

单词 uniforms
释义 u·ni·forms 英'juːnɪfɔːmz美'juːnɪfɔːmz COCA⁸⁶⁹⁵BNC¹⁰¹⁵³Economist⁶⁵⁸³
名词 uniform:
clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification
动词 uniform:
provide with uniforms用作名词They wear suits, jeans, and they wearuniforms.她们穿套装,穿牛仔服,她们也穿制服。noun.coordinated outfit
同义词 attire,costume,dress,garb,gown,khaki,regalia,robe,suitOD,habit,livery,regimentals,stripesmonkey suit,olive drab A man and a woman got out. Both wore forest service uniforms, pistols holstered to their waists.
一个男人和一个女人走出来,两个人都穿着森林服务的制服,腰上别着手枪皮套。 yeeyan

All prisoners wear light- green uniforms and caps.
所有犯人都穿着浅绿色制服和帽子。 yeeyan

All students must wear summer uniforms in September, Early, October, late April, May, June and July.
在九月、十月初、四月末、五月、六月、七月全体学生必须穿夏季校服。 hjenglish

All the officers wore in uniforms.
所有的军官都穿着制服。 ebigear

Content packs generally include matching products such as uniforms, equipment, and scenes.
内容包通常包含相应的物品,比如制服、设备和场景。 ibm

Defence chiefs now planned to phase in the new uniforms over the next two to three years, Bulgakov said.
国防部的长官们现在计划在接下来的两到三年内逐步引入新制服,布尔加科夫说。 hxen

In New York, a new fee instituted to fund911 services will pay for general budget items and new police uniforms.
在纽约,一项为911服务而新设立的费用将用于支付一般预算项目和新的警察制服。 yeeyan

In the town’s three convenience stores, female clerks wore olive uniforms meant to evoke the People’s Liberation Army.
在镇上的三家便利店里,女店员都穿着橄榄色制服,这当然意在让人想起人民解放军。 yeeyan

It amazed me that they always looked impeccable in their uniforms with white shirts which had been washed by hand, dried on the bushes and then ironed with an iron filled with charcoal.
我感到不可思议的是,他们穿的校服和白衬衫看上去总是很体面。这些衣服都是手洗的,在灌木丛上晾干,然后用装着木炭的熨斗熨烫过的。 worldbank

Military equipment, uniforms and logistics are all feeling the pressure of price rises.
军事装备,制服和物流都受到了物价上涨带来的压力。 yeeyan

Miss Gao is writing a notice to all now students about their uniforms in summer.
高老师正在写一个通知。这是面向所有学生针关于夏季制服的消息。 hjenglish

Most companies require their employees to wear uniforms at work.
大部分公司都会要求员工穿统一的制服。 ebigear

MrsLi and Kitty are in a big shop. They are looking at some uniforms.
李小姐和基蒂在大的商店.他们正看一些制服。 hjenglish

Soldiers appeared to be wearing fresh uniforms and helmets and seemed to patrol with new resolve, checking protesters' ID cards but allowing them to pass into the square.
士兵们穿着新的制服、戴着头盔,看起来像是怀着新的决定在巡逻,他们查看示威者的身份证,但是允许他们进入广场。 yeeyan

Still another stole food and uniforms, leaving his soldiers underfed and ill equipped for the winter.
还有人窃取食物和制服,导致他的士兵们在冬天里吃不饱,穿不暖。 yeeyan

The Long Island group was caught by the coast guard just after burying their Nazi uniforms in the sand.
在长岛登陆的特工在把他们的纳粹制服埋在沙子以后,被美国海岸巡逻队发现。 yeeyan

There were only four uniforms.
一共只有四套制服。 ebigear

They have uniforms.
他们有制服。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

They particularly object to schools’ tendency to change uniforms on a whim, which means that costs cannot be cut by buying second- hand or dressing younger siblings in hand-me- downs.
他们尤其反对学校时不时心血来潮地换校服,因为这就意味着不能给孩子买二手的校服或让他们穿兄弟姐妹的衣服来节省开支。 ecocn

They seized all arms and equipment, including any uniforms they found.
他们没收了所有的武器和装备,包括他们发现的任何制服。 blog.sina.com.cn

They teach monkeys how to use Kalashnikov, Bren machine gun, and even mortar, and how to attack those who wear US army uniforms.
他们教给猴子如何使用卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪、布伦机枪,甚至迫击炮,以及如何攻击身穿美军制服的那些人。 yeeyan

You’ll find their uniforms tend to be more subdued pastel colours, such as mauve, green or blue.
你会发现,他们的制服往往是较柔和的淡色彩,例如淡紫色、绿色或蓝色。 yeeyan




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