

单词 unfurled
释义 un·furl·ed 英ˌʌn'fɜːl美ˌʌn'fɜːrl 高COCA⁵⁰¹⁵⁶BNC⁵⁷⁴⁰⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
unroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or spread out from a furled state;

unfurl a banner

unfurl one's banner表明
近义词 furl卷收unfold展开open up打开develop发展open out打开spread out伸开expand使 … 膨胀unroll由卷曲状态展开…反义词 roll up袅袅上升

用作动词Heunfurledthe newspaper and began to read.他展开报纸开始阅读。
Theyunfurlthe flag and let it flutter in the wind.他们将旗展开让其迎风招展。
The studentsunfurledtheir books.学生们打开书。as in.extended
同义词 continued,drawn-out,lengthy,protractedelongate,elongated,enlarged,long,prolonged,spread,unfoldedspread-out,stretched-out,very long
反义词 abbreviated,abridged,compressed,condensed,contracted,curtailed,cut,lessened,narrow,reduced,shortenedas in.open
同义词 accessible,clear,free,susceptible,wideagape,bare,cleared,disclosed,emptied,expanded,exposed,extended,gaping,patent,peeled,removed,rent,revealed,rolling,stripped,unbarred,unblocked,unbolted,unburdened,uncluttered,uncovered,unfolded,unlocked,unplugged,unsealed,vacated,yawningairy,ajar,dehiscent,expansive,extensive,made passable,naked,navigable,passable,patulous,ringent,spacious,spread-out,unimpeded,unobstructed,unshut,unstopped
反义词 hindered,limited,restricted,concealedambiguous,blocked,certain,closed,deceitful,deceptive,decided,definite,dishonest,fastened,inaccessible,locked,lying,obstructed,shifty,shut,subjective,sure,unavailable,unclear,vague
extendedadjective lengthened
continued,drawn-out,elongate,elongated,enlarged,lengthy,long,prolonged,protracted,spread,spread-out,stretched-out,unfolded,very long
more openadjective unfastened, unclosed
accessible,agape,airy,ajar,bare,clear,cleared,dehiscent,disclosed,emptied,expanded,expansive,exposed,extended,extensive,free,gaping,made passable,naked,navigable,passable,patent,patulous,peeled,removed,rent,revealed,ringent,rolling,spacious,spread out,stripped,susceptible,unbarred,unblocked,unbolted,unburdened,uncluttered,uncovered,unfolded,unfurled,unimpeded,unlocked,unobstructed,unplugged,unsealed,unshut,unstopped,vacated,wide,yawning
openadjective unfastened, unclosed
accessible,agape,airy,ajar,bare,clear,cleared,dehiscent,disclosed,emptied,expanded,expansive,exposed,extended,extensive,free,gaping,made passable,naked,navigable,passable,patent,patulous,peeled,removed,rent,revealed,ringent,rolling,spacious,spread-out,stripped,susceptible,unbarred,unblocked,unbolted,unburdened,uncluttered,uncovered,unfolded,unfurled,unimpeded,unlocked,unobstructed,unplugged,unsealed,unshut,unstopped,vacated,wide,yawning After a while, the sails were quickly unfurled, and the noble ship continued her passage; but soon the waves rose higher, heavy clouds darkened the sky, and lightning appeared in the distance.
可是船加快了速度:它的帆都先后张起来了。 浪涛大起来了,沉重的乌云浮起来了,远处掣起闪电来了。 hjenglish

By then, most of the patients were awake, gazing helplessly at the bottle that was more beautiful in their eyes than an unfurled lily.
多数的病人全都醒了,眼睁睁望着牛奶瓶,那在他们眼中是比卷心百合花更为美丽的。 zftrans

Four million gallons of oily water have been skimmed from the sea, and1.4m feet of buoyant plastic booms have been unfurled to try to manage the situation.
为了使局面得以控制,4,000,000加仑的油污水已经被工作人员从海上抹去,1.4米高的浮力围油栏也已经在海面展开。 ecocn

Teams of ships have skimmed up millions of barrels of oily water, and unfurled miles of barrier boom.
“清油舰队”已撇去数百万桶油水,并铺设了几英里长的拦障。 ecocn.org

The patriots unfurled the banner of freedom.

The ships that have skimmed up millions of gallons of oily water, and unfurled miles of barrier boom, will be required for months to come.
能够在几英里范围的石油阻力下打捞好几百万加仑的含油海水的船只将在几个月内到达。 ecocn

We'd already laid down our pads and unfurled our sleeping bags.
垫子已经铺设好了,睡袋也打开了。 ycwb

A huge banner for Antidote perfume was unfurled during the show's grand finale.
一种解毒剂的旗帜迎风招展的巨大香水在展会期间的压轴。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

At one rally, an effigy of a Democratic congressman was hung; at another, protesters unfurled a banner depicting corpses from Dachau.
在其中一个集会上,一位民主党众议员的雕像被吊了起来;而在另一个集会上,抗议者们高举着绘有德国达毫 Dachau集中营尸堆的旗帜。 yeeyan

Crews spotted the tear in the wing as they unfurled it on Tuesday.
周二机组人员在展开机翼时发现了受损处。 hjenglish

Four stone dragons guarded the square, their black wings unfurled, their ruby and emerald eyes winking in the pale light shining through the trees.

It had clearly been planned: air-force troops blocking the runway of Quito’s airport unfurled pre-printed banners.
很显然,这是一场早有预谋的行动,动用空军部队封锁基多机场旨在阻止频频出现反抗横幅。 ecocn

It was rigged with a rod and wires so that it would look as if it was unfurled and blowing in Apollo photographs.
旗子被线和杆所控制,所以在阿波罗的照片里似乎能看到它飘扬。 cri

Leaves had unfurled, goldfinches had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward.
树叶舒展开来,黄雀翩翩飞来觅食,黄水仙也朝天竞相生长。 wdhjzx

Nearby, a newly opened conference center resembles an unfurled umbrella. An exhibition hall boasts the biggest stretch of free- standing roof in Asia.
在它旁边还有一个新开的,伞状会议中心,里面拥有亚洲最大支撑屋顶的展览中心。 ecocn

Other shots confirmed that the probe's solar arrays had unfurled successfully, and that it had landed safely on its legs.
其他相片证实探测器的太阳能排列已经成功的铺展开,并且它已经用支柱进行成功登陆。 blogcn

The banner was removed about an hour after it was unfurled.
旗子被展开以后,在一小时后才被拿走。 suiniyi

They unfurled it knelt down on either side of bin Laden and placed the body inside the bag.
他们把尸体袋展开,跪在本拉登两侧并把尸体放进袋子。 yeeyan

Umbrellas unfurled poked and were ripped from their rigging leaving sharp spiders dangling overhead.
一把把雨伞纷纷被打开,互相戳来戳去,一些伞布被撕裂,只剩下锋利的伞骨在头顶摇晃。 yeeyan

When Joseph took her upper arms in his hands and pressed her down on her back, the pleasure of anticipation unfurled the length of her body.
当约瑟夫握着她的臂膀把她放平、仰面躺着时,期待的喜悦在她的每一寸肌肤舒展开来。 yeeyan

Within minutes, she added, people got out, doors popped out and rafts unfurled.
几分钟后,人们出来了,舱门打开,救生艇放下来。她说。 tesoon




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