

单词 unheralded
释义 un·heralded 英ʌn'herəldɪd美ʌn'herəldɪd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴³⁸¹⁵BNC⁵⁴¹²⁹iWeb³³⁵⁶⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

without warning or announcement;

they arrived unannounced

a totally unheralded telegram that his daughter…died last night

近义词 unannounced未经宣布的unpredicted不可预期的
同义词 anonymous,overlooked,unnamed,unnoticed,unrecognizeduncelebrated,unglorified,unknown
反义词 namedannounced,celebrated,expected,glorified,predicted,recognizedadj.unexpected
同义词 unannounced,unanticipated,unpredicted,without warning
反义词 announced,celebrated,expected,glorified,predicted,recognized
unannouncedadjective not disclosed
unexpectedadjective surprising
abrupt,accidental,amazing,astonishing,chance,electrifying,eye-opening,fortuitous,from left field,impetuous,impulsive,instantaneous,not bargained for,not in the cards,out of the blue,payback,prodigious,staggering,startling,stunning,sudden,swift,unanticipated,unforeseen,unheralded,unlooked-for,unpredictable,unpredicted,wonderful On October31st the unheralded announcement by George Papandreou, the Greek prime minister, that he would call a referendum on the debt deal turned market sentiment drastically.
10月31日,希腊总理帕潘德里欧突然宣布将对债务方案举行全民公投,这给市场带了来剧烈动荡。 ecocn

The African maritime sector, ridden with piracy on its eastern and western seaboards, plays a largely unheralded but critical role in the attempt of African states to emerge onto the global market.
海盗在东西海岸线到处肆虐, 但在未上市的非洲国家在走上全球市场上,非洲海事部门在很大程度上起着虽不明显但却至关重要的作用。 yeeyan

The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no tickertape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor.
我们大多数人走过这个世界,过着一种平静而默默无闻的生活,很可能没有欢迎我们的队伍,没有为我们而建造的纪念碑。 blog.sina.com.cn

This has been an unexpected phenomenon, as it has been a story largely unheralded by the western media.
对西方媒体来说,这是一个不可想象也无法预料的事实。 yeeyan

A few years ago, I went to southern China to meet the then unheralded but soon to be celebrated members of China's women's tennis program.
几年以前,我去中国的南方和中国国家女子网球队接触。当时队员们还都默默无闻,不过,不久她们就将名声大作。 yeeyan

From Somalia to Sudan, Haiti to Iraq, Burma to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Pakistan to Afghanistan, these individuals, often unheralded, provide life- sustaining support to millions.
从索马里到苏丹,从海地到伊拉克,从缅甸到刚果民主共和国,从阿富汗到巴基斯坦,这些人员常常默默无闻地为数以百万的人提供维持生命所需要的支持。 en84

He suggested that many more innovations and advances go unheralded because primacy of publication or patent deters many others from being submitted to the public.
他提出还有更多的创新和进步未被承认,因为发表优先或者专利打消其他许多人公诸于众的念头。 yeeyan

Hence, so far this summer, he has waved off a few thirty-somethings and signed a couple of promising but generally unheralded players from the French league.
因此,在这个转会期,他又放走了几名30岁以上的老将,新签入一批他认为有潜力的球员,其中多半都来自法甲联赛。 yeeyan

It is this unheralded mechanism that will usher in the next stage of human, giving future people exquisite powers we do not currently possess, powers worthy of natural selection itself.
正是这一无人喝彩的途径将引领未来人类的历史,赋予未来人类超乎寻常的力量,这种力量是我们现在不具备的,是自然选择本身赋予的力量。 yeeyan

It is a rare success in the war on drugs, and an oddly unheralded one.
在打击毒品的战役中,这是个罕见的胜利,更奇怪的是这胜利来得毫无征兆。 ecocn

Last night, the unheralded25-year-old sprinter from China showed it off when he made history with a surprise gold in the men's100m final at the16th Asian Games.
昨晚,中国的25岁短跑选手劳义出人意料地在16届亚运会上大放光芒,取得了男子百米决赛金牌,创造了历史。 hxen

One of the greatest public health successes, that is often unheralded, has been the massive decline in smoking rates, which are now translating into reduced deaths from cancer and heart disease.
一个经常被务实的公共健康方面的成就是吸烟者人数的大幅下降,而这种下降现在又带来了由癌症和心脏病引起的死亡率的减少。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of the real, but unheralded, success stories of the last30 years is the significant reduction in the incidence of malaria in South Asia.
在近三十年中,一个真实的但未广为传送的成功故事是南亚地区疟疾发病率的大幅度下降。 worldbank

Talking about motherhood openly can bring unheralded amounts of grief and pain.
坦率地谈论母性可能带来意想不到的忧伤和痛苦。 yeeyan

Unheralded and almost unnoticed, the world has seen the emergence of a new economic model.
毫无征兆,甚至几乎没有引起人们的注意,一种新的经济模式已经呈现在世人面前。 bytravel




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