

单词 Unknown Soldier
释义 Un·known Soldier 英ˈʌnˌnəʊn美ˈʌnˌnonAHDŭnʹnōn' 短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³

an unidentified soldier whose body is honored as a memorialUnknown Soldier无名战士
近义词 Unknown Soldier无名战士
Mr. Maliki then laid a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier as an army bugler played to commemorate Iraqi troops that have died in the service of their country.
当军队号兵开始演奏纪念为国家牺牲的伊拉克部队时,马利基在阵亡的无名英雄的墓前安放了花圈。 ebigear

Here, over subsequent years, he built a chapel, decorating it with his own muscular sculptures of Noah, the Virgin and an Unknown Soldier.
随后几年,他在此处修建了小教堂,并装饰有他创作的人体雕塑,诺亚、圣母和一位无名英雄。 ecocn

On Memorial Day, the President installed an Unknown Soldier from the Viet Nam War in Arlington National Cemetery, beside the Unknowns from World War I, World War II and the Korean War.
在阵亡烈士纪念日,在阿林顿国家公墓,总统安置了越南战争无名烈士墓。 它就在一战,二战和朝鲜战争墓旁边。 yeeyan

Tallinn's unknown soldier, still embattled
塔林的无名英雄,仍是四周受敌 ecocn




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