

单词 beset by
释义 beset by短语¹⁸²⁶⁷
But beset by falling bookings and scarce financing for hotel construction, the firm’s impressive pipeline, which benefits its share price, is likely to be squeezed.
但是由于客房预订量的下跌,宾馆建筑融资的短缺,该公司惊人的合同数量有利于其股票价格可能会遭到萎缩。 ecocn

Despite the help, plenty of Western farmers have been beset by poverty.
尽管大量补贴,西方国家的农场主仍旧被贫困所困扰。 ecocn

If one village was really beset by some serious disease problems, would they tend to evolve towards higher disgust settings?
假如一个村子真受到某种严重疾病的困扰,他们的厌恶敏感度是不是更要提高? yeeyan

Some have argued that introducing genocide will further entangle a process already beset by delays and confusion.
一些人说道,被引用的种族灭绝将会让已被延误和混乱的进程变得更复杂。 yeeyan

They are beset by some grim news. Growth is slowing, though in China's case that helps cool an overheated economy.
双方都被一些棘手事务所累:增长放缓,虽然对中国来说这有助于给过热的经济降降温; yeeyan

We are beset by wars and economic distress, and we no longer have the luxury of ceding these discussions to demagogues and fundraising interest groups.
现在的我们被战争和经济不景气包裹得透不过气来,煽动者也罢,利益集团的募捐也罢,皆不再奢谈。 yeeyan

Beset by hunger and illness, many are scrawny65% of adult men in Udaipur are underweight, over half are anaemic, and about a seventh suffer from impaired eyesight.
由于深受饥饿和疾病折磨,很多人面黄肌瘦在乌特迪尔,65%的成年人偏瘦,超过一半的人患有败血症,还约有七分之一的人视力受损。 ecocn




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