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un·know·ing·ly 英ʌn'nəuiŋli美ʌn'nəuiŋli ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁰⁸⁶⁶BNC³³¹⁰⁵iWeb¹⁷³⁹¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 adv.不知不觉地¹⁰⁰
Adverb: without knowledge or intention;he unwittingly deleted the references unknowing无知的 unknowing-ly像⇒adv.不知不觉地近义词 naively天真地innocently无罪地mistakenly错误地accidentally偶然地unwittingly不知不觉地inadvertently不注意地unintentionally非故意地反义词 knowingly故意地
副词100% 用作副词She hadunknowinglybroken the rules.她无意中犯了规。as in.unawares 同义词 shortaback,abruptly,accidentally,by accident,by mistake,by surprise,carelessly,ignorantly,inadvertently,mistakenly,off guard,sudden,surprisingly,unconsciously,unexpectedly,unintentionally,unprepared,unready,unwittingly 反义词 consciously,knowinglyas in.unconsciously 同义词 unintentionally,unwittinglyabstractedly,automatically,carelessly,disregardfully,habitually,heedlessly,inattentively,neglectfully,thoughtlessly,unthinkingly 反义词 consciously,deliberately,intentionally,knowingly,willfully unawaresadverb without warning;suddenly aback,abruptly,accidentally,by accident,by mistake,by surprise,carelessly,ignorantly,inadvertently,mistakenly,off guard,short,sudden,surprisingly,unconsciously,unexpectedly,unintentionally,unprepared,unready,unwittingly unconsciouslyadverb without thinking abstractedly,automatically,carelessly,disregardfully,habitually,heedlessly,inattentively,neglectfully,thoughtlessly,unintentionally,unknowingly,unthinkingly,unwittingly An ensuing investigation found that the operator— Tokyo Electric— had unknowingly built the facility directly on top of an active seismic fault. 随后的调查发现经营者——东京电力——不知不觉的把设施直接建在了一条地震断裂带的上面。 yeeyan As a result, many of these configurations unknowingly allowed far more connectivity than expected, even to the point of allowing anonymous connections. 结果,许多这样的配置会不知不觉地允许远远超过预期数量的连接,甚至会达到允许匿名连接的程度。 ibm The problem is that people end up unknowingly taking much more than recommended. 问题是,人们最后在不知不觉中就会服用过量。 yeeyan “ I think that’s what a lot of people are doing unknowingly, thinking that the baby will be healthier or grow faster,” McCormick, who was not involved in the current study, told Reuters Health. “我认为许多人在不知情的情况下这样做,认为这样婴儿能更健康,或是长得更快。”麦考密克对路透健康这样说,他并不是研究中的一员。 yeeyan By the time international authorities became fully aware of the outbreak, there were about800 cases and at least50 deaths, and the virus was unknowingly being carried into other countries. 而当世卫组织开始全面意识到疫情时,全球已有800病例,至少50人因病死亡,同时病毒已不知不觉开始在其他国家传播。 yeeyan Everyone then read words they had unknowingly dialed and words that they had not keyed in. 每个人都不知不觉念出了这些词语,但实际上他们并没有键入这些词语。 yeeyan However, even the most dedicated beekeeper can unknowingly put incorrect information on a honey jar's label. 但是,即使是最专业的养蜂人也会不知不觉地给蜂蜜标签添上错误的信息。 yeeyan If a user would be allowed to publish or create a package, they could unknowingly and unwillingly disclose information about or to other tenants. 如果允许用户发布或创建包,他们就会不知不觉或不情愿地向其他租用者暴露相关信息。 ibm In many cases, we also explain why users unknowingly modeled their processes incorrectly, and we point to support in Business Modeler that can help you spot these errors. 在很多情况下,我们还会说明用户在流程建模过程中为什么会不知不觉地出错,同时指出 Business Modeler中有助于发现这些错误的支持。 ibm In this article, you have learned how to alleviate some of the restrictions and problems that developers unknowingly create for their consumers during development time. 在本文中,您了解了如何减轻开发人员在进行开发时不知不觉为用户制造的一些限制和问题。 ibm In this scenario, the user unknowingly executes scripts written by an attacker when they follow a malicious link in a mail message. 在本方案中,当用户执行邮件消息中的恶意链接时,就会不知不觉地执行攻击者编写的脚本。 ibm Just didn’t want you to unknowingly be doing things that you don’t want to. Love ya! 就是不想让你在不知不觉中被别人看作你平时最痛恨的那类人。 yeeyan Newcomers can ask those people to alert them when they've unknowingly violated an unwritten rule. 新人们可以请这些人在他们不知情地违反规矩时及时的提醒他们。 yeeyan Pixar doesn’t only create3D film masterpieces, they unknowingly dish out really useful design lessons as well. 皮克斯不仅创作了3D电影的杰作,他们还无意中透露出来真正有用的设计经验。 yeeyan The deception was one propagated by most of my generation and most parents were unknowingly complicit. 这种骗人的把戏被我们那代人不断地使用,大多数父母也不知不觉地成了共犯。 yeeyan The dish turned out fine, but I had unknowingly and luckily avoided producing a rotten egg stink. 这盘菜结果很完美,但是我在不知不觉中幸运地避免了产生臭鸡蛋气味。 yeeyan The young man was Oedipus, who thus unknowingly became the slayer of his own father. 这位青年就是俄狄浦斯。他在不明真相的情况下杀死了自己的父亲。 jukuu This a lesson that I unknowingly followed for quite some time. 我不知不觉遵循着这个教训。 blog.sina.com.cn This solution protects the user from malicious code that could be unknowingly executed by his browser, stealing his data and destroying the whole zero- knowledge architecture. 这种解决方案保护用户不受那些在浏览器中不知不觉运行的,窃取他的数据,破坏整个0知识架构的恶意代码的侵害。 yeeyan Users can unknowingly execute malicious scripts when viewing dynamically generated pages based on content provided by an attacker. 当用户查看基于攻击者提供的内容而动态生成的页面时,他们会不知不觉地执行恶意脚本。 ibm We unknowingly held our wedding in a park on the same day a college fraternity was tailgating. 我们无意中在同一天同一个公园举办我们的婚礼,这样一对大学兄弟‘撞车’了。 yeeyan What we have to watch out for is the chance a deranged, fluid-obsessed Army general like Jack D. Ripper will decide to start a war and unknowingly trigger a Russian doomsday machine. 但是还是要小心那些像 JACK D RIPPER这样的疯狂盲流将军突然决定发动的一场战争,而且又凑巧在不知不觉的情况下触发了俄国的末日机器。 yeeyan When a smiling person locks eyes with another person, the viewer unknowingly mimics a smile as well. 当一个人面带微笑,双眼看着对方时,另一个人会不知不觉中模仿着微笑起来。 yeeyan Yes, most of the time they don’t have a clue as to what they are doing, but unknowingly and without a clue they allow us to explore things that we tend to forget as we grow into adulthood. 不错,多数情况下,他们做的事情都毫无头绪,但是,不知不觉地,他们在无意中让我们得以仔细考察那些随着我们长大成人而几乎忘却了东西。 yeeyan Unknowingly, Julie hooked herself onto a mind- scrambling conveyor belt of hypnotic“ training routines” developed by Hubbard. 不知不觉地,朱莉将自己送上了一条干扰心智的传送带,它是哈伯德开发出来的,有催眠效果的“日常训练”。 yeeyan Unknowingly, this American was experiencing a vestige of protocol rooted centuries deep in the Japanese culture. 这位美国女士不知不觉领教了日本几百年来根深蒂固的文化传统。 cri |