

单词 berths
释义 berth·s 英bɜːθ美bɜːrθ COCA³⁵⁴⁸⁵BNC³²⁴³³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a job in an organization;

he occupied a post in the treasury

a place where a craft can be made fasta bed on a ship or train; usually in tiers
provide with a berthsecure in or as if in a berth or dock;

tie up the boat

come into or dock at a wharf;

the big ship wharfed in the evening

berth clause泊位条款safe berth安全船席,安全泊位…berth occupancy泊位用率berth order指定锚泊位sea berth海上停泊处berth throughput泊位吞吐量loading berth装船泊位ferry berth渡船码头berth terms码头条件berth note订舱单quay berth码头泊位open berth开放锚位berth cargo空舱货物building berth船台造船滑道,滑道,…anchoring berth锚泊泊位container berth集装箱船泊位…foul berth不安全泊位,回转不便…to give a wide berth远离give a wide berth to 避开保持距离…fall into a good berth找到一个赚钱多的工作…
近义词 bed床moor荒野dock码头quay码头land陆地post职位slip滑倒bunk铺位spot地点wharf码头place地方tie up扎绑harbor海港billet兵舍mooring下锚come in进来service服务moorage系留position位置office办公室situation形势appointment约会disembark使上岸landing place登陆处(浮码头…

用作名词A steamship moored to itsberthat the pier.一艘轮船在码头泊位停泊。
They took up aberthnear the harbor.他们在港口附近找了个位置下锚。
She gave up her sleepingberthto a pregnant woman.她把卧铺让给了一位孕妇。用作不及物动词This ship is approved toberthhere.这艘船被允许停泊在这儿。
The linerberthedat midday.邮轮中午到达停泊地。
Iberthedbeside him.我睡在他旁边的铺位。用作及物动词The docks canberthover fifty vessels.这个码头可以停泊五十多艘轮船。
Six passengers can beberthedamidships.六位乘客可安置在船的中央部分。 The State Council has approved the opening of the Changxing Island Port in Dalian, Liaoning, Xinhua reported.68 berths will be opened.

A train which is fully booked for Indian travellers may still have a few' tourist quota' berths available within a day or two of departure so that foreign travellers can travel at short notice.
这种火车全部票发售完毕后在出发前1到2天内其实还有一些为游客预留的座位或铺位,以供那些国外游客急需。 yeeyan

Economy Seating and Sleeper Touring Berths or Cabins all have shared shower facilities, with Sleeper Cabins the only option if you don't want to share a toilet too.

English clubs have occupied three of the four berths at the Champions League semi-final stage each year since2007.
英格兰俱乐部自从2007年以来便一直在欧冠四强中占据三席。 yeeyan

Lack of special berths for loading & unloading coal caused vessels' serious demurrage and great loss of transportation capacity.
由于宁波港的煤炭专用泊位不足,致使船舶滞期严重,造成大量运力浪费。 cnki

Several people wanted to give up their berths to him.
好几个人要把卧铺让给他。 http://dj.iciba.com

Sorry, all the berths are sold out.
很抱歉,所有卧铺票都售完了。 iciba

The International Hockey Federation said Wednesday that world champion field hockey teams will no longer get automatic berths in the Olympics.
国际曲棍球联合会星期三宣布世锦赛曲棍球冠军队将不再自动取得奥运会的席位。 jukuu

Upper and lower berths and en suite bathrooms complete the picture in three cabin configurations: Pullman, State and Presidential cabins.
列车提供有普通卧铺、豪华套间和总统包间,这些都配有上下铺和浴室。 kekenet

We normally sell the upper and lower berths together.
我们通常上下铺搭配出售。 iciba

Within the scope of urban streets and on condition that passage of the pedestrians and vehicles are not impeded, the relevant government departments may delimit parking berths.
在城市道路范围内,在不影响行人、车辆通行的情况下,政府有关部门可以施划停车泊位。 xddhy

Berths convert to seats for daytime use.
白天铺位折叠成座位。 yeeyan




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