

单词 unities
释义 u·ni·ty 英'juːnəti美'juːnəti COCA⁷²⁵⁵⁶BNC⁴²⁶¹⁷
U S 统一; 统一体

the state of being one complete whole or condition of being united

U 一致,同心协力; 和谐

agreement of aims and interests

an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting;

the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development

he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia

the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number;

he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it

they had lunch at one

the quality of being united into one
unity, union

这两个词都可表示“联合为一,结合为一”。前者强调结合或联合成的个体; 后者则强调由两个以上的人或物结合为一或联合成一个的单一体。

用作名词 n.
动词+~achieve unity取得一致bring about the unity实现统一destroy unity破坏团结lack unity缺乏统一性形容词+~internal〔national〕 unity内部〔全民〕团结介词+~at unity与…和睦,与…一致in unity和睦地work with unity一致行动~+介词unity of a country国家的统一unity of the painting这幅画的协调性
近义词 accordstandingfriendshipcooperation反义词 isolationdisagreementindependence
用作名词n.The figure on the left spoils the unity of the painting.画中左边的人物破坏了这幅画的整体性。
They live together in unity.他们和睦地住在一起。
National unity is essential.举国必须团结。
用作名词These works, taken together, are essentially aunity.这些作品,放在一起,基本上是一个整体。
The figure on the left spoils theunityof the painting.左边的人物有损于画面的整体性。
He made a speech about the need forunity.他发表了有关统一之必要的演讲。
They maintained only formalunityamong themselves.他们只在表面上保持一致。
The meeting is seen as the first step towards greaterunitybetween the parties.这一会议可视为两党走向进一步联合的第一步。
The President made a call for nationalunity.总统号召全国人民团结起来。 The best poetry will have the quality of intuitive perception of larger unities, and will represent the highest form of self consciousness of the particular poet.
最好的诗将会得到直观的感知力,将代表特定的诗人的最高形式的自我意识。 uimg1.zhubajie.com

The contents of the Internet are dialectical unities of unlimited information and limited knowledge.
互联网上的内容是信息无限与知识有限的对立统一。 cnki

Among others, with the consistent CAN communication protocol, bus instrumentation realizes the meter signal conversion between the unities which makes more open and versatile.
其中,利用 CAN总线在通信协议上的一致性,实现了各种类型仪表之间信号转换的统一,使总线仪表更加体现了开放性和通用性。 fabiao

Ecologically speaking, these three unities are three ecologies respectively: individual, social and natural ecology.
这三个整体从生态学角度是三个生态个体生态、社会生态和自然生态。 cnki

Especially under the rigid confinement of the three unities, time has lost its anima, fluidity and musicality.
特别是经过三一律对时间的严格控制,戏剧越发丢失了其时间性。 fabiao

In fact, the Three Unities as one kind of writing principles has its intrinsic aesthetic significance although its emergence has some political reasons.
事实上,三一律作为一种创作原则固然有其外部的社会政治因素,但其自身也体现出内在的美学意义。 cnki

In the history of China, Wei, Jin, Nan-bei Dynasties were eras of politics turbulence, countries divisions, economy damage, conflicts and then unities of nations.
在中国历史上,魏晋南北朝时期是一个政治大动荡,国家大分裂,经济大破坏,民族大冲突、民族大融合的大动乱时代。 www.1x1y.com.cn

In the USA, a number of m unities have been working on green ways with historic themes.
在美国,众多社区正在实施绿道历史保护项目。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is not only lack of judicial fairness to parties, but also violates the stabilities and unities of justice.
我国立法对此没有明确的规定,而在司法实践中采用对等原则来判定其效力。 fabiao

On the conception of nature, they possessed some similar points which state that the substance unities the world and is always in motion and change, and such motion has some regular rules.
在自然观上,他们有相似的正确认识,都认为世界统一于物质,事物是不断地运动变化的,其运动变化是有规律的。 dictall

Their unities are manifested by their mutual dependence and change.
其统一性表现为两者的相互依存和相互转化。 cnki

This thesis believes that the faith in YHWH plays a significant role in the formation of Israeli ethnicity. The faith in YHWH, which unities Israeli ethnicity, is internalized into its ethnicity.
本文认为,就耶和华信仰对以色列民族的意义而言,一方面,耶和华信仰凝聚、统一了以色列民族,并且内化于以色列民族这一载体之中; fabiao

This is the landscape in which the Arab revolt has finally erupted, in a concatenation facilitated by the two great cultural unities of the region, language and religion.
这就是阿拉伯歧义最终爆发的环境,后者是在一种为此区域两大文化单位,语言和宗教促进的串联中爆发的。 yeeyan




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