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词汇 United Russia
释义 United Russia
Television has given blanket coverage toUnited Russiaand dished dirt on all opposition.电视所有的播报都关于联合俄罗斯党,而且报道着所有反对党的负面消息。
He suggested that a bigUnited Russiawin might tempt him to become prime minister, perhaps under a pliable Mr Zubkov.普京表示,联合俄罗斯党赢得巨大胜利可能让他成为国家总理,而且可能就职于祖布科夫之下。
The rumour in Moscow had been that the anointment would take place next week at the congress ofUnited Russia.莫斯科已经谣传着在下周的统一俄罗斯的大会上将正式任命梅德韦杰夫。
Speaking earlier, President-elect Dmitri Medvedev saidUnited Russialeaders invited him to join the party.稍早,俄罗斯当选总统梅德韦杰夫说,统一俄罗斯党领导人邀请他参加该党。
Indeed, in some places,United Russiais now behaving uncannily like the old Communist Party, with applicants for certain jobs required to be members.事实上在一些地方,统一俄罗斯党与过去的共产党也极为相似,想找工作的人必须是该党党员才行。
Since 2007 she has been a member of the Russian parliament, the State Duma, representing the pro-KremlinUnited Russiaparty.2007年她成为俄罗斯议会国家杜马成员,代表统一俄罗斯党。




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