

单词 unfocused
释义 un·fo·cussed 英ʌnˈfəʊkəst美ʌnˈfokəstAHDŭn-fōʹkəst ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³²⁸²⁶BNC³⁰⁰⁷⁷iWeb²⁹¹⁰⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

of an image not being in or brought into focus;

at their edges things were pretty much out of focus

not concentrated at one point or upon one objective;

diversity…in our huge unfocused country

un无|不focusv.聚焦-ed如|被…的⇒adj.未聚焦的³³;无焦点的⁵¹;不专心的¹⁶近义词 blurred模糊的fuzzy毛茸茸的vague不明确的woolly毛茸茸的unclear不清楚的bleary眼睛模糊的imprecise不精确的indistinct不清楚的ill-defined不清楚的unfocussed漫无目标的nonspecific非特异性的out-of-focus焦点失调,离焦,不聚焦…反义词 focused聚焦的

用作形容词Critics counter that too much of the stimulus isunfocused.对刺激项目的批评是缺乏重点的。
She talks very fast. If you areunfocused, you will not be able to follow her.她语速很快,你稍不留意就听不清她说的是什么。as in.fuzzy
同义词 blurred,dim,distorted,faint,foggy,hazy,misty,murky,obscure,unclear,vaguebleary,ill-defined,indefinite,indistinct,muffled,shadowy
反义词 bright,clear,definite,distinctas in.undistinct
同义词 blear,bleary,blurred,cloudy,dim,distorted,faint,foggy,fuzzy,hazy,ill-defined,indefinite,indistinct,misty,muffled,murky,obscure,shadowy,vague
fuzzyadjective out of focus
undistinctadjective unclear
blear,bleary,blurred,cloudy,dim,distorted,faint,foggy,fuzzy,hazy,ill-defined,indefinite,indistinct,misty,muffled,murky,obscure,shadowy,unfocused,vague A bad interviewer might be unfocused, disinterested, unprepared.
差劲的面试官可能没有重点、没有兴趣、没事先准备。 yeeyan

As is the case with the verbal scenario, this mechanism does not really have any overhead associated with it, but it does only support portions of the focused and unfocused discovery patterns.
同口头交流的情形一样,该机制的确不会引起任何开销,但它却只支持部分有重点和无重点发现模式。 ibm

She suspects that the flypaper of an unfocused mind may trap new ideas and unexpected associations more effectively than methodical reasoning.
克里斯托弗怀疑,人的脑子在走神时,可能会比理性思考时产生更多的新主意,出现更多出乎意料的思维融合。 ebigear

Some of the videos were pretty good, but the site seems really unfocused compared to the rest in this round- up.
其中的一些视频非常好,但是和其他此清单上的网站比,这个网站对目标的注意力似乎不是很强。 yeeyan

To even talk about cutting into reading pains me, but I do a lot more unfocused, undisciplined reading than I really should, and I’m betting you do too.
其实,即使说到减少阅读都会让我觉得受伤害,但我做了很多本不该进行的不集中和不规范的阅读,我希望你也是。 yeeyan

Both the Indian and Chinese students go far beyond their assigned school work to advance their future career plans, while the American students are unfocused and their parents disengaged.
影片中印度和中国的学生努力进取,为自己的将来做好准备,远远超出了他们学校的要求;反观美国学生,却表现得漫无目标,他们的父母也漠不关心。 ecocn

But I hate how it makes me feel afterward. Tired, lethargic, unfocused, etc.
但我不喜欢吃完后的那种感觉—疲劳、反应迟钝、注意力不集中等等。 yeeyan

Does the mechanism support only focused discovery patterns, only unfocused discovery patterns, or combination of both?
该机制是只支持有重点的发现模式,只支持无重点的发现模式,还是二者的组合呢? ibm

First of all, the idea is based on getting unfocused and time-strapped people to focus and spend some time working together.
首先,其创意来自于将那些无事可做且时间有限的人集合起来花些时间一起做事。 yeeyan

For the last few months her campaign seemed oddly deflated and unfocused.
奇怪的是,过去几个月,她的竞选活动看来势头减弱、变得分散。 ecocn

I really hate meetings, but only those, which are unfocused and unproductive.
我真的很讨厌会议,但只讨厌那些没有重点和没有收益的会议。 infoq

In this type of discovery, portions of both of the focused and unfocused usage patterns are enabled.
在这种发现类型中,使用的是部分有重点、部分无重点的使用模式。 ibm

It may be controllable distractions, unfocused efforts, or a poor environment.
它可能是可控制的焦虑,不尽心的努力,或者一个糟糕的环境。 yeeyan

Patterns of discovery fall into two general categories: focused and unfocused.
发现模式可以分为两大类:有重点的和无重点的。 ibm

Remind yourself every now and then how important it is to be calm, relaxed and in control of yourself, your mind and moods, especially when you feel agitated or unfocused.
要不时的提醒你自己,平静,放松和自我控制包括控制你的思想和心情是多么重要,特别是当你感到激动或不留意的时候。 yeeyan

Some people thrive on the energy of a startup and the chance to wear multiple hats, while others are frustrated by what they perceive as an unfocused or chaotic environment.
有些人喜欢初创公司的活力和担当不同职责的机会,而另外一些人则被他们所理解的不够集中和混乱的环境所挫败。 yeeyan

Supports a significant number of focused discovery patterns and some unfocused ones.
支持大量有重点发现模式及一些无重点的发现模式。 ibm

Supports a significant number of focused discovery patterns and a some unfocused ones.
支持大量有重点的发现模式和一些无重点的模式。 ibm

Supports some focused and unfocused discovery patterns.
支持一些有重点和无重点的发现模式。 ibm

Supports some focused discovery patterns and a significant number of unfocused ones.
支持一些有重点的发现模式和大量无重点的模式。 ibm

That could mean that the team is neglecting the core aspect of the project or is otherwise unfocused on the peripherals.
这可能意味着团队忽视了项目的核心部分,或者说太关注外围方面。 ibm

The opposition, at least until it rallied around the cause of corruption, has been unfocused.
反对党一直不受关注,直到他们围绕腐败的原因集会抗争。 ecocn

To a lesser extent, UDDI is also able to facilitate some patterns of unfocused discovery through browsing of the repository.
在较低的程度上, UDDI还能够通过浏览资源库方便一些无重点的发现模式。 ibm

When my questions become woolly, he pulls me up for being unfocused and he is constantly re- assessing and re-evaluating his own beliefs and opinions.
我的问题变得模糊时,他将不专心的我拉起来,不断地对他自己的信念和观点一再地评估。 yeeyan

While most people tend to interpret darting, unfocused eyes as a classic sign of lying, what's vital to consider is the context of the behavior.
虽然大多数人倾向于将茫然不定的目光作为说谎的经典标记,但要考虑的关键还是行为背景。 yeeyan




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