料
近义词 leadless无铅的反义词 leaded铅的

用作形容词The gas for this car is regularunleaded.这部车用普通的无铅汽油。
All new cars takeunleadedpetrol.所有的新汽车都加无铅汽油。 All it took was the introduction of Opal, a non-sniffable form of unleaded petrol.
它采取的措施是在汽油中加入的蛋白石使无铅汽油失去气味。 ecocn

An infrared spectrophotometric method for determining MTBE in unleaded gasoline is established.
建立了红外光谱法测定无铅汽油中 MTBE的方法。 cnki

Finally, be aware that pollution will increase dramatically if you tamper with your car's emission control system or use leaded gasoline in a vehicle designed for unleaded gasoline.
需要特别注意,如果你篡改了你的车的排放控制系统,或者在规定使用无铅汽油的车辆中加入了有铅汽油,污染物会大大增加。 fueleconomy

It is used for adjust to match the gasoline, raise the gasoline octane value, thus produce the No.90,93 numbers and high mark number unleaded gasoline.
用于调合汽油,提高汽油辛烷值,从而生产90号、93号及高标号无铅汽油。 cnki

The gas for this car is regular unleaded.
这部车用普通的无铅汽油。 www.ielts.com.cn

The influences of using unleaded gasoline in CRC L-38 test stand are discussed on the basis of domestic existing CRC L-38 engine test stand.
在国内现有 L-38台架试验的基础上,采用国产无铅汽油在 L-38试验机上进行无铅燃料的初步研究。 cnki

Conclusions No mutagenicity and damage to chromosome caused by MTBE unleaded gasoline was found in this experiment.
结论在本试验条件下,未发现 MTBE无铅防爆汽油有致突变性和染色体损伤作用。 cnki

For today's chart, we went back to1976, looking at how many gallons of regular unleaded you could buy for the cost of the entire S&P500.
在今天的例图中,我们回首1976年,看看整个史坦普500股票市值可以买多少加仑的常规无铅汽油。 yeeyan

Governments have tinkered with fiscal reform for decades for targeted problems, such as landfill space or unleaded fuels.
几十年来,政府已对像填埋空间,无铅燃料等问题实施了财政改革。 chinadialogue

In accordance with the requirements of imported rice transplanter must use pure unleaded gasoline with a high.
按要求,进口插秧机必须使用纯净的高号无铅汽油。 blog.sina.com.cn

In fact, when I went to lunch this weekend and ordered the sea bass, they asked if I wanted it regular or unleaded.
事实上,周末我去餐馆吃中饭,点了鲈鱼,他们问我,是喜欢普通的还是无铅的。 yeeyan

It runs on premium unleaded gasoline, which is both cheaper and more environmentally friendly than jet fuel.
它以优质无铅汽油燃料,不仅比飞机燃料更便宜,也更环保。 yeeyan

It may account for even more, as more of America’s unleaded children enter adolescence and their early20s.
随着更多无铅暴露儿童进入青春期和20多岁,这一效应还将进一步凸显。 ecocn

It use premium unleaded gas.
它使用高级无铅汽油。 hostp3

Lead accumulation worldwide decreased significantly after the use of unleaded gas in the U. S. was enforced by law.
在美国制定法律强制使用无铅汽油后,世界范围内的铅沉淀物明显减少。 blog.sina.com.cn

Levying a tax on leaded gasoline is an important policy to implement the use of unleaded gasoline.
征收含铅汽油税是实行汽油无铅化的一项重要政策。 cnki

My car runs on unleaded petrol.
我的车用无铅汽油。 iciba

My gas tank needs to be filled with unleaded.
我的油槽必须加满无铅汽油。 hjenglish

Oh, by the way, the gas for this car is regular unleaded.
哦,对了!这部车子是用普通的无铅汽油。 hotdic

So the drop impact reliability of solder joint is the key content of unleaded portable electronic products.
因此,焊点跌落可靠性是无铅便携式电子产品可靠性的关键内容。 fabiao

Use of leaded gasoline in a vehicle designed for unleaded gasoline can irrevocably damage the emission control system.
在规定使用无铅汽油的车辆中使用了有铅汽油,会不可逆转地损坏排放控制系统。 fueleconomy

We have facilities of 1 sets AI Machine and11 sets SMT Machine and unleaded crest welder.
我们有一条全自动生产线和11台贴片机和无铅波峰焊机。 ccbn

With the concerns environment of improvement, the requirement for combustion quality of gasoline becomes much more strict, the gasoline used must be unleaded in our country.
随着人们环保意识的日益增强,对汽油的燃烧质量提出了更高的要求,汽油无铅化在我国势在必行。 ilib

Unleaded please.
请给我加无铅汽油。 ebigear




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