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词汇 unharmed
释义 unharmed 英ʌn'hɑːmd美ʌn'hɑrmd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁹⁵¹²BNC²³²⁹⁰iWeb²¹²⁸³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

not injured蒋争熟词记忆un-未;无harm伤害-ed…的⇒未受伤害的;无恙的un-未;无harm伤害-ed…的⇒未受伤害的;无恙的近义词 safe安全的whole全部的entire全部的unhurt没有受伤的intact完好无缺的untouched未触及的unscathed没有受伤的uninjured未蒙损失的undamaged未受损伤的safe and sound安然无恙in one piece完整无损的without a scratch丝毫未受伤

用作形容词The passengers were badly shocked butunharmed.乘客们受了很大的惊吓,但并未受伤。
Steve and I managed to escapeunharmed.我和史蒂夫设法平安逃走了。
They were all releasedunharmed.最后他们全部被安全的释放。adj.unhurt
同义词 intact,undamaged,uninjured,unscathed,untouchedall right,free from danger,in one piece,not hurt,okay,out of danger,out of harm's way,protected,safe,safe and sound,sound,unscarred,unscratched
反义词 damaged,harmed,hurt,injured
all rightadjective in good condition or health
intactadjective undamaged;all in one piece
safeadjective free from harm
cherished,free from danger,guarded,home free,impervious,impregnable,in safety,intact,inviolable,invulnerable,maintained,okay,out of danger,out of harm's way,preserved,protected,safe and sound,safeguarded,secure,sheltered,shielded,sitting pretty,snug,tended,unassailable,undamaged,under lock and key,under one's wing,unharmed,unhurt,uninjured,unmolested,unscathed,unthreatened,vindicated,watched
saferadjective free from harm
buttoned up,cherished,free from danger,guarded,home-free,impervious,impregnable,in safety,intact,inviolable,invulnerable,maintained,okay,out of danger,out of harm's way,preserved,protected,safe and sound,safeguarded,secure,sheltered,shielded,sitting pretty,snug,tended,unassailable,undamaged,under lock and key,under one's wing,unharmed,unhurt,uninjured,unmolested,unscathed,unthreatened,vindicated,watched
safestadjective free from harm
buttoned up,cherished,free from danger,guarded,home-free,impervious,impregnable,in safety,intact,inviolable,invulnerable,maintained,okay,out of danger,out of harm's way,preserved,protected,safe and sound,safeguarded,secure,sheltered,shielded,sitting pretty,snug,tended,unassailable,undamaged,under lock and key,under one's wing,unharmed,unhurt,uninjured,unmolested,unscathed,unthreatened,vindicated,watched
secureadjective safe
defended,guarded,immune,impregnable,out of harm's way,protected,riskless,sheltered,shielded,unassailable,undamaged,unharmed And after a couple days of sniffing duty, they can be returned, unharmed, to the hive.
执行完十几天的嗅探任务后,还可以把它们完好地送回蜂巢。 yeeyan

He was unharmed by his adventure, and went to live at the National Zoo in Washington for17 years. He died at North Carolina Zoo at the age of25.
汉姆在这场历险中没有受什么伤,之后他在位于华盛顿的国家动物园中生活了17年,25岁的时候在北卡罗莱纳州动物园死去。 yeeyan

In all the years I've been in IT and using XP, I can't think of a single case outside of a committed XP team where I could say, “ Ignore that part of the design for now,” and escape unharmed.
这些年来,我一直从事 IT工作并使用 XP,除了坚定的 XP小组之外,我想不出还能有这样的地方:我可以说“现在忽略掉设计的那一部分吧。”然后还可以毫发无伤地逃出来。 ibm

Its passengers appeared shaken but unharmed as she helped maneuver the car away from the burning truck.
当她帮着操控面包车远离燃烧的卡车时,上面的乘客表现的战战兢兢但安然无恙。 yeeyan

The crew, he said, was safe and unharmed but the pirates had yet to start haggling with the owners over the ransom.
船长说船员们仍然安全,并未受到伤害,但是在赎金方面,海盗与船东还没有达成协议。 ecocn

Another mocks the ineffective lifting of Syria's emergency law and shows Mr Assad scrubbing out the shadow of a security thug on the wall while the real culprit stands by, unharmed.
还有一幅则是在嘲笑叙利亚紧急状态法的无效撤销,以及阿萨德使劲地擦洗墙上的安全部队暴徒的影子而真正的罪魁祸首就站在他身边,却安然无恙。 ecocn

But the Amsterdam accident is also the fourth major crash-landing in13 months in which all or most of the passengers escaped relatively unharmed.
但阿姆斯特丹的这起坠机,也是最近13个月来第四起大部分或所有乘客相对安全逃生的重大坠机事故。 ebigear

But the Fram easily withstood all this frightful squeezing and simply rose up, unharmed, from the depths of the ice.
不过弗拉姆号轻松地顶住了这一切可怕的挤压,只是从冰层深处被一路挤出了冰面,毫发无损。 yeeyan

Each time, the injected part of the meat would burn. The rest was uncooked, unharmed.
每次都是注入金属物的部分被烧焦,而其余的部分安然无恙。 yeeyan

Fort Davis Volunteer Fire Department spokesman Jim Fowler says the people whose homes burned escaped unharmed and are in temporary lodging.
戴维斯堡志愿消防队发言人吉姆·富勒说,住宅被烧毁的人都平安逃离,目前暂时借住它处。 voanews

Give up the land, and you can go unharmed with your goods.
放弃土地吧,你们可以带着你们的财产,安然无恙的离开。 yeeyan

He could see the beetle under the bark, and draw it forth unharmed for us to squint at through the magnifying glass.

He was freed unharmed but she was beaten to death.
孩子被平安释放,但是他的妻子被殴打致死。 ecocn

Instead, the animals seemed to escape unharmed.
但动物们好像都逃过了一劫。 yeeyan

Last September, masked gunmen seized19 hostages, including11 tourists, on a safari in a remote desert area of Egypt near the Sudanese and Libyan border. All were released unharmed.
去年9月,在靠近苏丹和利比亚边界的埃及沙漠地区,蒙面持枪者劫持了19名人质,包括11名游客,后来所有人被安全解救。 yeeyan

Libya's interim government said he was captured unharmed and later mortally wounded in crossfire from both sides.
利比亚的临时政府说,他被俘获时并未受伤,是在随后的交叉火力中受到了致命一击。 yeeyan

My relatives are unharmed, but there are new fears of a catastrophic meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, just30 miles away.
我的亲属都安然无恙,但福岛第一核电站的灾难性熔毁又引发了新的担心,而这就发生在30英里之外。 yeeyan

One of the surviving servers is promoted to be the new primary server, and the transaction continues unharmed and uninterrupted.
一个存留服务器提升为新的主服务器,交易继续,未受任何损伤且没有中断。 ibm

She smiled with relief— not that he was unharmed but because she’d been worried that, seeing him, she might be drawn back into a relationship.
她轻松的笑了——并非因为他无恙,而是因为她担心,看着他的样子,自己可以会因为心软而重新回到他的怀抱。 yeeyan

Some people used these to trap and dispose of unwanted pests, but for me it was just fun to trap and observe the animal for a while, and then release it unharmed back into the wild.
有些人用这种笼子诱捕和处置不喜欢的宠物,但我只是为了抓捕和观察动物,过一阵子就会毫发无损地把它们放回大自然。 fortunechina

The force that he used should have broken all my ribs, but when he let me go I was unharmed and I laughed.
我想他用了那么大的力气应该足以折断我的肋骨,但是当他把我放开的时候,我没有受伤反而还哈哈大笑。 yeeyan

We were apprehensive about this at first, but everything went fine and she came out unharmed.
我们一开始对此深表不安,但是所有事情都很顺利而且她也没有受伤。 yeeyan

We are happy to see the soldier appears physically unharmed, and we are doing everything possible to get him back, safely and unharmed.
看到士兵身体似乎没有受伤,我们感到很高兴,我们会尽一切努力将他安全解救。 kekenet




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