

单词 beseeched
释义 be·seech·ed 英bɪ'siːtʃ美bɪ'sitʃ COCA⁷⁵⁷⁹⁹BNC⁶⁶⁶¹³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
ask for or request earnestly;

The prophet bid all people to become good persons

beseech-ed如|被…的⇒v.恳求⁷¹;乞求²⁹近义词 呼吁beg恳求ask询问press按pray祈祷plead辩护appeal恳求demand要求invoke援引adjure严令implore恳求entreat恳求request请求canvass游说conjure变戏法bid买方出价…

用作动词If you wouldbeseecha blessing upon yourself, beware!如果想为自己恳求祝福,千万小心!verb.beg
同义词 imploreadjure,appeal,ask,crave,entreat,importune,invoke,petition,plead,pray,solicit,sue,supplicatecall upon
反义词 answer,command,refuse,replygive,offer The scarab beetle reassured him, and upon the eagle's approach the beetle beseeched her not to carry off the hare.
正说话时,鹰追逐而至,屎壳郎便恳求她别把兔子抓走。 i21st

Bass- voiced Orthodox priests beseeched God to forgive the sins of Russia's first president.
声音低沉的东正教牧师祈求上帝原谅俄罗斯首任总统的罪过。 ecocn

George the lobster was transported to Maine by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which had beseeched City Crab and Seafood to allow the lobster to go free.
是善待动物协会的工作人员把乔治送到了缅因州,也正是这些工作人员向海鲜餐馆求情,希望能对乔治网开一面。 yeeyan

He longed to reunite with her, so he approached Jupiter, king of the gods, and beseeched him to grant Psyche immortality.
他渴望与她再次结合,所以找到众神之主朱庇特,恳求他赐予普绪客不朽的生命。 bokequn

He beseeched the Lord to allow the old man’s soul into heaven.
他恳求上帝接纳这老人的灵魂于天堂。 yeeyan

Sitting in downtown Mexico City across from the president, Araceli explained everything she knew about the case and beseeched the government, once again, for help.
在墨西哥城坐在总统对面,婀瑞思利详细述说了自己所知道的关于孩子失踪事件的一切,并再一次哀求政府的帮助。 yeeyan




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