

单词 universalism
释义 u·ni·ver·sal·ism 英ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəˌlɪzəm美ˌjunəˈvɝsəˌlɪzəmAHDy›”nə-vûrʹsə-lĭz'əm 高COCA⁴²³⁹⁸BNC⁴⁶⁶⁶⁸iWeb³³³³⁰
the theological doctrine that all people will eventually be saveduniversal-ism学|术|症|法⇒n.普遍性⁸⁴;一般性Universalism.n.普救说
用作名词Luke uses this story as the supreme example of his theme ofuniversalism.卢克把这个故事作为其普遍性主题的最好例子。
The common foundation of science and art is human creativity, and their goals are all to pursue theuniversalismof the truth.科学和艺术的共同基础是人类的创造力,它们追求的目标都是真理的普遍性。 Sam, in my view, underrated the universalism of the appeal of living in modern, free societies with accountable governments.
在我看来,亨廷顿低估了人们对生活在有负责任政府的现代自由社会的普遍向往。 yeeyan

The modern liberalism has four most universal characteristics: The individualism, the egalitarianism, the Universalism and the society do good deeds discusses.
现代自由主义具有四个最为普遍的特征:个人主义、平等主义、普世主义和社会向善论。 cnki

The principle of universalization and principle of discourse ethics are souls of discourse ethics, completely showing its characteristics of deontology, cognition, universalism and formalism.
普遍化原则与话语原则是话语伦理学的灵魂,充分体现了其义务论、认知主义、普遍主义、形式主义的特征。 cnki

The results show that the cultural dimension“ universalism versus particularism” has a great influence on ethical decision-making in marketing.
研究的结果表明文化维度“普遍主义与特殊主义”对营销伦理决策有很大的影响。 cnki

The united form of individualism and universalism is modernity ethical discourse of Chinese aesthetics.
中国美学现代性的伦理话语是个体主义与普遍主义的统一形态。 cnki

The universalism of the relation between CT and intelligence of children.
儿童选择反应时与智力之间相关的普遍性; cnki

But, the universalism factor of law has been denied since the modern sovereign states were formed.
但是在近代主权国家形成以后,法律的普遍主义要素受到全面否定。 cnki

But you might say just as Machiavelli broke with the dominant model of Christian universalism, so too did he reject the ancient model of the small, autonomous republican state.

It's a universalism to all that's firmly anchored in Judaism and the Torah.

Not all modern observers of Byzantium have been so willing to associate the city on the Bosphorus with universalism or cultural breadth.
并非所有的现代拜占庭观察家们都乐于将这座横跨博斯普鲁斯海峡的城市和普世主义或文化宽容联系起来。 ecocn

Platonism, Stoicism and Paul's theory about salvation by faith, are the main thought source of Christian universalism.
柏拉图主义、斯多葛主义和保罗的因信得救说,是基督教普遍主义的主要思想来源。 cnki

So Cole made a conclusion that science is closer to universalism than any other social organization.
据此,科尔得出科学界较其他社会体制更接近于普遍主义的结论。 cnki

The other idea challenged was the notion of universalism, or universal reason, which had been a key theme of Voltaire and other French philosophers.
另一个挑战是观念的普遍性,或普遍的原因,这一直是法国哲学家伏尔泰等关键主题概念。 blog.sina.com.cn

These were the kinds of themes that gradually shaped the German idealist challenge to the Enlightenment's emphasis on empiricism and universalism.
这些都是逐渐形成了德国唯心主义的挑战启蒙的经验论和普遍性的重点主题的种类。 blog.sina.com.cn

' Universalism', receiving the modern view of knowledge, is the product of turning Marxism epistemology into metaphysics.
普遍主义“秉承现代知识观,是对马克思主义认识论形而上学化的产物。” cnki




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