

单词 university-industry
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The Triple Helix Model emphasizes the“ university-industry- government” relations in the increasingly knowledge- based economy.
在知识经济背景下,三重螺旋模型强调“产官学”三方的互动关系。 magsci

In recent years, University-Industry Collaboration UIC for short the most important way to improve a country's indigenous innovation ability has become the focus of researchers home and abroad.
近几年来,产学合作作为提升国家自主创新能力的重要途径日益成为国内外学者研究的焦点。 fabiao

In the process of the university-industry cooperation, the proportion of R&D expenditure in firm, university, researcher is a key factor that affects the cooperations carrying out.
在校企合作研发中,企业、高等院校以及科研人员之间科研费用的分摊是影响合作顺利进行的一个重要因素。 dictall




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