

单词 university town
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Taking the planning of the university town in Fuzhou as example the proper special planning mode of “ university town” is discussed in terms of education industry and resource sharing.
介绍了“大学城”的概念及溯源,以福州大学城规划为例,从教育产业化及资源共享的角度探讨了当今“大学城”应有的空间规划模。 dictall

The paper defines the basic concept of waste materials in Guangzhou university town, analyzes its types and features.
界定了广州大学城废弃物基本概念,分析了广州大学城废弃物类型和特性。 dictall

The paper summarizes the historical evolution of the development of university town in the world, and combs the con- text of the construction of university town in recent years in China.
文章对我国近年来大学城建设的来龙去脉作了梳理,概述了西方大学城建设的历史演进。 cnki

However, there are many problems in the University town.
不过,目前大学城存在的问题也不少。 putclub

I have to commute between the university town and the downtown area every day.
我每天上班在大学城和市区之间来回奔波。 sogood

I wonder how we are going to occupy ourselves on the six- hour drive from the Latvian seaside resort of Jurmala to the Estonian university town of Tartu.
从拉脱维亚海滨度假胜地尤尔马拉到爱沙尼亚大学城塔尔图有六个小时的车程,我不知道我们怎样才能打发这些时光。 yeeyan

It was spring2002, and I was studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain, a university town west of Madrid.
那是2002年的春天,我正在西班牙马德里西部的大学城萨马兰卡留学。 yeeyan

Once a sleepy state-government and university town, Austin is now a cultural and technological hub as well.
一个曾经冷清的州府和大学城——奥斯汀现在是一个文化和科技中心。 ecocn

That's a university town after all, they know better,right?

The article discussed the urgency and necessity of constructing Kunming University Town in Yunnan Province.
本文论述了云南省建设昆明大学城的紧迫性和必要性。 dictall

The arisen of university town offered a new surrounding for the college library consortium.
大学城的出现,给高校图书馆联盟的发展创造了一个新的环境。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net




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